Öregrund - Öregrund

Area code
Map of Switzerland

Öregrund is a society in Östhammars municipality in northern Roslagen.

To take with you to Öregrund

To take with you from Öregrund

Facts about Öregrund


Öregrund's history is intertwined with Östhammar's history. The town arose when Östhammar was moved to Öregrund at the end of the 15th century. From the end of the 19th century, Öregrund was a health resort, which still today characterizes the city with turn-of-the-century villas.


Getting to Öregrund

From highway 76, turn in at the Öregrund junction 6 km north of Östhammar.

By plane

The nearest airport is Arlanda (ARN) 120 km from Öregrund.

By bus
  • From Uppsala Central station running Upplands local traffic[1] line 811 towards Öregrund and passes Alunda, Gimo and Östhammars bus stations on the road. You can also hop on bus 811 in many places along the entire road 288 and the road between Östhammar and Öregrund. The journey takes about 1 hour and 40 minutes from Uppsala.
By train

There is no rail traffic to Öregrund. The best and closest connection to trains is in Uppsala.

With car
  • From Gräsö, see By Ferry below.
With bike

By Ferry

From Gräsö By car, bicycle or on foot, you take the Gräsö ferry from Gräsö ferry location. The ferry is run by the Swedish Road Administration and is free, runs at least twice an hour most of the day. For details / timetable see link:[2] and choose Gräsöleden where you can choose timetables.

Relocation in Öregrund

By bus

There are no local buses in Öregrund.

With car

By taxi

With bike

Öregrund is a small town, everything is within cycling or walking distance.


Acceptable currencies

SEK (Swedish kronor)

Traveler's checks

Charge card

Received almost everywhere, except possibly in some smaller shops.


There are 2 ATMs, one outside Konsum and the other outside ICA, down by the harbor.



Does not exist.



Hostel and camping

In Öregrund itself there is no camping, but on Gräsö there is and it is close to where the ferry goes over to Öregrund.

  • http://www.grasobadenscamping.se/"checkin =" "checkout =" "price =" "lat =" N 60 21´12 "long =" E 18 26´47 "> Open May-August, camping SEK 200 / day
Guest harbor
  • <stay name="Öregrunds gästhamn" alt="" address="" directions="Mitt i hamnen" phone="0173-865 55" url="" checkin="" checkout="" price="" lat="6020 N" long="1827 E">Antal gästplatser: 80, hamndjup: 0,8-4,5 m</stay>

Food and drinks

All restaurants are down by the harbor, many of them only open during the summer.


Does not exist.



Pubs and bars

To see

To do


  • Golf (Öregrund Golf Club), 0173-324 50. Located around 7.5 km from Öregrund with golf shop and restaurant.
  • Roslagsloppet. The first Saturday in August every year is the Roslagsloppet (a boat race), perhaps the world's largest offshore race in terms of number of participants. The boats start in the Trälhavet at Vaxholm outside Stockholm and drives the entire Roslagen up to the finish line in Öregrund about 135 nautical miles north. The competition is organized by Öregrunds Racerklubb on the last day of Öregrunds boat festival week. On this day, it is like most people in Öregrund all year round.



Mobile coverage is good with most operators in the urban area, if you are going out in the country or in the archipelago for a while, Telia is usually the better option.


  • Pharmacy - Kronans Droghandel on Rådhusgatan 6 [3] Tel 0771 - 612 612 Mon-Fri: 09.30-17.00, Saturday: 10.00-13.00 during the summer otherwise closed, Sunday: Closed.


Problem solver



Other destinations around Öregrund
Absolutely not to be missed