Edipsos - Αιδηψός

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H Edipsos is her village Of Evia, famous for its baths and tourist destination.




The great prosperity of the baths of Edipsos dates back to the time of Roman rule. In late Roman times, the city had expanded north of Thermopotamos, a torrent that is now covered by the homonymous road. Due to the reputation of the area, there were many who came for spa treatment, so that even at that time they asked the visitors to pay a stay. The area experienced its great prosperity mainly during the imperial times, especially in the 2nd AD. century. The last period of prosperity is placed in the 5th and 6th century AD. in the years of the emperors Theodosius and Justinian. The historian Plutarch mentions that Edipsos was a place where people from all over Greece met to take baths, to rest, to talk and to have fun. The baths were used by the Roman general Sulla. According to the historian Plutarch, when Sulla had a health problem, he would come to Loutra. Today there are ruins of baths, which are named "Baths of Sulla". Edipsos was also visited by the Emperors Andrian, Mark, Aurelius Septimius, Severus, Pertinos with the Empress Julia Dovna. In the city were found pedestals of statues of Constantine the Great of Byzantium and the emperor Theodosius. With the full prevalence of Christianity, bath therapy, which was associated with Roman morality and paganism, began to be abandoned. The population gathered in the hinterland, in the area of ​​Agia Paraskevi, near the present settlement of Edipsos, not only to avoid the place of abomination but also the raids of the Slavs, the Arabs and the pirates.

The Baths of Edipsos began to be inhabited permanently from 1900 onwards. At the beginning of the 19th century, the region of Edipsos received the refugees of Asia Minor, who would give a new impetus to development, in the fields of fisheries, agriculture and trade. During this period, large hotel units, such as "Heraklion", "Stadios", "Istiaia", "Aigli", "Avra" and others are being built in the Baths of Edipsos, in addition to the hotel "Thermai Silla", which is already built. . Private hydrotherapy centers are also being set up to meet the needs of bathers and other forms of business, such as luxury nightclubs with live music and renowned bands.

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  • Sylla Cave (It is located behind the hydrotherapy center of EOT near the church of Agioi Anargyroi in the settlement of Loutra Edipsos.). One of the surviving finds of the Roman period is the baths in the "Cave of Sulla". The "cave" of Sulla is a small building with a dome. The whole building is covered by the deposits of sulfurous waters that gush in the area and gives the impression that it is a cave entrance. At the entrance of the "cave" are two massive pedestals of statues with inscriptions in honor of the Roman emperors Hadrian and Septimius Severus dedicated by the municipality of Istiaia. The first has a later inscription in honor of the emperor Constantine of Byzantium. The "cave" was associated with the Roman general Sulla, who visited the baths for healing.
  • Archaeological collection of Edipsos. The archeological collection is housed on the mezzanine floor of the Hydrotherapy Center of EOT. Some of the bulky exhibits are located in the reception areas, on the ground floor. At the main entrance of the building stand two inscribed pedestals to local lords of Roman Evia. The plaque with the symbols of the mythical hero Hercules, the bow and the lion and a supernatural statue of a man in a 2nd - 3rd century AD are on display in the reception area. of the 4th century BC from Gialtra, which presents a naked young man and part of a Roman statue of Hercules. The collection presents data from the prehistoric past of the area, mainly findings from the excavations in the prehistoric settlement of Koumbio, on a hill 2 km north of the Edipsos Baths. Samples of pottery from the geometric to Roman times from Kastelli Gialtron and from excavations on plots in the center of Edipsos Baths are on display. The Mycenaean sword found in the settlement of Kastaniotissa in the municipality of Istiaia, axes and chisels from Mount Kandili are also hosted.


  •   EOT hydrotherapy center. The hydrotherapy center of EOT is one of the largest and most modern in the country. It has regular baths, special treatment baths, limb baths, Scottish shower, outdoor pool, physiotherapy with exercise equipment and electrotherapy Swimming pool Tickets € 5.00, Bathing Tickets € 5.50, Luxury Tickets A '(Dinoloutra) € 7.00, Luxury Tickets B' δρο Hydromassage) € 5.70, Indoor Swimming Ticket Tickets € 6.50 .Θ.Τ. Baths € 4.50, K.Th.T. Tickets Luxury Bathtubs (Second Hydromassage) € 5.00, Tickets Bathtubs Tourism for all € 4.50, Swimming pool Tickets Tourism for all € 5.00, Reduced ticket for citizens of Istiaia - Edipsos € 2.50, Discount ticket A 'Dinolo for citizens for the month of October € 4.00, Tickets for the Right to Use Medical Services (accompanied by a D.A.Y. card) € 3.40.


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