Hawaii Volcanoes National Park - Εθνικό Πάρκο Ηφαιστείων της Χαβάη

The Hawaii Volcanoes National Park it is one United States National Park located at Big Island of Hawaii in its state Hawaii at United States of America.

In this park one will have the opportunity to climb and see that it is a volcano.


Arching fountain of a Pahoehoe approximately 10 m high.


Halema'uma'u Crater from its overlook


Flora and fauna

Hapu`u pulu (Cibotium glaucum), a tree fern endemic to Hawaii


How to get there

By road

By bus

With airplane

Ticket / licenses

How to move

CautionNOTE: Due to periodic outbreaks of volcanic activity, the closure of certain areas of the park may be necessary due to the high sulfur dioxide content. For information look here.
Crater Rim Drive and Chain of Craters Road

What to see

Thurston Lava Tube


Kilauea Iki fissure eruption 14 November 1959

What will you buy

Where to go for coffee - drink

Where are you going to eat?

  • Volcano House Hotel and Restaurant (across the street from the Kilauea Visitor Center),  1 808 967-7321, e-mail: . At the edge of the Kilauea Caldera in the historic hotel.

Where will you stay?

Stay safe

route Kilauea Iki in 2010

Health and precautions


Small problems

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