Epidaurus - Επίδαυρος

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Old Epidaurus

The Ligourio, Old Epidaurus, New Epidaurus are settlements in Argolis.


The Ligourio is located inland, between Nafplio and Epidaurus. It is built at an altitude of 370 meters at the foot of Mount Arachnaeus. Its population according to the 2001 census is 2,678 inhabitants. The course of the population in Ligourio is constantly increasing during the last century.

THE Old Epidaurus is located on the east side of Argolida, on the shores of the Saronic Gulf. It is built around the narrow bay that is its port, which ends in a small plain covered by orange groves. Its population according to the 2001 census is 1,733 inhabitants. Old Epidaurus is located in the area of ​​Ancient Epidaurus.

THE New Epidaurus is located on the east side of Argolida, near the area of ​​Corinth. Its population according to the 2001 census is 1,127 inhabitants. It is built inside a steep rock, in a place that made it invisible from the sea from which it is not far. The choice of location served to protect the village from pirates. The natural fortification of the place was reinforced by the existence of the Byzantine castle that still stands half-ruined on the steep rock on the north side of the settlement.


Epidaurus is a historic city where, according to mythology, Asklepios was born where his worship began there for the first time in the 6th century BC. century. Its strategic location, but mainly its Asclepieion, contributed to the city experiencing unprecedented development. Its inhabitants were mainly engaged in shipping. Its first settlement belongs to the prehistoric era. Famous throughout Greece made its Asclepieion, one of the most important of antiquity, with the sanctuary of Asclepius which is about 15 km from the city. Apollo was worshiped in about the same places, but there was a special sanctuary in his honor a little higher than the ancient theater. From the end of the 5th century and the beginning of the 4th, Asklepios became the real owner of the city.

The Asclepieion of Epidaurus became the most famous of all the asclepieces of ancient Greece, due to the many and serious cases that were treated there. Sick people from all over Greece, but also from the Mediterranean basin, begged for divine mercy. Its area was very large and had hostels, gym, stadium and the famous, for its acoustics, Theater, for the entertainment of the people. Of great importance in the treatment of patients seems to have been the wonderful natural environment, which was built. The tranquility of nature, the soft and clean lines of the surrounding mountains, the rich vegetation and the abundant springs exerted, especially on the patients with mental illnesses, a terrible effect resulting in the improvement of health with the help of their priests.

The First National Assembly of the revolutionary Greek state was held in Nea Epidavros, on December 20, 1821. The National Assembly of Epidaurus voted on the New Year of 1822 the first Greek state and defined the blue and white flag as the Greek flag. At that time Nea Epidavros was called Piada and after the liberation it was renamed to its current name.

Tourist sites

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New Epidaurus

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What to see

The inscription of the monument of the First National Assembly
One of the Byzantine churches of the area
  • Archaeological site of Epidaurus. The first place that the visitor sees, when he reaches the sanctuary, are the propylaea. The propylaea, whose construction dates back to Mycenaean times, was a building that consisted of two galleries with six columns each. One was Ionic and the other Corinthian. The second building is the temple of Asclepius, whose construction lasted 5 whole years. It is a temple of Doric style in which there was also the statue of the god Thrasymides made by the artist Parios. Just behind the temple, is the Dome, which was the most famous building of the sanctuary. Other buildings follow, such as the abbey, the house of the priests, the temples for Artemis, the sanctuary of Apollo and, finally, the theater. The theater was built in 340 BC. from the late architect Polykleitos the Younger, according to Pausanias, the theater of Epidaurus. Of all the ancient theaters, the theater of Epidaurus is the most beautiful and the best preserved. Intended for the entertainment of patients has a capacity of 13,000 spectators. Is divided into two parts. One of 21 rows of seats for the people and below, of 34 rows of seats, for priests and lords. Its wonderful acoustics, but also the very good condition in which it is maintained contributed to the creation of the Epidaurus festival, an institution that has been started for many years.



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