Zagreb - Ζάγκρεμπ

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The Zagreb is its capital Of Croatia.

At a glance

Zagreb Cathedral

The city consists of three parts: the two oldest parts (Captol and Gorny Grant) located at the highest point and Donny Grant ("Lower Town") with extensive modern neighborhoods and industrial areas. In 1242 it was looted by the Tatars, for a while it was threatened by the Turks, but without understanding it and from the second half of the 18th century it experienced great growth. It hosted the Univerzijada in 1987 and the Eurovision Song Contest in 1990. Zagreb has been the capital of the Yugoslav Republic since 1945. Of Croatia and since 1991 is the capital of the independent Of Croatia.

Ideal period of visit

How to get there

1a2.svg By air

Zagreb International Airport (IATA: ZAG, ICAO: LDZA), is the main international airport in Croatia, 17 km southeast of Zagreb in the Plesso area. The airport is also the main Croatian military air base, as well as cargo aircraft.

Neighboring airports in Rijeka, Ljubljana, Graz, Klagenfurt and Trieste have low-cost flights, and are often an alternative to flying directly to Zagreb. EasyJet flies to Rijeka and Ljubljana, while Ryan Air flies to Pula, Graz, and Klagenfurt.

There is a bus connection between the airport and the bus station in Zagreb. The one-way ticket costs 30 kuna (~ € 4.20). The connection starts in the morning at 07:00 and has a bus every half hour from 08:00 until 20:00. After 20:00 until 07:00 there is a bus only when a plane lands. More information can be found here [1]. At the bus station the airport buses are on the edge towards the city center. You will see "Croatia Airlines" and "Eurolines" written in this part of the building

Zagreb also has a second, smaller airport, Luke (ICAO: LDZL). It is the base for police planes, and also a military air base for helicopters. Luko was Zagreb's main airport from 1947 to 1959.

A third, smaller airport, Buševec, is located just outside Velika Gorica. It is mainly used for sports purposes.

Trains from Zusatzzeichen 1024-15 A.png By train

Newer model of the system in Zagreb.

PKW from closed 1048-10.svg By road

Zagreb is the hub of Croatia's five major highways. Until a few years ago, all Croatian highways either started or ended in Zagreb


The city of Zagreb is mainly divided into two parts, the upper Town (Gornji grad) and down town (Donji grad). They are the cultural, religious and commercial centers of Zagreb. These are the areas where most restaurants, bars and attractions are located. The upper city, is the medieval core of the city, developed as two separate cities, the Capt, with the archbishop in the cathedral, and Gradec, the free city where merchants and artists lived. The two regions merged in the 1770s to form the northern part of historic Zagreb. Following the unification, the city extended south of Jelačić Square to the railway station and the Savva River. One of the two main sections, the city of Zagreb extends in all directions. The northern part is mountainous, while the southern part beyond the Sava River is modern Zagreb, known as Novi Zagreb.So Zagreb can be divided into four regions:

Upper Town (Gronji Grad)
Lower Town (Donji Grad)
North Zagreb
Novi Zagreb

How to move

PKW from closed 1048-10.svg By road

The city has an extensive network of boulevards with numerous main thoroughfares up to ten lanes wide and a Zagreb ring road, a four-lane highway that crosses most of the city. Traffic and parking during the day is a major problem in the greater downtown area during rush hour. Finding parking is supposed to make the construction of new underground multi-storey car parks a bit easier (Importanne Center, Importanne Gallery, Lang Square, Tuškanac, Kvaternik Square, Klaić Street, etc.). The busiest streets are the main east-west highways, Ljubljanska Avenue, Zagrebačka Avenue, Slavonska Avenue and Vukovarska Avenue, the closest bypass to the city center. These boulevards should alleviate the traffic problem, but most of them are currently congested during rush hour and others, such as Branimirova Avenue and Dubrovnik Avenue, are congested all day. You can also choose to rent a car for your travels. Reviews,Imperial Zagreb,Hertz.

Bus from Zusatzzeichen 1024-14.svg Bus

Trains from Zusatzzeichen 1024-15 A.png Subway

Straßenbahn aus Zusatzzeichen 1048-19.svg Tram

The public transport company ZET (Zagrebački električni tramvaj, Zagreb Electric Tram) operates a tram. Zagreb has an extensive tram network with 15 day and 4 night lines covering much of the inner- and middle suburbs of the city. The first tram line opened on September 5, 1891 and trams have been serving as a vital element of Zagreb mass transit ever since. Trams typically travel at speeds of 30-50 kilometers per hour (19-31 miles per hour), but slow down significantly during rush hour. The network operates on the sidewalk, while on larger boulevards its parts are located inside the green zones. An ambitious project, which involves replacing old trams with new and modern ones, was built mostly in Zagreb by Končar Elektroindustrija and, to a lesser extent, by TZV Gredelj, has recently been completed. The new "TMK 2200" tram from the end of 2012 made up about 95% of the fleet.

Fooßjänger.svg By foot

Sinnbild Radfahrer, StVO 1992.svg Bike

What to see

Numerous museums in Zagreb reflect history, art and culture, not only in Zagreb and Croatian, but also her Of Europe and the world. About thirty collections in museums and galleries include more than 3.6 million different exhibits, in addition to church and private collections.

Gronji Grad (Upper Town)

Churches and religious monuments:

  •   Zagreb Cathedral (Capt). Zagreb Cathedral is the most characteristic monument of the city. The original church was built in 1217 but the current construction is from 1906. The architect was Hermann Bollé. Free.
  •   Saint Mark (Church sv. Brand) (St. Mark's Square). in St. Mark's Square, the church is known for its colorful roof depicting the port of Croatia and Zagreb. The church was built in 1499. Free.
  •   St. Catherine (Church sv. Katarine), St. Catherine's Square (Upper Town). in Baroque architecture
  •   Old town gateat the top of Radićeva street (Upper Town). It is now a church in Panagia, "Kamenita vrata" where you can light a candle, and as some locals believe, your wishes can be fulfilled. Keep quiet, even just passing by the gate. The image of the Virgin Mary is said to be sacred, because it is the only one that was saved from the great fire. Near the gate is the statue of St. George who kills the dragon.


  •   Ribnjak Park (Next to the cathedral, Kaptol). English-style park with exotic plants, sculptures, and a playground. The park was originally the archbishop's fishing lake.

Museums:Most museums and historical sites close at 13:00 on Sundays and remain closed on Mondays.

  •   Museum of separations (Muzej prekinutih veza), Sv. Cheese and Method 2 38514851021, e-mail: . every day from 9AM to 9PM (from October to May), during summer time from 9AM to 10:30 PM (from June to September). holds souvenirs of people from relationships of the past. It is the first private museum in the country. What is left of a separation? the museum gives you the opportunity for an emotional journey with souvenirs from around the world. The museum received the Kenneth Hudson Award 2011 for the most innovative museum in Europe Admission fee: 25kn.
  •   Klovićevi Dvori Gallery (Klovićevi Dvori Gallery), Jezuitski trg 4 (Upper town, close to funicular (uspinjača) and stone gate (kamenita vrata). Bus line 150 (except Sunday) from Trg bana Josipa Jelačića, exit Kamenita vrata or Markov try; back to Trg bana Josipa Jelačića enter at Katarinin trg.),  385-1-485-1926. Tue-Fri 11: 00-19: 00, Mon and holidays closed. The gallery is an old Jesuit monastery with temporary exhibitions of Croatian and international art. Flash photography is allowed in most exhibitions. around 30 Kuna, varies by exhibition.

Donji Grad (Lower Town)

Parks:Several parks are connected to "Lenuci Horseshoe", an unfinished project to connect small parks with the city's hearth.

  •   Strossmayer Square. Named after Josip Juraj Strossmayer, a politician and archbishop, it is centrally located east of Lenuci Horseshoe.
  •   Zrinjevac Square (just south - east of the main square). the Academy Park (connects Zrinjevac and Tomislav Parks).
  •   King Tomislav Square (King Tomislav) (south of Zrinjevac, just outside the main Train Station). in front of the Zagreb train station.
  •   Botanical gardens (south of the K. Tomislav Square, near the Hotel Esplanade).
  •   Mažuranić Square. The main square in the western part of Lenuci Horseshoe. It is named after the Croatian poet Ivan Mažuranić
  •   Marulić Square.
  •   Marshal Tito Square (Trg maršala Tita). One of the largest and greenest squares. It is located in the northwest of Lenuci Horseshoe. In the center is the National Theater

Museums:Most museums and historical sites close at 13:00 on Sundays and remain closed on Mondays.

  •   Mirama Museum (Mimara Museum), Trg Franklina Delanoa Roosevelta 5, e-mail: . Tue-Wed, Fri-Sat 10 AM-5PM; Thu 10 AM-7PM; Sun 10 AM-2PM. was founded with a donation from Ante "Mimara" theme and opened to the public in 1987. It is located in a late 19th century neo-renaissance palace. It includes 3,750 works of art of various techniques and materials, as well as different cultures and civilizations. The collection consists of more than 1,500 works from the prehistoric period until the 20th century. Some of the famous exhibits are works by Lorenzetti, Raffaello, Giorgione, Veronese, Caravaggio, Canaletto, 60 paintings by Rembrandt, Van Goyen, Ruisdael, 50 works by the Flemish Van der Weyden, Bosch, Rubens, Van Dyck, more than 30 of them Spanish Velasquez, Murillo, Goya, about 20 paintings by the Germans Holbein, Liebermann, Leibl, about 30 paintings by the English Gainsborough, Turner, Bonington and more than 120 paintings by the French Georges de la Tour, Boucher, Chardin, Delacroix, Corot, Manet, Renoir, Degas.
  •   Archaeological Museum (Archaeological Museum), Trg Nikole ćubića Zrinskog 19. today it consists of about 450,000 various archaeological finds and monuments, which have been collected over the years from many different sources. These entries include evidence of a Croatian presence in the region. The most famous are the Egyptian collection, the Zagreb mummy and bandages with the oldest Etruscan inscription in the world (Liber Linteus Zagrabiensis), as well as the coin collection. Part of the museum includes stone monuments of the Roman period.
  •   Art building (Artistic pavilion in Zagreb), Trg Kralja Tomislava 22 (tram stations Glavni kolodvor (lines 2, 4, 6, 9, 13) or Zrinjevac (lines 6, 13)),  385 1-487-6487, 385 1-484-1070, e-mail: . Tue-Thu 11: 00-20: 00, Fri 11: 00-21: 00, Sat-Sun 11: 00-20: 00, Mon holidays closed, closed between exhibitions. adults 40 Kn, reduced 30 Kn, family (2 adults, 2 children) 130 Kn.
  •   Croatian National Theater (Croatian National Kazalište), Trg Kralja Tomislava 22 (Located at the center of Marshal Tito Square),  385-1-4888 418, e-mail: . was built in 1895. There are also national theaters in Split, Rijeka, Osijek, Varazdin and Zadar.
  •   Modern Gallery (Modern Gallery), Hebrangova 1. holds the most important and complete collection of paintings, sculptures and drawings of the 19th and 20th century Croatian artists. The numbers collection is over 10,000 works of art, housed since 1934 in the historic Vranyczany Palace in the center of Zageb, overlooking the Zrinjevac Park. A minor gallery is Josip Račić Studio in Margaretska 3.
  • Lauba House of People and Art (House for people and art Lauba), Prilaz baruna Filipovića 23a. Every day from 3PM to 11PM. Includes works by Filip Trade Collection, a large private collection of modern and contemporary Croatian art
  •   Technical Museum (Technical Museum), Savska cesta 18. was founded in 1954 and maintains the oldest preserved machine in the area, dating from 1830, which is still in operation. The museum exhibits numerous historical aircraft, cars, machinery and equipment. There are some distinct sections of the museum: the Planetarium, the Apisarium, the mines (model of coal, iron and non-ferrous metal mines, about 300 m long), and the Nikola Tesla study. 20kn (cca. US $ 4, € 3).

Street architecture:

  •   The Grounded Sun (Prizemljeno Sunce), Bogovićeva Street 6 (Head south from the Ban Jelačić square to the Dubrovnik hotel, then turn right into the Bogovićeva street. You can not miss it.).

North Zagreb

  •   Maksimir Park and Zagreb Zoo (Maksimir Park & ​​Zagreb Zoo) (tram # 7 if you are coming from the Central Bus Station or trams # 11 and # 12 from the main square or the # 4 of your coming from the railway station). The largest park in Zagreb. Great place to relax, sip coffee, eat or picnic, or stroll along the ponds. It is suitable for jogging, cycling, and for walking your dog. The Zoo is 85 years old.
  •   Mirogoz Cemetery (Mirogoj Cemetery).
  •   Medvednica and Medvedgrad.
  •   Bundek. Fireworks festivals, workshops, concerts and music festivals are organized here, mainly during the summer.


  •   Modern Art Museum (Museum of Sovereign Art), Dubrovnik Avenue 17 (South of Bundek Lake). was founded in 1954. Its new building houses a rich collection of Croatian and international contemporary visual art that has been collected over the decades from 1950 to the present. The museum is located in the center of Novi Zagreb, which opened in 2009. The old site, at 2 Agia Aikaterini Square, is part of the Kulmer Palace in Gornji Grad. 30 kuna.
  •   Croatian Museum of Naive Art (Croatian Museum of Naive Art), Sv. Cheese and Method 3. is one of the first museums of naive art in the world. The museum features works of Croatian naive expression of the 20th century. Located in the 18th century Raffay Palace in Gornji Grad. It includes almost 2000 works of art - paintings, sculptures, drawings and engravings, mainly by Croats, but also by other well-known artists around the world. From time to time, the museum organizes themes and retrospective exhibitions by naive artists, expert meetings, and educational workshops and playgrounds.


  • Strossmayerovo šetalište (eng. Strossmayer's walkway). Summer is an open space for painters, musicians and other artists. You can find food and drink. There are events and concerts. Popular for all ages, with nice views of the lower city.

Local drinks

Which area to go for food

Local cuisine

In what area to stay

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