Jerusalem - Ιερουσαλήμ

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THE Jerusalem (Hebrew: יְרוּשָׁלַיִם, Arabic: القُدس, also referred to as Jerusalem) is a city in Israel which is located on a plateau in the mountains of Judea, between the Mediterranean Sea and the Dead Sea.

At a glance

View of Ein Kerem


It is an ancient city, which is a center of Jewish, Christian and Islamic religious and historical significance. After the division of the nation of Israel, Jerusalem became the capital and holy city of the Israelites and the southern kingdom of Judah. Also in this city King Solomon built the majestic Jewish Temple which was destroyed a few centuries later by the Babylonians. Today only a part of the wall from the period of the Second Temple survives, the well-known "wall of tears" or rather "Western Wall" Jerusalem is one of the oldest cities in world history. It was founded by the Yusuvians in 3,000 BC and occupied by the Canaanites in 2000 BC. In 1400 BC. She was a slave to Pharaoh of Egypt. In 1000 BC. David made it the capital of the nation of Israel and later Solomon built there his famous temple for the worship of the God of the Jews, making it also a religious center. When Solomon died and the state of Israel split in two, Jerusalem was the capital of the kingdom of Judah. The city passed into the hands of the Babylonians in 586 BC. when it was destroyed along with the temple of Solomon. It then passed into the possession of the Persians, the Greeks, the Seleucids, the Ptolemies and the Romans knowing other disasters, but it was always restored. In fact, in the years of Antiochus IV of Epiphanes (175 -164 BC), the city was temporarily named Antioch. The greatest catastrophe took place in 70 AD. by the Romans on the occasion of the Jewish revolution. The city was rebuilt in 134 AD. by the emperor Hadrian as a new city named Aelia Capitolina. In the destruction of 70 AD. The second temple in Jerusalem, which had been built on the ruins of the first in 516 BC, was also destroyed. After the Romans, the city fell to the Byzantine Empire. Constantine the Great gave it its old name, built the Church of the Resurrection on the hill of Golgotha ​​with his mother St. Helen and decorated it with many monuments. In 637 AD Jerusalem was occupied by the Arabs who called it Kudus Sherif, which means holy city. The Arabs built in 691 AD. on the ruins of the second temple of Jerusalem a glorious mosque, the Mosque of Omar. In 1099 it was taken by the Crusaders, who made it the seat of the kingdom of Jerusalem. In 1187 it was taken again by the Arabs, while later it was taken back by the crusaders of the Cypriot kingdom. in 1517 it was taken by the Turks and in 1917 by the British, who withdrew when it became the subject of fierce conflict between the Arabs and the Jews. Eventually, in 1947, part of it became Jewish and the other Arab, and since 1967 it has been under full Israeli occupation, violating the UN plan to secede from Palestine and the UN Security Council's unanimous decision to withdraw unilaterally.

Ideal period of visit

How to get there

1a2.svg By air

Israel's main entry point for the international traveler is the newly built Terminal 3 at the International Airport Ben Hurion Ben Gurion (IATA: TLV) at Tel Aviv, named after Israel's first prime minister, stands next to the highway connecting Tel Aviv and Jerusalem (Highway 1).

The airport, referred to by the locals as "Natbag", has all the usual amenities you would expect from a first-class airport and contains a surprisingly large duty-free shopping mall for an airport of its size. Ben Gurion Airport serves as the base for El Al, Israel's national carrier, and is also served by more than 50 international carriers. The journey from the airport to the center of Jerusalem takes 40-50 minutes and, depending on traffic conditions, often longer. It is advisable to count at least two extra hours at the top before your check-in flight to ensure timely arrival and completion of security procedures.

Security is extremely tight at Ben-Gurion Airport, and it is highly suspicious to travelers with Muslim names or visas from Islamic countries on their passports. It would be wise to have some phone numbers of our acquaintances in Israel for the security guards to call to check the reasons for your visit. The airport is proud to be one of the safest in the world. This is achieved through a number of means. The most obvious for travelers will be the pre-check-in security check. (It is optional, You should go where it is done, they will accompany you to skip the regular security check). In the security check queue, a security official will ask you many questions. Based on these (and what appears to be a racial profile) and a brief inspection of your passport, you will be given a range of 1 to 6. 1 means the lowest security concern and 6 the highest (think of school grades). Foreigners will usually receive between 3 and 6. Age, appearance, stamps from Arab countries, visits to Palestinian territory and other unclear factors should be taken into account. Depending on the number you get (it will stick to your passport and luggage), the security check is more or less in-depth. Travelers who have visited the Palestinian territories and the state will almost certainly receive a 5 or 6 (but there is no need for such a thing, you can get 5 if you have never been to Israel before, and you are of European descent). With a 5 or 6, you can expect every item in your luggage to be thoroughly inspected. Security officials have become known for checking individual banknotes. With 6 (but sometimes even 5 if you have time), you can also wait to be transported to a cabin and asked to have your belt and shoes removed and have physical control. If your clothes contain any metal that could trigger a detector (such as nails in your jeans or zipper), even if it is fully visible from the outside, you will be asked to remove this garment. Travelers are regularly barred from carrying cell phones, laptops and even shoes in their luggage, although there is no rule, according to its reports, they apply one policy one week and another the next. Protesting these checks is almost always fruitless and cites security reasons. Although to encourage tourism, the Israeli authorities will respond to criticism from outraged travelers that Israel is not a common destination, and that people looking for the sun without security checks should probably head to the Canary Islands. We must also keep in mind that Israel, like the United States, which has similarly tight security controls, is among the top targets of international terrorist groups. The whole security test can be very annoying, but it is one of the factors that makes TLV security one of the best in the world.

The journey to and from Jerusalem. The "Nesher" taxi service (972 2 623 1231 - Hebrew and English) is a 14-seater minibus running approximately hourly to the airport - ₪ 61.80 one route per person. You will need to book your seats in advance by phone and pick them up from your hotel or a selected location (they are known to refuse to pick you up from some neighborhoods of East Jerusalem, so contact your hotel or take a taxi to a hotel in Jerusalem where they usually pass without a problem). Be on time, do not wait. It will arrive at Terminal 3 at the airport. For the trip to Jerusalem, you will find them waiting outside the arrivals hall. Update the driver where you want it to follow. Again you will have to go to your hotel, but it is known to avoid parts of East Jerusalem. The fare is fixed, but it is worth checking, because it has recently increased. Be careful, as the guides are for their small changes. Always check the price before boarding, and if you do not have an exact fare, then check your change when it is delivered back to you.

A private taxi to / from Jerusalem will cost around -200 150-200 (tourist map of Jerusalem says Oficial flat rate ₪ 197, However this is difficult to achieve, we were asked for around ₪ 300 to get to the airport, and finally , we paid ₪ 250. Wait for an Israeli checkpoint on the road (via Ramallah). Wait for your taxi to stop on the way to the airport, have passports, your tickets, and answers to some questions (how long have you been Israel, where will you go ...) ready.The Egged bus does not go directly from Jerusalem to the terminal.You must take bus # 947 from Jerualem Central Bus Station to El Al junction (near the airport entrance) and then take bus # 5 to the terminal.Just tell the driver your destination is Ben Gurion Airport, buy a combination bus ticket for both. ask the driver to announce where to change buses.

The train is not running from Jerusalem to the airport yet. There is a train line under construction, expected to open in 2018. Always check which flight terminal you depart from. While most international flights take off from Terminal 3, some airlines (many of the low cost airlines) like EasyJet have check-in at Terminal 1 (but then it can be taken to Terminal 3 anyway). So check before you take the taxi (the taxi driver will not offer any assistance in this). There is a free shuttle bus going between T1 and T3 several times an hour.

Airport Atarot Atarot in Jerusalem had been upgraded to take advantage of international flights, but with the security situation it had become impossible to operate. The airport has been closed since 2001 and is planned to be demolished for neighborhood reconstruction when the land is cleared from the airport. Some maps and signs still indicate the closed airport.

Trains from Zusatzzeichen 1024-15 A.png By train

Railroad tracks to Jerusalem

PKW from closed 1048-10.svg By road

Jerusalem Central Bus Station

BSicon BOOT.svg By boat


Old Town
and its walls, contains holy places for Jews, Christians and Muslims. Located at UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
West Jerusalem
is the Jewish part of Jerusalem, known as the New Jerusalem, is the modern commercial center of the city, was the center of development from the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 until the Six Day War in 1967.
East Jerusalem
is the part of Jerusalem that was annexed after the Six Day War in 1967. It houses about 200,000 Jews while Muslims and Christians live here, with a population of about 250,000.

How to move

Tram in Jerusalem

What to see

South end of the Western Walls, Jerusalem
Temple Mount and part of the old city
Tower of David, looking at the gate of Hafeh


What will you buy


Job opportunities in Jerusalem

Where to go for coffee - drink

Where are you going to eat?

Economic options

Middle class

High benefits

Where will you stay?

Economic options

Middle class

High benefits

Stay safe


Most countries have embassies in Tel Aviv.

Health and precautions


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