Canareggio - Καναρέτζιο

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Location of the Canareggio district in Venice

Cannaregio is a neighborhood of Venice.

At a glance

How to get there

What to see

First route

From the train station in the Hagia Sophia district
  •   (Church of Santa Maria of Nazareth).
  •   (Church of San Geremia).
  •   (Palazzo Labia).
  •   (Ponte delle Guglie).
  •   (Church of San Marcuola).
  •   (Ca 'Vendramin Calergi).
  •   (Chiesa della Maddalena).
  •   (Santa Fosca Church).
  •   (Chiesa di Santa Maria dei Servi).
  •   (Church of San Marziale).
  •   (Palazzo Donà Giovannelli).
  •   (Ca 'd'Oro).
  •   (Palazzo Morosini Sagredo).
  •   (Santa Sofia Church).
  •   (Church of the Holy Apostles).
  •   (Church of San Giovanni Crisostomo).


What will you buy

Where are you going to eat?

Economic options

Middle class

High benefits

Where to go for coffee - drink

Where will you stay?

Economic options

Middle class

High benefits


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