Colombia - Κολομβία

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Colombia on the globe (San Andrés and Providencia special) (Americas centered) .svg
Fast Data
Capital cityBogota
StatePresidential Republic
CoinPeso (COP)
Area1,141,748 km2
Population47,425,437 (2014 estimate)
Calling Code 57
Time zone(UTC -5)

H Colombia is her country South America.

At a glance

Appropriate visit period



Colombia regions map.png
Colombian Andes
The Andes host the capital of Colombia and the main residential centers.
Caribbean region
Orinoco area
Coastal area of ​​the Pacific
Colombian Islands
Colombia is home to the San Andres Archipelago and the islands of San Bernardo, Posario and Fuerte in the Caribbean Sea, while the Pacific Ocean is home to the three volcanic islands of Gorgona, Gorgonilia and Malpello.

Important cities

  •   Popayan (Spanish: Popayán) - Colonial city with churches and houses painted white.

Additional tourist destinations

  •   Tierradtero National Archaeological Park (Spanish: National Archaeological Park of Tierradentro) —
  •   Cathedral of salt (Spanish: Cathedral of Sal) - The "Catedral del Sal" (salt cathedral) is a salt mine that has been transformed into a large church. Everything is made of salt up to the chandeliers. It is located in the village of Zipakira

How to get there

By air

By train

By road

By boat

How to move

What to see


Transactions and purchases


Local cuisine

Local drinks

Tourist infrastructure


Job opportunities

Stay safe

Health and precautions

Respect local customs


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