Povardarie - Ποβαρντάριε

Povardarie is its central area Former_Yugoslav_Republic_of_Macedonia, along the river Vardar. Includes the capital and largest city, Skopje.

Important cities

  •   Skopje (Skopje) - The capital, a multicultural city with every nationality of the Balkans present, and with countless Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman and modern monuments.
  •   Demir Kapiza (Demir Kapija) - housed the royal wineries, archives monuments, and is a hub for the neighboring terms that offer many activities, and the gorge "Iron Gate"
  •   Kavandarsi (Kavadarci) - in the heart of the wine region
  •   Negotino (Negotino) - some of the best wines and rakija in the country, easily accessible from the main road and railway line Skopje-Greece
  •   Arrows (Велес) - town on the river Vardari, with rich cultural heritage and old churches

Other destinations

  •   Tsaska (Cup, Chashka) - includes the historic Azot area, known for its 6000 year old Globular Flute.
  •   Stobby (Стоби) - the most famous archeological site in the country, Stobi has well-preserved monuments from both pre-Roman (Paenonian and Macedonian) and Roman times.

At a glance

Povardarie, forms a central strip in Former_Yugoslav_Republic_of_Macedonia between Serbia and her Of Greece, an area with mountains, gorges and plains, along the river Vardaris, the largest river in the country.

How to get there

How to move

What to see


Local cuisine

Local drinks

South Povardarie, the area around the cities Kavandarsi and Negotino, is the wine-producing area, the plain Tikveš, includes the homonymous winery, the largest in southeastern Europe and the Balkans.

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