Sykourio - Συκούριο

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The Sykourio, Kalochori, Heimadi, Kypselochori, Akrino, Nessonas, Korakas, Ossa, Pournari, Spilia constitute the Municipal Unit of Nessonos with a population of 4,780 inhabitants in Peripheral Unit of Larissa.

At a glance

The Kalochori is a village with about 700 permanent residents. It is located 17km from Larissa in a northeast direction. The main occupation of the inhabitants is agriculture while at the same time livestock and animal trade are developing. The inhabitants of the village, as well as the neighbors, Nessa and Heimadi, are Vlachs in a large percentage, originating from the Orchard of Grevena. This fact largely determines their cultural identity. Continental music is one of the basic sounds while the manners and customs are respectively.

THE Nessona (or Nesson) was formerly called Mosque, due to the existence of a mosque. Near it was the well-known from antiquity Lake Nessonis (the so-called Mavrolimni or Karachair) and the ancient city of Nesson, from which the Municipality of the area took its name.


How to get there

With the PATHE are connected at the Sykouri junction.

How to move

What to see


  • CarnivalKalochori. Another important event is the carnival that is organized every Shrove Monday.

What will you buy

Where are you going to eat?

Where to go for coffee - drink

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