Northeast China - 中国东北

Ice sculptures in Harbin

northeast(Historically, it was also called Yingzhou, Liaodong, Guandong, Guanwai, Manchuria, etc.) In ancient times, the grassland was inhabited by warlike nomads.Great WallIt was built to resist the northern nomads. In 1644, Manchurians from here crossed the Great Wall, invaded China and established the Qing Dynasty which lasted until 1911.

From the 19th century to the end of World War II, it was coveted by Russia and Japan. Later it became China's heavy industry base. The main ethnic groups here are the Han nationality and a small number of Manchu, Mongolian and Korean nationalities.

Under the influence of Deng Xiaoping’s “reform and opening up” policy in the late 1970s, this area has experienced considerable economic growth, but with the exception of major ports such asDalianIn the surrounding areas, the growth of other regions has not exceeded that of the provinces of southern China.


Northeast China map
Northeast China map

In the cold winter ice and snow festival, there are also buildings with Russian characteristics.
Winter resort, nature reserve and palace of the last emperor.
Coastal cities, water caves and palaces.


  • 1 Anshan — It is a heavy industry area, but Anshan hasQianshan National ParkAnd other big tourist attractions.
  • 2 Changchun -The capital of the Puppet Manchukuo.
  • 3 Dalian — A beautiful port city, once a Russian naval base.
  • 4 Harbin — Russian style architecture, Winter Ice Sculpture Festival.
  • 5 Jilin City —Jilin Rime (ChinaOne of the four wonders of nature).
  • 6 Shenyang -The capital of the early Qing Dynasty.

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Even the ancient Chinese knew that there was still civilization outside the Great Wall, but many travelers ignored this. The northeastern part of Beijing has many lands least known to travelers but the most attractive and challenging.


This area is known as Manchuria in history, and for many centuries the residents here have been mainly Manchus. The Manchus conquered China in 1644 and establishedQing Dynasty. The Qing Dynasty ruled for more than 250 years until the establishment of the Republic of China in 1911. During the Qing Dynasty, Han people were restricted from entering Manchuria. However, with the decline of the Qing court in the late 18th century, this ban was gradually broken. To this day, the Han nationality has the largest number of people in the northeastern region. Today, there are still many Manchus in the Northeast.

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, Russia once wanted to occupy this area.Dalian(Historically called Port Arthur, Port Arthur) used it as its naval base. During the occupation, Russia built a railway and had a huge influence in the area. In the early period of Qing Dynasty rule, this area basically maintained a peaceful situation, but with the decline of the Qing Dynasty, this situation was difficult to maintain. Both Japan and Britain tried to prevent Russia’s influence in the region, but the results were limited. After 1917, many Belarusians fled to this area (some fled to Shanghai). After the Communist Party came to power in 1949, many Soviet advisers were introduced. Today the trade and tourism industry in this area is very active.

The Qing government perished in 1911. From 1915 to 1928, Manchuria was ruled by the warlord Zhang Zuolin ("Dashuai Zhang"). At first, Zhang Zuolin tried to recover the Qing court, but then he gradually accepted the National Government. He was assassinated by the Japanese because of this. His son, Zhang Shaoshuai, then insisted on changing the flag in the northeast and became a staunch anti-human figure. He participated in the "Xi'an Incident" that shocked China and foreign countries, kidnapped Chiang Kai-shek, forced him to truce with the Communist Party and facilitated cooperation between the KMT and the Communist Party.

In the 1930s, Japan occupied Manchuria and part of Mongolia, and established the "Manchukuo" puppet regime, making Puyi the emperor. Puyi also became the last emperor of China, and he was deposed after the Revolution of 1911 in China. The Japanese first tried to penetrate Mongolia, but they were effectively blocked by the combined forces of Mongolia and the Soviet Union. After that, the Japanese changed their strategy and abandoned their plans to invade Mongolia and Siberia and moved south. Japan’s occupation of Manchuria was as bloody as other regions, and millions of people in Manchuria were forced to become coolies for the Japanese army.

After Japan's defeat in World War II and surrender in 1945, China regained control of the region. Since the previous Japanese and Russian rulers had already built the infrastructure, the Chinese government took the Northeast as an old industrial base developed in the Soviet model and implemented a five-year plan to vigorously develop heavy industry in this area. This area is sometimes called the "Rust Zone".

Since Deng Xiaoping implemented the "reform and opening up", such asPearl River DeltawithShanghaiThe surrounding areas have developed rapidly, and these developments are mostly based on light industry and trade. Although the Northeast region does not have the same development momentum as the eastern coastal cities, the economic situation is indeed good, but the economy of some regions has stagnated. Like other parts of China, coastal cities in the Northeast have developed more rapidly.DalianIt is one of the most prosperous cities in the Northeast.


For most Chinese, the first impression of the Northeast is the image of an optimistic factory worker with a cheerful smile, rather than the early image of rushing through the border on horseback. Although there are a lot of heavy industries, the Northeast region still has China's largest natural forest resources, the most grassland resources, and one of China's most sacred lakes---Tianchi.


Since the industrialization of Northeast China, this area has been committed to environmental governance and image transformation. However, this is not an easy task for the "rust zone". The government hopes that the tourism industry can bring fresh blood to the region and help the region’s economy remain active. To travel to some parts of the Northeast (especially some mountainous areas) may take some weeks, but because it is not as noisy as many other parts of China, many of the scenery in the Northeast is still very peaceful and charming, and there are not many in China. Some problems faced by the tourism industry in the region.


in China,MandarinIt is a universal language, almost everyone can speak it. There are many moreKoreanManchuMongolianNative speakers, there are also some people who useRussianAs a second language. Like the rest of China,EnglishNot everyone knows it, but some people say it well. The Chinese dialect in Northeast China is Northeast dialect, which belongs to the northern language family.



international flight

The following cities have international airports:

domestic flight

The following cities have domestic airports:


Railway transportation in the Northeast is very developed, but the speed of railway transportation outside the main line is relatively slow. The main problem is that there are fewer long-distance trains to other cities due to the few main lines and trains connecting the Northeast region with the rest of China, especially sleeper tickets are more difficult to buy. It is recommended to buy tickets in advance. There are high-speed trains between Harbin and Dalian, and there are also high-speed trains between Shenyang and Fushun and Changchun and Jilin. Almost all areas connected to high-speed rail have high-speed trains to Beijing, and some areas also have high-speed rails to other parts of the pass.

The capital cities of the three northeastern provinces:HarbinChangchunwithShenyangThere are direct trains between most major cities in the country, and it is necessary to transfer trains to other cities (for example: transit in Beijing). Other cities in this area have direct trains to Beijing, but to other places (especially the southwest, southeast, and Tibet), you need to transfer trains.

Can be from RussiaVladivostokArrive by trainHarbin. This part of the journey is not long, but it takes 35 hours due to the slow speed. There are not many people in this car, passengers have to wait for a long time in unfamiliar places, and there is chaos when crossing the border. Another route from Russia to the Northeast is fromIrkutskarriveHarbin, There are more people walking this road. There are also trains from North Korea to the Northeast.


Many buses are more reliable, but they take a long time and can be very crowded.


Like many places in China, the train network in the Northeast is relatively developed. Trains are also the main method of intercity transportation, and many tourists also take trains. Most of the routes in the northeast are now openEMU; As long as your budget permits, taking an EMU/high-speed rail is the best way to travel-fast, clean and comfortable.

All major cities have airports, and there are more domestic flights; some airports also have international flights. For flight details, you can read articles in each city.

The expressways in the Northeast are also relatively developed, and most of the road conditions are very good. Buses extend in all directions, and in some places it is cheaper to take a bus than a train. You can also drive by yourself.

go sightseeing

Landmarks and buildings

  • Russian style buildingHarbinA large number of Russian-style buildings show Russia's strong influence in this region.
  • Goguryeo Ruins —The ruins of the ancient Goguryeo Kingdom. Both North Korea and South Korea claim that Goguryeo is a primitive nation in their own country. The sites include Wunvshan Castle, Inner City and Marudushan Castle; 14 imperial tombs; 26 noble tombs; one generals mausoleum; Most of the ruins are inTonghuasurrounding area.
  • Puppet Palace-The residence of the puppet emperor Puyi of the Puppet Manchukuo, representing the interests of the Japanese. existChangchunNortheast of the country.
  • the Great Wall -Pass through this area. existDandongNearby lakes and mountains and inHuludaoNearbyThe first level in the worldShanhaiguanThe two Great Wall ruins at Jiumenkou, 18 kilometers to the east, are very interesting.
  • Religious building —Famous religious buildings in Northeast China includeYixianFengguo Temple, which has the largest single-story wooden structure in ancient domestic buildings,JinzhouGuangji Temple andDalianYongfeng Pagoda.
  • Ancient city ruins —Relics in the Northeast includeFuxinorShenyangTayingzi Ancient City andYingkouRuins of the ancient city of Goryeo.

Parks and natural landscapes

  • Siberian Tiger Forest Park -lie inHarbinOn the outskirts of the city, it is home to hundreds of Siberian tigers and is a must visit place.
  • Zhaolin Park -lie inHarbin, Is the location of the famous Harbin Ice Lantern Garden Party.
  • Yongdushan -Longtou Mountain has the tomb of Princess Zhenxiao and the tomb of the nobles of the Bohai Kingdom. It is locatedYanbianKorean Autonomous Prefecture.
  • Jilin Rime -It is known as one of the four natural wonders of China. The other three are: Yunnan Stone Forest, Three Gorges of Yangtze River and Guilin Mountains and Waters.
  • Mountain —There are many mountains worth visiting in the Northeast, includingJinzhouBeacon Hill,FuxinThe Yiwulu Mountain,TielingLongshou Mountain,BenxiTieshan andDalianDagushan and so on.

Museums and pavilions

  • Heilongjiang Provincial Museum -lie inHarbin, The collection is average but large
  • Meteorite Rain Exhibition Hall —In 1976, Jilin experienced a huge meteorite shower. Many meteorites have been collected and collected in this exhibition hall. The largest meteorite weighs 1775 kilograms and is considered the largest in existence.
  • Shenyang Imperial Palace-It is listed as a world cultural heritage together with the Forbidden City in Beijing. The Shenyang Forbidden City has a distinct Manchurian architectural style, and its beauty is comparable to that of the Forbidden City in Beijing.
  • Ancient tombShenyangThere are Tang Tombs and Bei Tombs. They are two of the three tombs outside the Guan and are also a world cultural heritage.


  • Holiday event —Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival (every January 5th until the weather gets warmer) is one of the main events in this area. If you can withstand the cold, then this is a place worth visiting. Harbin also hosts beer festivals (in late August) and music festivals (once every two years).Jilin CityThere is an ice lantern festival,ShenyangThere is a snow festival.
  • ski —There are several ski resorts in this area, the most famous of which isJiamusiThe nearby Foshan,ShenyangThere are also several ski resorts in the surrounding area.
  • Heilongjiang -FromMohearriveHeiheThere are sightseeing boats in between. Mohe has the best northern lights landscape in winter. You can also swim in Heilongjiang.
  • drifting —If you like rafting, then you can go toFushunThe Red River Canyon or rafting.
  • Sandy beach —There are many very good beaches in this area, includingHuludaoXingcheng Seaside Scenic Area,DalianJinshitan and Dalian Lushunkou.
  • spa —There are also hot springs in this area, for exampleAnshanwithXingchengarea.


  • Liaoning Seafood - DalianIt is rich in high-quality seafood, such as abalone, sea cucumber, scallops, prawns, and sea urchins.DandongBig fish,YingkouJellyfish,PanjinThe clams are famous all over the world for their deliciousness.



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