Winter swimming - 冬季游泳

atTurkuIce swimming bridge in Uitamo.

Winter swimmingorSwimming on iceIt is an adventurous activity during the cold season, which is regarded as part of the human limit, survival or rescue training; it may seem strange, but it is a way to relax. In relativelyCold climateIn winter, swimming usually means swimming in the holes of ice and snow; it is conceivable that it is not easy for people to swim in extremely cold weather.

Swimming in winter does not necessarily mean swimming. Usually some holes in the ice and snow are too small, and most people only stay in the water for a while. Although there are ice swimming championships, the distances are usually around 25, 50 and 450 meters.

existFinlandAnd otherNordic countries,as well asBaltic StatesandRussia, Ice swimming is traditionally used assaunaPart of the bath. Many Finns use this type of sauna to relax and relax both physically and mentally!

Ordinary ice swimming

Swimming on the ice in the village.

There are ice swimming associations in many cities and towns in Finland, and many members swim in winter every week. And it is usually very popular in the outside world. In winter, it is not common to take a bath in a cabin with friends. Generally in the cabin, in the case of a formal winter swimming sauna, you usually need to dig a hole in the ice and snow, and the water must remain open and keep the water flowing continuously.

Usually after swimming in winter, you will go to the sauna to get warmth. From the warmth to the ice water, of course, it has an impact on the body. Usually the sauna must be some distance from the water, so that the body can adapt. In addition, the step of immersion in the water is quite slow, and you can go through the stairs instead of directly jumping into the water (to minimize the cold shock response). Water iscoldYes-but after you get up, usually about ten seconds later, you will not feel cold, but warm. Your body has no time to lose a lot of warmth, after all, while stimulating the process of blood circulation. After this experience, you will feel very refreshing and the best.

We recommend using socks, beach sandals or similar shoes and hats. When the head is exposed to extreme temperatures, especially wet hair is very unhealthy. In mild temperatures and short distances to water, these may not be needed.


JerseySaint HelierA Christmas swim is taking place on the Harvey De Pass waterfront near the city center.
  • Ice swimming championships.
  • In Eastern Europe and Russia, winter swimming has become part of the epiphany festival.
  • In many places in North America and Western Europe, there are "polar bear winter swimming" activities during the New Year. in KoreaHaeundaeOn the beach, there are also "polar bear" swimming activities.


See:Cold weatherSafety matters in cold weather

In winter swimming, cold shock reaction can be very dangerous, especially in case of an attack in the water is very, very bad. Under normal low temperature conditions, it is a small risk, but it is definitely a problem in physical strength and rescue training. Winter swimming can only be carried out under the supervision of experienced swimmers and carry sufficient rescue equipment.

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