Arriving in a new city - 到达一个新城市

Reaching can be the most difficult part of the journey. It's too late now, and you have a time lag or just tired. Everything around is fresh and strange. You need an affordable hotel and some food and drink. You probably also need a means of transportation (like a form of circle). Whether it's the first stop in the journey or the fifth city in many days, every traveler will feel a little overwhelmed when they set foot on the new streets in the new city. The excitement and the potential of urban exploration are overwhelmed by real problems. These questions are enough to make you miss home and want to return to your hometown. If the first thing you think of is "what do I do in a place like this", don't be afraid. You will soon have a list of must-dos upon arrival to help you step into the unknown world and enjoy the real pleasure of traveling.

Avoid reaching the destination late at night. Know the timetable for your mode of transportation and avoid arriving in an unknown city late at night. Just think about it and you will know why, right? Yes, but it was too late when you got there at two in the morning. You can't do anything. You are now forced to choose between spending the night at a train station, a bus station, and an airport, and finding a hotel that does not know whether it exists and is open so late. When arriving in the early morning, especially after an overnight trip, it is a good choice to contact your hotel in advance to register.

Bring enough cash for two days. No matter which city you go to, there are not many facts that you can do with your wallet. As a rule of thumb, one day’s cash should carry four times the day’s accommodation cost. Know the difficulty of withdrawing cash in advance. Indeed, the travel guide may say that there is an ATM, but is that ATM on the other side of the city? (existNew YorkBudapestorBarcelonaNot a problem, but inCairoorVernazzaIt may be a problem. ) Can hotels exchange traveler's checks? If you don't stay with them, will they exchange your traveler's cheques? There is also an idea, it is possible to bring too much money. A dozen banknotes may not buy you a bottle of water worth three coins. Public transportation and even smaller guest houses are often unable or unwilling to give you change for large bills. Remember to ask for some change when exchanging currency or break the whole money at the airport.

Have a good map. Don't expect to have an open tourist information desk. Try to hold a map or have a general idea of ​​the layout of the city. There are maps of almost all cities on the earth on the Internet (use a search engine to search and try, "XXX's map"). Google or Bing Maps can be viewed on any modern web browser. Google Maps for Mobile is a very useful mobile application that requires a continuous network connection. Baidu Maps is generally more helpful than Google or Bing Maps in Mainland China, but it is only applicable to Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau. Both Google and Bing Maps have search functions and accept search keywords from "nightclub" to a precise address. The mobile/mobile version will also locate you, but it is often inaccurate. Google Maps is again a free application. Although it requires a high-speed Internet connection and a relatively fast computer, it provides multiple (satellite and traffic maps) maps of cities that are not found elsewhere. In any case, make sure your map is sufficiently specific. In many cases, the "old city" or pedestrian area is drawn as a pile of tangled wool on the map of the entire city, and no one can understand it. If you go to a country where you don’t speak the language, a bilingual map will be extremely valuable, because it helps your locals to understand it. But it's best to ask a few locals to prevent them from pointing the wrong direction (especially in a country with heavy traffic and chaos).

Have a plan to reach the hotel you want to stay in. Know the price of a taxi, bus or railway (urban rail/subway), and the time required to take them (it is true that the bus may cost half of the money, but see if it will take two more hours to reach the purpose (Land) If you are traveling alone or at night, investigate all safety issues at the destination in advance: Is there anyone patrolling the subway? Is it culturally a problem for women to take the bus or taxi alone (in some countries or regions, women must be accompanied by a male guardian)? If you are in a hotel or entertain all reservations (see "There is an accommodation reservation") ask if they have an airport shuttle service. Even if they don't, they may send someone to meet you. So how to get to the city is no longer a problem. Also, when you are at the airport or train station, it is a good idea to be optimistic about the bus route or other means of transportation to the airport/ train station when you return.

Have an accommodation reservation. If you arrive after sunset or in the afternoon during peak periods, you can save a lot of time and energy by pre-booking the hotel for that night. Remember, you can change your place the next morning. Try to confirm your reservation a few days in advance and ask questions about transportation. The hotel may have an airport shuttle service. Remember to tell the hotel your arrival time, there may be time problems. In many countries, the front desk is not guarded 24 hours a day. Having a reservation does not mean you need to stay in a luxurious hotel. Family hotels, guest houses, hostels around the world, and even alternative accommodations such as homework modes are all in the online booking system. Be sure to print a copy of your reservation and make sure you have the local language name of the hotel and the street where it is located.

Four essential words. If you go to a country that speaks a language you don’t know, and the locals don’t speak your language, remember to learn the four words in the local language: "hello", "please", "thank you" and "sorry" . After learning these, you can learn how to count. There are usually language tutorials on airplanes with personal audio-visual entertainment equipment. You can find a good language tutorial for yourself on the airplane.


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