North Jordan - 北约旦

North JordanYesJordanThe most developed area.


Map of North Jordan
  • 1 AmmanIntroductionThe capital of the kingdom. View Amman on Wikidata
  • 2 AjlonIntroductionA small mountain town in northern Jordan, famous for its 12th-century ruined castle, now known as Ajloun Castle. View Ajloun on Wikidata
  • 3 IrbidIntroductionThe second largest metropolitan area in the north of the kingdom. View Irbid on Wikidata
  • 4 JerashIntroductionOne of the largest Roman ruins in the Middle East. View Jerash on Wikidata
  • 5 SaltIntroductionAn ancient town that was once the capital of Jordan. View Salt on Wikidata
  • 6 ZarkaIntroductionThe third largest metropolitan area of ​​the kingdom. View Zarka on Wikidata

Other destinations

  • 1 PeraIntroductionArchaeological site. View Pera (Jordan) on Wikidata
  • 2 Umm QaisIntroductionArchaeological site with views of the Sea of ​​Galilee and the Golan Heights. View Umm Qais on Wikidata



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  • AjlonCastle, An Islamic military building built during the Crusades, the castle offers beautiful views of the surrounding area, northwestern Jordan, and the vicinity of Galilee.





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