Sichuan Basin - 四川盆地

30°30′6″N 105°30′6″E
Map of Sichuan Basin

Sichuan Basinlie inChinaSouthwestSichuan ProvinceandChongqingTerritory. East boundaryWushan, The west sideQinghai-Tibet Plateau, South AccessYunnan-Guizhou Plateau, By the northQinling. It is a rare fertile land in the western region and is called the "land of abundance".


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Climate Rain-symbol.svg

The Sichuan Basin has a typical subtropical monsoon climate, but it is also oceanic.


The Sichuan Basin isSichuanChongqingThe population distribution areas in the two places are also the cradle of Bashu culture.

This area entry is aOuter layer area. It overlaps with other areas in the geographic hierarchy.