Frailes Mountains - 弗賴萊斯山脈

Frailes Mountainslie inBoliviaChuquisacaMountains within the territory.




Flora and fauna

Climate Rain-symbol.svg


  • Condor hikers organize a 2-day all-inclusive tour of the Frailes Mountains
  • At 10:00 in the morning, the truck from Paradarravello headed to Botoro to leave Sucre. It is recommended to wait there at 9:00 in the morning, as it may depart earlier.


You may charge:

  • 25Bolivianos is the cost of entering the local area
  • 10Boliviano is the way to the pre-Spanish period
  • 20Boliviano can see the footprints of dinosaurs

Travel around

Hiking is the main option. The IGM map has accurate outlines, rivers and town names, but you should not trust any of their paths.OSMIs incomplete, but the road is marked with the correct map.

go sightseeing

  • Chatakyla Church
  • The pre-Hispanic road from Chattakira to Jonaka
  • Maragua Crater
  • Dinosaur footprints approaching the Humaka period


Shopping Aiga shops.svg

  • There is a basic grocery store in Maragua and Jonaka
  • Will provide you with hand-made bracelets that have been woven countless times
  • You may want to buy food (eg eggs) from the local community

Dining Aiga restaurant.svg

  • You should bring all the food for your itinerary (and in case your itinerary has to be extended, please provide food for another day).


  • You should be able to filter/disinfect drinking water.

Accommodation Aiga hotelinformation.svg

  • Camping is the main option. If you are camping in a village, you may be asked to pay 20 bolivianos.
  • You can also spend one night in Malagua School.



  • The main language spoken in the region is Quechua, but children usually speak standard Spanish.
  • Children will proceed to request gifts. You can bring pens or fruits to them, but avoid giving them candies, as these may damage your child's teeth.

Next stop

  • The connection road from Potosí to Sucre should be returned every morning.
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