Pickpocket - 扒手

Risk factors

There will be pickpockets in every place, but in some areas there is a high risk of encountering pickpockets.

  • Pickpockets usually target tourists.
  • Pickpockets like to hang out in crowded places (train stations, buses, shopping and nightlife venues), because pickpockets can easily get into the crowd, and the noise from the crowd provides cover for the pickpockets.
  • Poor local area.

Pickpocket Technology

Pickpockets will use various methods to steal victims, and only some of the techniques are involved here. Their burglary method isThiefhunters in Paradise(English) There is a detailed description.

Simple goal

Pickpocket Tools

Ways to distract

Pickpocket's team work

Guard against pickpockets

Catch pickpockets

How to store personal property

Emergency fund

Hide a small amount of money in a secret place to prevent accidents. This money can be used to pay for hotel rent, transportation costs, call the embassy and other things.

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