Japan Rail Travel - 日本铁路旅行

Japan has a fast, punctual and extensive railway system, which is the best choice for tourists to travel in Japan, especially when taxi fares are generally high. Over 27,000 kilometers of railway lines cover most of the land, and the Shinkansen, a high-speed train opened in 1964, connects major cities in Japan. However, the Japanese railway system is different from other countries, which may confuse tourists. Since most of the time there is no clear separation between urban subways and other railways, the railways introduced in this article are all public transportation systems that transport passengers on fixed tracks, which are composed of subways, ordinary trams, and Shinkansen.


Line type

In Japan, in addition to the former state-owned railway company Japan Railway (JR, National Railways), there are also railways built by various private companies (private railways). For example, when entering Osaka from Kansai International Airport, you can choose the Nankai Line built by JR or the private railway company "Nankai Electric Railway". In Tokyo Metro, there are Tokyo Metro and Toei Metro operated by Tokyo Metro Corporation and Tokyo Metropolitan Bureau of Transportation respectively. Railways of different companies are often not interoperable. Passengers who want to transfer between any two companies need to re-exit, buy tickets, and enter the gate. Therefore, for passengers who need to transfer between different companies, they may not be able to travel at the place of departure. Buy a ticket that goes directly to your destination. The exceptions to this will be dealt with in the chapter on through operations. Different companies and trains may share the same station. For example, Kyoto Station stops at JR trains including the Shinkansen, Kintetsu trains, and Kyoto municipal subway trains. It is also possible to use the same place name but different stations, and the distance between them will not be very far. For example, JR Namba Station, Namba Station (Nankai) and Osaka Namba Station stop by trains of different companies, and they are connected by underground passages.

The high-speed rail Shinkansen is all operated by Japan Railway Company, and the railways other than the Shinkansen are relatively called "incoming lines". The speed on the incoming line is around 120km/h. Regardless of the subway, incoming lines or Shinkansen, except for a few overnight trains, they will not operate overnight. The departure time ranges from 4-6 o'clock, and the last train time is around 22--1 o'clock the next day, which is remote. Because there are only a few trains a day in the area, the service time may be greatly shortened.

Train type

The large train information board at Nankai Electric Railway Namba Station.

Train types are generally distinguished by speed, and different types of tickets need to be purchased according to different train types. The basic ticket is required for any type of train. When taking a limited express train, you need to purchase an express ticket. The express ticket is divided into a reserved seat express ticket and a free seat express ticket according to whether or not the seat is designated.

  • Ordinary, separate stops (stops to most cars or all stations)
  • Quick and fast (stops at most major stations)
  • New fast, especially fast (commonly used on JR trains and only stops at major stations)
  • Express (commonly used on private railways and only stops at major stations)
  • Limited express (only stops to key stations, usually requires limited express tickets and fewer reserved seats)
  • Commuting ○ ○ (special shifts in response to work and school needs, usually in the morning and evening, adjust the stop station)
  • Section ○ ○ (stop to most stations and stations in a specific area, and there may not stop at any station on the other side)
  • The Shinkansen is a high-speed rail system in Japan. The Shinkansen that has been opened covers Kagoshima, Hakata, Hiroshima, Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo, Kanazawa and Sendai. The Shinkansen to Sapporo is under construction from the southern part of Hokkaido. You need to change to a limited express train to Sapporo. The fare of the Shinkansen is slightly different according to the number of stops. You need to purchase Shinkansen tickets and express tickets. Shinkansen ticket sales opportunities will add up the two tickets and purchase them automatically.
  • On incoming lines other than the Shinkansen, according to the number of stops and the speed of operation, there are express lines and liners for business passengers (Line), rapid, fast and ordinary (also known as each stop, each station stop) trains. Limited express, line, and express will only stop at some major stations, so you need to purchase express tickets. Quickly skip a few sites without stopping, no need to buy express tickets. Ordinary vehicles will stop at every station, and there is no need to purchase express tickets. The above-mentioned train type classification method is adopted by JR. Other private railways may operate commuter express, semi-express and other types of trains. It is necessary to pay careful attention to regulations or route planning software to determine whether it is necessary to purchase special vehicle tickets for such high-end trains.

Seat type

Logo of the green carriage.
  • The carriage of an ordinary train may be a long seat similar to a Chinese subway, or it may be a horizontal double seat similar to a Chinese train. No extra seat fee is required for any kind of seat. However, there are two types of seats in ordinary cars on express, limited express, and Shinkansen: "unreserved seats" and "reserved seats." Unreserved seats can be used without allocating seats in advance. If there are no seats, they can only stand. A reserved seat is a special seat reserved for passengers by purchasing a reserved seat voucher in advance. Passengers are required to reserve seats, and the reserved seat carriages are not allowed to stand.
  • Green carriage (グリーン car, Green Car) is a first-class car with more comfortable and luxurious equipment than ordinary cars in passenger trains of JR companies. When taking a green car, you must purchase a green ticket. The green car has a green four-leaf clover sign near the parking area, door, connection point and external train number display of this car platform, and is accompanied by the words "グリーン车" and "GREEN CAR" for passengers to identify. Although there are more green cars in limited express and express trains, some ordinary and rapid trains in the Tokyo metropolitan area also have green cars, but these green cars may not have designated seats. Passengers can buy ordinary and fast trains on the platform. In addition to the green ticket, you can also get on the bus to confirm whether there is an empty seat and then ask the flight attendant for help in buying the ticket. Some models even support the use of Suica to pay on the top of the seat. Some private railways will also be equipped with high-class carriages, which are different from ordinary carriages in exterior painting, and the platform may also be guided.
  • Super high-end carriages (グランクラス, Gran Class) is a more advanced seat than the green car, and it is opened on some models of the Tohoku, Hokuriku and Hokkaido Shinkansen. The Gran Class car has a geometric gold G logo on the door, connection and near the car number display, and is accompanied by "グランクラス""GRAN CLASS"​ is used to identify passengers. To ride this type of car, you need to purchase Gran Class tickets in advance.

In addition to JR, some private railways also provide some fee-based express trains. The main trains that can be used when traveling are as follows:

  • Keisei Skyliner(スカイライナー)
  • Tobu Railway Limited ExpressRevaty(リバティ)
  • Seibu RailwayS-TRAIN, Red Arrow (レッドアロー)
  • Odakyu Electric RailwayRomance Express(ロマンスカー)
  • Nagoya Railway Limited Express (two cards) and Airport Limited Expressμ-SKY(Full vehicle), need to purchase special vehicle voucher
  • All limited express trains of Kinki Japan Railway require limited express tickets. RideFirebird(ひのとり, starting in March 2020) andShimakaze(しまかぜ), you also need to pay special fare for Firebird and Shimakaze (similar to JR green cars).
  • Nankai Electric Railway Limited Express (rapi:t) (ラピート), Sky, Koya (こうや) and Nankai (サザン) reserved seats.
  • Keihan Electric Railway Limited ExpressPremium Car(プレミアムカー) Two of the cards.
  • WittySuper White Rabbit(スーパーはくと) andSuper Inaba(スーパーいなば)

Straight-through operation

There are two definitions of straight-through operation.

First, not all single routes run the entire section by the same train, only part of the section is operated or directly connected by other routes. Take the Ueno Tokyo Line in 2015 as an example, which opened the Tohoku Main Line and the Tokaido Main Line, which greatly reduced the waiting time for passengers.

Second, Japanese railways belong to many different companies, and each company has its own line, but sometimes they will reach a cooperation. Some trains pass through the lines of the two companies to reach further destinations, that is, direct operation. The through operation may be displayed as a transfer station on the route planning software, but there is a note (continue to take the same train). For example, the Keisei Narita Airport Line's Airport Express (エアポート Express) can run directly with the Keikyu Haneda Airport Line (it needs to pass the Tokyo Metro Rail on the way). The through train ticket is more expensive than the same company. For example, the four stations operated by the Kita-Osaka Kyuko Electric Railway are quite cheap, but the transportation to and from the stations of the Osaka High-Speed ​​Electric Railway is slightly more expensive.

Fare composition

The Japan Railway ticket consists of two parts:

  • The first part is the ticket. The fare of the ticket is only linked to the mileage, and there is little difference between the Shinkansen and the incoming line, JR and private railway. For example, from Tokyo to Osaka, the price of the ticket is around 9,000 yen regardless of the route (as long as it travels roughly along the line of the Sea of ​​Japan). (In more detail, the price of the ticket from Tokyo Station to Osaka Station via the Tokaido Line is 8,910 yen, of which Kyona is 6,380 yen and Nasaka is 2,530 yen; the same number is for the Shinkansen; Nagoya Station via Kintetsu, Hanhuan to Osaka Station is 2,590 yen; Tokyo Station via Chuo Line to Nagoya Station is 6,600 yen) (so it is more extreme, as long as you choose the correct route, you can use a Fukuzawa Yukichi (10,000 yen bill) Buy a Suica (a commonly used IC card for public transportation in Japan) at Tokyo Station, and then use this Suica to reach Osaka within a day; of course, transfers or even outbound transfers are also necessary)
  • The second part is the instant seat and vehicle type tickets, including limited express tickets, Shinkansen limited express tickets, "Green Cars" tickets that may be available on some trains, and reserved seat tickets, etc.

If you only buy a ticket, you can of course also travel, but only for ordinary (stops at each station) and fast trains.

Before boarding

Plan route

Nowadays, the Japanese travel applications that can be used on mobile phones are very complete.Google MapIt can well support the search from a specific location to a specific location, and the planning of the nearest station and the route to the station on foot is also basically accurate.Yahoo Transfer CasewithhyperdiaIt is a website that specializes in planning railway routes. The former requires Japanese input, but most of the station Japanese can be input using traditional Chinese input method, and the latter can find the station through Hanyu Pinyin. Compared with Google Maps, although users need to know the exact departure and arrival stations, they can obtain information about the fares required for transfer platforms and sections. They can also choose not to take the limited express mode of travel, and they can also avoid the reasons. The route of the accident or outage. The Yahoo Transfer Case also supports the functions of querying station facilities, floor plans, and converting subsequent trains after a missed train. You can also download its mobile phone application.

When the traveler opens the Yahoo Transfer Case, in the "Out"Fill in the Japanese name of the departure station, or enter its Roman accent, the system will also make an association completion. For "Xia guan"For stations that cannot be input in traditional characters, you can only use Roman Pinyin or Japanese input methods. "到着" fill in the terminal station."Time of day"Fill in the time, the choice of the radio box indicates the type of time you fill in, which are the departure time, arrival time, departure time of the day, last departure of the day, or no time specified."Carriage"" column to choose whether to use a stored-value card and whether to take a designated seat. You can also set your own walking speed below. If you are inexperienced and need to find a way, you can change it to "ゆっくり"(Walk slowly, push the stroller speed) or "少しゆっくり"(The speed of the average person may find a way). In the "Utilization method" column, check the means of transportation you want to take. The empty road refers to the plane, the high-speed bus is the high-speed bus, and the フェリ- is the ship. After clicking the query, you can pressTime goes along(Early arrival time), Shun Shun (the number of transfers is less) and Jin Shun (the one with less fare is preferred).

At the beginning of each plan, the basic information of the plan is displayed: departure time, arrival time, required time; total amount of the ride, number of transfers and mileage length. In the ride path represented by the vertical line below, the departure time and arrival time of the station are marked on the left side of the station. All stations listed by default between the departure station and the final station are transfer stations. The information between the two stations is the train information that needs to be taken. For example, "Keio Sagamihara Line Limited Express, Shinjuku Line" means a limited express train bound for Shinjuku on the Keio Sagamihara Line; "JR Nikko Line, Nikko Line" means Take the JR Nikko Line, a regular train bound for Nikko. "Line 3 / Line 4" tells you that this train stops at platform 3 at the upper station and stops at platform 4 at the arrival station. "(Boarding position: front/middle/rear [6 tael compiled])" indicates where it is relatively convenient to board and transfer, which is not very important information. On the left side of the route information, there is a button to expand the train's midway stop; on the right, there is the information on the charge of each section. Each arrow section represents the ticket and price you need to buy at the station where the arrow starts. Because of the different railway companies, it may be necessary to purchase tickets multiple times; there are also arrows that cover multiple lines, that is, the same billing system, and there is no need to purchase tickets when transferring. As novices may choose IC card fees incorrectly and the information is out of date, please confirm with the fare board when purchasing tickets. Some trains have signs with the words "free seats" or "reserved seats", depending on the preference when searching. This is the extra money that needs to be paid for the seats.

Buy a ticket

JR staff usually issue tickets in English for foreign travelers.

ticket(Cut symbol) Is the proof of boarding. In Japan, hard paper tickets are mostly used. As mentioned above, Japanese tickets are a combined concept. In addition to purchasing tickets, if there are limited express tickets for express and limited express trains, designated seat tickets for designated seats, and green premium cars. Green voucher. If you buy a ticket at an automatic ticket vending machine, it is usually limited to use on the same day. Other special ticket tickets can be booked in advance, but the booking period is generally not more than one month.

The procedure for buying a one-way ticket at an automatic machine is similar to that of an automatic ticket vending machine in a Chinese subway. The biggest difference may be that due to the number of reachable stations, some ticket vending machines may not be able to directly select the station they need to go to, and they need to buy tickets according to the corresponding fare. Above the station ticket vending machine, there will be a road line and the fare table from the place to other places. Find the station you want to go to. The corresponding number is the price of the ticket. Before and after the ticket vending machine, you can first see if there is a Chinese or English interface switch button. You can first put in yen, then select the number of passengers (and switch children) on the left side of the machine and select the face value of a single ticket on the screen. It can also be the other way around, first choose the number of people and face value before inserting coins, the latter is not easy to buy the wrong ticket because of accidental touch. The denominations of the single banknotes supported by each ticket machine are different. Most stations in modern areas can insert 10,000, 5,000, 2,000 yuan banknotes and even credit cards, and small railway stations may only support 1,000 yuan banknotes and coins. Basically all ticket vending machines do not support coins below 10 yuan. Choose the denomination of the ticket and insert the coin, the machine will spit out the ticket, paper money and coin for change, and the ticket exit will show that there are still several tickets being printed but not spit out. When leaving, make sure that the number of tickets and the change are correct. The ticket that comes out says the departure station and the price range that this ticket can reach. If you need help at any step, the machine will always have a button covered by a small baffle, press it to call the station staff to deal with it.

Limited express tickets and reserved seat tickets can be purchased at the same time as the ticket. There will be a dedicated option, or they can be purchased separately later, but they need to be used together with the ticket. If you feel unable to deal with Japanese, you can write down the date of travel, train number (or departure time), travel section, and number of passengers on the paper, and go to the manual ticket window to purchase.

Use IC card

Applicable scope of Japanese IC card

There are many smart travel cards in Japan, which are called IC cards (IC card) in Japan. In addition to taking buses and railways, they can also be used for daily consumption. For example, Suica issued by JR East Japan, ICOCA issued by JR West Japan, etc. In addition to adding value to the IC card, the passenger also has to pay a deposit and handling fee. Unless the IC card is returned, the deposit will be given to the passenger. If the balance is not enough to take the next ride, you need to add value to your IC card before you can leave the station. Starting from March 23, 2013, IC cards in different regions can be used to ride the bus, applicable to ICOCA (JR West Japan), Suica (JR East Japan), TOICA (JR Tokai), SUGOCA (JR Kyushu), Kitaca (JR Hokkaido), PASMO (Kanto Private Railway), Hayakeken (Fukuoka City Transportation Bureau), Manaca (Meitetsu and Nagoya Transportation Bureau), Nimoca (West Japan Railway), and PiTaCa (Kansai Private Railway) areas (Note: PiTaCa is regarded as a type of credit card, not in Japan It is difficult for residents to buy). Some IC cards are not compatible with other regions. For example, using SAPICA in the Sapporo area can only be used on other buses such as the Sapporo Subway and Sapporo City. You cannot use SAPICA in JR Hokkaido and areas outside of Hokkaido. Note that IC cards cannot be used to take long-distance trains and Shinkansen. For example, starting from the Tokyo area, you cannot use the same IC card to go to the area west of Atami Station in Shizuoka Prefecture (this area is within the JR Tokai area). For example, take JR West Japan rules, regardless of region, smart tickets can be used within 200 kilometers (exceptions can be made under certain circumstances)

Japan IC card does not have a negative balance. If the balance is insufficient, you will be prohibited from leaving the station. At this time, you need to add value or make up the difference through an actuarial machine or station staff.

Enter the platform

The departure time of the train displayed on the platform of the Shinkansen station.

After purchasing the ticket you need, you can go to the bus through the ticket gate. There will be a ticket gate not far from the ticket vending machine, or there will be guidance about the entrance. At large-scale stations, the entrance gate (Change) Will be named. For example, JR Akihabara Station has the Electric Town Gate and the Central Ticket Gate (Central reform gate). Unlike the Chinese subway, these ticket gates may be relatively independent, and you may need to take a long way to arrive without passing through the toll area. Therefore, if you agree to meet at a major station, you must make clear the ticket gates. Since a railway station may be shared by multiple railway companies, see which company's ticket gate you are going to, there will be a clear company name logo above the ticket gate.

When passing through the ticket gate, please hold the ticket or card in your right hand, and the arrow will be displayed on the fluorescent screen at the bottom of the ticket gate, or other gates that can be entered through the symbol. Generally speaking, passengers with a card need to put their own card in the induction area, and enter with the card after the gate is opened, the balance in the card will be displayed on the screen; if you have a paper ticket, you only need to transfer the basic ticket to Insert it into the machine (but if you take the Shinkansen, there will be another level of ticket gate set outside the Shinkansen platform. At this time, you need to put the two tickets together. If you buy a ticket at a manual window, you may only have a two-in-one ticket), insert The port will be designed at the card swiping place, near the front corner, and indicated by arrows or bright colors on the machine. Don't forget to get your ticket back! The ticket will be spit out at the back of the gate after the gate is opened. If you hold a discounted ticket, please check whether the ticket can be recognized by the automatic ticket gate. For example, JR PASS can only pass through the manual ticket gate. These are not a problem for passengers who have used ticket gates in other regions. Unlike ticket gates in other countries, the gates of some stations are often open for convenience and are not unavailable. Please refer to the front screen of the ticket gate for whether you can use it. Prevail. The ticket gate may be two-way, and it will be temporarily prohibited when others pass. Please also pay attention to being courteous to others. Some gates may only be used by stored-value card users. In general, eye-catching color ribbons are attached to the ground and gates, and the card swiping point will also be markedIC dedicated

After entering the station, there is usually an information board set up. This information board will provide information about the trains that are about to depart on each platform. Multiple fluorescent boards hung side by side show different routes or different directions. Train billboards usually provide this information: departure time, train class, destination, and boarding platform. Shinkansen will provide its train name and train number. In addition, some of the more advanced billboards will broadcast other information about the train, such as the location of free seats and parking stops. Kanban is displayed back and forth in Japanese and English in most areas. For native Chinese speakers, the Japanese kanji of place names will be easier to recognize than their Roman sounds. If you use route planning software, you can determine the platform where your train stops according to the two information of departure time and destination.

Similar information boards are also set up on the platforms. Some boards are displayed separately on the platforms on both sides. Be careful with the information on the same display on the left and right platforms. If you are not careful, you will go in the wrong direction. , This kind of kanban will have a yellow arrow at both ends of each train information pointing to the side of one of the platforms, indicating that the information of this month is displayed. In addition to providing information on departure time, train level, and destination, the platform billboard also provides another important information: the position of the carriage and the door. Due to the various types of trains, the positions of the carriages and doors at the stop are also different.Boarding locationThe corresponding column will display a graph (usually □, △ or ○) and a number range. The number range indicates the corresponding car of this train. Looking down, there will be similar signs near the safety line, with numbers and graphics written on it. If it corresponds, it is the correct location for this train.

When riding

In-car message

Arrival information displayed in the car

In most cases, only Japanese broadcasting is provided, for example"次は○○, 次は○○です"(The next stop is ○○), and information on leaving the train will also be provided「お出は、right side です」(Exit is on the right), use it when you arrive at the station「まもなく、○○に到着します」(The train is about to arrive ○ ○), if there is a transfer route"○○ line, take ri and change to えです."(You can transfer to ○○ line), including dispatch by the conductor and automatic announcement. With the demand of foreign tourists in recent years, English broadcasting has been greatly strengthened, and some railway companies that have already used station numbers will also add (Station number XX) in English broadcasting. Chinese and Korean broadcasts will also be added to the main route. In addition to providing information about the next stop, the etiquette in the carriage will also be mentioned.

There will also be bilingual instructions in Japanese and English at the door. For example, next stop information. Car and door numbers. Some connected trains will separate and combine trains in special stations. A well-known example is the Kanku Express of JR West Japan. If you depart from Osaka, you may take the Kishu Road Express card by mistake. Passengers need to return to the correct card at or before Hineno Station.


Do not use the selfie stick on the platform, it may cause the danger of collision with others or overhead power lines. Japanese railways have a long history, and many do not have screen doors installed. Please wait outside the safety line, which is usually the yellow line. When getting in and out of a car, it is very impolite not to obey the rules of getting off and on. Most Japanese railway companies prohibit the use of mobile phone calls and require passengers to set their mobile phones to silent mode (マナーモード), and even ask passengers to turn off their mobile phones when there are too many people near the priority seats. Male passengers may also accidentally break into female-only car cards or be seated in priority seats, causing other passengers to suspect. During work and school hours in the morning on weekdays, especially in metropolitan areas such as Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya, there are more people taking the train, and the staff usually force passengers in the carriages, even if there are too few passengers inside. To avoid this situation, please avoid taking the train during peak hours, such as 7 o'clock in the morning or postponed to 9 o'clock or later.

Transfer and departure

If you use a smart card to enter and exit an unmanned station, you can use a simple ticket gate. In some stations, the conductor will monitor the entry and exit of passengers.
Leaving the station

At present, most railway stations in Japan are equipped with automatic gates to handle the entry and exit of passengers. One-way tickets are placed in the gates, and the gates automatically collect the tickets. However, if it is a multi-trip ticket, it can still be returned to the guest for re-use. If the processing is effective, it usually displays "ありがとうございます" (Thank you for taking the ride). However, if a person holds a rail pass, they must pass through a managed gate and show them the rail pass before leaving. If you fail to leave the gate due to insufficient ticket amount, you can make up the difference through an actuarial machine. If it is more complicated, the automatic gate may not receive the ticket, and it needs to be handled by the station staff.

If you get off at an unmanned station. You need to settle with the conductor when the train arrives at the station. If the station has a gate with an IC smart card, it may use a self-defined gate at a specific place to prove that the passenger has left the station. This will be regarded as the end of the itinerary. If you need to start again at the station, you will need to recalculate the fare.

Change route

Please note: According to Japanese railway rules, a valid one-way ticket cannot enter the station twice or more, otherwise you will need to purchase a new ticket for the section. Generally speaking, to convert trains of the same company, there is no need to cross the gates.

Discount ticket

The price of Japanese railway tickets is very high. Even if you take one station and you can walk to the end of the station, it costs more than 100 yen. Long-distance tickets are even more burdensome for many travelers. Therefore, the railway company has introduced a variety of discount tickets. For example, "one-day ticket", "24-hour ticket" or cross-regional "railway pass". For tourists visiting Japan outside of Japan, we have launched a more value-for-money ticket than general discounted tickets. Convenient to reduce costs when playing.


  • Japan Rail Pass: Applicable to all JR routes and Shinkansen, with 7, 14 and 21-day versions, suitable for long-distance and long-term Japanese travelers. However, you cannot take the Mizuho and Nozomi trains, nor can you use Gran Class trains. If the section of road is connected to private railway, additional fees will be required.
  • Youth 18 ticket: A special ticket originally launched for students, but anyone can buy it.

Municipal and private railways

Note that not all coupons can only be purchased by foreigners.

  • Greater Tokyo Pass, You can use 12 private railways in the Tokyo area and the Toei Subway Line, free use within 3 days. (Applicable for bus routes)
  • KANSAI THRU PASS, You can use the private railway and subway of the Kansai Keihanshin area, divided into 2 days and 3 days version. (Applicable for bus routes)
In addition, all private railways will also issue full-line 1-day free ride tickets to foreign passengers and all passengers. Please refer to the websites of major railway companies.

Night train

Night trains are the normal mode of transportation for Japanese railways. However, with the improvement of the Shinkansen rail network, passengers' need for this type of transportation has been greatly reduced. Currently, only night trains from the San'in area and the Tokyo area are reserved. They are the Sunrise Izumo and the Sunrise Seto train to and from Shikoku and Tokyo. There is also the WEST EXPRESS Milky Way back and forth twice a week to and from Kyoto to Yamaguchi or Izumo. In addition, during the validity period of the Youth 18 ticket, the night train Nagara (ムーンライトながら) will also provide services.

Luxury train

The following trains are aimed at high-spending passengers and can enjoy a four-day and three-night journey. You need to make an appointment and draw lots before you have the opportunity to ride. Since the success of the Kyushu Seven Star train, JR East and JR West have also launched their own luxury trains


A shop selling station bento outside Kyoto Station.

The Japan Railway Company does not expressly prohibit eating and drinking. Even after entering the gate, there are many restaurants that can eat in the store. You still need to pay attention to etiquette when entering the carriage. For example, don't make rubbish and influence others, take your own rubbish out of the compartment. Generally, long-distance buses are equipped with independent card slots, and Zhuozi is convenient for eating and drinking. Outside stations of various sizes in Japan, a variety of famous lunch boxes are sold. These are called "station bento" (駅弁). In addition, in the Shinkansen and limited express trains of certain railway companies, various goods are also sold in the trains. . In addition, there are also many trains with the theme of dining cars. The food is all arranged by the railway company. Passengers only need to buy a ticket and take a seat at a designated location to enjoy the food.

Station stamp

Some railway enthusiasts will go to Japan to collect station stamps (駅スタンプ) to prove their journey to these stations. For example, ask the station master, usually stationed in the station master’s room, gate attendant or at a designated place in the station for passengers to stamp. Usually only a station with a man will provide a stamp to avoid damage.

Common terms

One-person control (ワンマン运転): The conductor serves as both the conductor and the driver of the train in the train. It usually occurs in remote rural areas, but some metropolitan lines that are less frequently used may also be operated by one person. . At present, all light rail trams and route buses in Japan are operated by one person.
Chartered trains (daily cut trains, group trains): The trains are rented by designated groups. These trains will not appear on the timetable. Please do not take the trains unless you are related.


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