Water -

Tap water

drinking waterThe quality and availability of different countries and regions. Generally speaking, inHot weatherLow-income destinationwithSettlement outside, Clean water is more difficult to obtain.


Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink
Although there is water everywhere, I don’t drink a drop
——The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

Tap water is usually provided by the local government, and after treatment, it is relatively healthy at least for the local residents. This may include filtering and adding chemicals. Tap water from mountain springs and rivers may require very little treatment and is of exceptionally high quality. However, the quality of water varies greatly in different regions. In many countries, drinking tap water, or at least unboiled tap water that has not passed through a reverse osmosis filter, can make drinking dangerous and make you sick. A basic rule is to look at what the locals do: If they don’t drink tap water directly or only drink it after boiling, then you should not drink water directly from the tap.

Your body has become accustomed to the moisture in the local environment. If you travel from areas with higher water quality (or areas with different pathogens) to areas with poor water quality, then you may be sick. Your body may adapt over time, but some water sources are so polluted that it is unsafe to use them, lest you be infected by parasites or suffer other consequences. For more information, seeinfectious disease

Drinking water is not the only danger. If you wash with tap watertoothbrushOr useIce cubeDrink a drink, or order a delicious leafy salad in a restaurant where the vegetables are washed in tap water, then you may be exposed to any harmful substances in the water.

Bacterial contamination

The short-term adverse effects of drinking water are usually attributed to bacterial contamination. Boiling and filtering can reduce the risk of illness, although toxins produced by some bacteria may remain after treatment, although the bacteria themselves will disappear after treatment. Another way to kill most pathogens is ultraviolet radiation. In a critical moment, leave a bottle of water in direct sunlight for a day or two, and it will be as close to drinking water as boiling water. However, this is definitely not the safest method of water purification, because other pathogens such as amoeba will not be killed by ultraviolet light. For more information on diseases caused by contaminated water, seeTraveler's diarrhea

High concentration of cyanobacteria (also known asAlgae bloom) Will make moisture unhealthy and irritating to the skin. This is mainly a problem on some beaches, unless you have children or pets, there is usually no real danger.

chemical pollution

In some countries, water supplies are susceptible to contamination by chemicals from industrial and agricultural sources. Although it is not recommended to drink this contaminated water, if the pollution level is relatively low, it will generally not cause any direct health problems. If you drink this water for a long time, you may have long-term health problems. Please note that water filters are unlikely to remove these chemicals. Another pollutant that may even appear in high-income countries-lead. Lead pipes used to be lead (LatinSome houses may still have lead pipes in the last few meters. This is usually no problem, and more and more lead pipes are replaced, but if the chemical composition of the water changes, the lead will seep into the water. The only way to be 100% sure is to check the water in the tap regularly and remove all lead pipes.

Hard and soft water

You may hear locals mentionhard waterorsoft water. The "hardness" of water is determined by its mineral content, and because various soils and rocks filter through before the water reaches the main water supply, there are obvious regional differences. Water from different regions may have different tastes.

Drinking hard water does not have a negative effect on health, but it can cause scale buildup in appliances such as kettles and dishwashers. The ancient Romans preferred hard water, as can be seen from the sediments in the previous ditches, which in some cases were large enough to be used as statues by medieval masons.

Quality by country or region

According to the recommendations of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a 2014 reportinformation chartShow that in mostEuropean Unionnation,Western Europenation,AmericaCanadaGreenlandAustralianew ZealandAnd a fewAsiaIn the country, tap water is safe, but not elsewhere. This is a conservative suggestion. There are many other countries where tap water is drinkable, although in some countries, when your body adapts to the local microbes and minerals, it may first make your stomach upset.

For information about each country, please refer to the "Health" section of each country's article.

Boiled hot water

Beijing Capital AirportWater dispenser and boiling water dispenser

A person sometimes wants to drink hot (close to boiling) drinking water, such as a cup of tea or other beverages. The hot water supply in typical accommodation and transportation locations around the world is different, which is to some extent related to the country's tea drinking habits (the following list is ranked from good to bad).

  • China--very good. Nowadays, hotel rooms are often equipped with electric kettles. In the past, there would be a hot water bottle at the reception, which contained hot water and distributed it to guests. In railway stations, airport terminals and trains, hot water dispensers can be seen almost everywhere.
  • U.K--very good. Electric kettles plus a small amount of tea and coffee are ubiquitous in hotel rooms, beds and breakfasts across the country, and it is almost guaranteed. Almost all hotel chains will provide a hotel for guests to use, including lower-priced chains such as Travelodge or Premier Inn (except for some brands such as Marriott's Moxy brand).
  • Vietnam--medium. In many hotels/guest houses, you can ask for boiling water (nước sôi / water 熣), the staff will give you a thermos or let you use their electric kettle, but this is by no means a guarantee.
  • Russia--medium. In a hotel or guest house, ask the service staff for boiling water (кипяток/kipyatok), the service staff may lend you an electric kettle or teach you how to use the kitchen, but this is not guaranteed. On long-distance trains, there is a water boiler in each car, but it may only be used at certain times (when the conductor decides to provide tea to the passengers). Although ordering tea (tea bags and sugar) costs a certain amount, hot water is free.
  • Latin America——Usually bad. If you ask for boiling water, the staff is more likely to sell you a (small) cup of coffee. Bring your own portable heater (immersion coil) and use it in a suitable container.


When there is severe water shortage, the water can be sold out immediately

If you find yourself in a place with no reliable water supply, you can:

  • Use international branded bottled water (in some areas, you should check whether the bottle has been refilled)
  • Use domestic branded bottled water (the price is cheap, the quality is comparable to that of international brands, or may be much lower than international brands)
  • Boil the water before drinking (a few minutes, depending on what you want to kill)
  • Use iodine tablets (can kill bacteria but make water worse)
  • Use life-saving straws (maybe best for extremely remote areas)


There are different ways to purify water, and some are more effective for specific threats. In some areas, boiling water for one minute is enough, while in other areas it takes several minutes. The effects of filters vary, and if you have concerns, then you should consider buying sealed bottled water from a reputable company.

Boiling water or using iodine can kill organic matter, but it cannot make chemically contaminated water safe. You are unlikely to be affected by lightly chemically polluted water in the short term, but long-term drinking may be harmful to your long-term health.

Please remember that contaminated water will affect your health, let alone drink it directly, such as washing vegetables with water or brushing your teeth. See "stay healthy"The article prompts to get more information about disease prevention."

Even in areas where safe drinking water is usually available, it can happenfloodAnd other pollution incidents. Any place covered by good news and/or public health announcements and a reasonable and responsible attitude of the relevant authorities may sometimes issue a warning, and may issue a warning when it is necessary to boil or completely avoid drinking drinking water from a safe source under normal circumstances .


Water safety issues that are not related to drinking or other household uses usually involve accidentsfloodOr injury or death, for example in progressswimSunbathingdivingwithboatingWaitwater sportsAccidents that may occur at times. For specific details on these issues, please refer to the relevant entry.


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