Persian Gulf - 波斯湾

Persian Gulf and its vicinity

Persian Gulf(Persian:خلیج فارس‎) inmiddle Eastarea,IranandArabian PeninsulaBetween, yesIndian OceanThe extension. The mouth of the Persian Gulf to the Indian Ocean isStrait of HormuzThis strait has important strategic significance.

The east coast of the Persian Gulf isIran(Formerly Persian), seeRelated guidesto know more information.

There are many countries on the west coast of the Persian Gulf, among whichSaudi ArabiaHas the longest coastline on the west coast of the Persian Gulf, seeRelated guides. There are also the following countries (from north to south):

also,Council of Arab States of the GulfMember States haveSaudi ArabiaBahrainKuwaitOmanQatarandUnited Arab Emirates. Nationals of any country of the committee do not need to work or settle in any country of the committeevisa

This area entry is aOuter layer area. It overlaps with other areas in the geographic hierarchy.