Varzany - 瓦尔扎内

Warzane is an ancient desert town located in the Isfahan Province in central Iran. Historical evidence of its 5000-year-old civilization can still be found.


Warzane is located 105 kilometers southeast of Isfahan and 240 kilometers from Yazd. The altitude of Varzany is 1,477 meters, and there are 14,000 people on an area of ​​23,000 square kilometers.

Like most areas in central Iran, Ouarzaneh has a very dry desert climate. In July, the highest temperature can reach 40°C, and after midnight in January and February, the temperature often drops below zero.

Ouarzaneh was the last civilization in the Zainde River Valley 5000 years ago. The Zainde River terminates in the Gavik Huni wetland 30 kilometers east of Ouarzaneh. The symbol of ancient civilization was unearthed on the large tract of land between the Gawekhuni Wetland and Ouarzane. People have also found more ruins through further investigation and research, and confirmed that the area of ​​Ouarzay has been a habitat for 5,000 years.

Ouarzane is famous for its unique pristine desert scenery and is one of the most accessible deserts in Iran. Many tourists like the desert to be close to modern civilization, especially for those who come to Isfahan, because in this way, they can easily get food and water for supplies by car, and it is easier to find a medical center. The Ouarzane Desert is one of the safest deserts in Iran, only 15 kilometers away from the town of Ouarzane. For Varzané, its uniqueness lies in the clothing of local women. They wear pure white throughout, while in other parts of Iran, most women wear pure black. Many indigenous people speak a dialect of Cubalevisasani, which is very similar to the dialect spoken by Zoroastrians in Yazd today. Some linguists believe that the word Varzaneh is related to the verb Varzidan (ورزیدن), which means farming in ancient Persia.


From Isfahan to Ouarzane, you can take the Oarzane bus or mini bus to the Jey Bus Terminal for only 20,000 Iranian dollars (less than 1 USD). There is no need to book tickets in advance. You can go directly to Jey Bus Terminal and ask the staff there how to take the minibus. From 7 am to 5 pm, basically there is a bus to Ouarzane every hour, and it will arrive in about an hour and a half. Usually there are many taxis at the gate of the passenger terminal that can go directly to Ouarza, the cost is about 10-15 US dollars.

From Tehran to Ouarzane, you need to go to the Jonub Bus Terminal. There is a bus to Alang at 9 o'clock every morning. Alang is a small town only 20 kilometers away from Oarzane. From Alang to Varzany, you can find cheap taxis.

From Yazd to Varzany, you can take the bus from Yazd to Isfahan. From Yazd Bus Terminal, you only need to tell the driver to stop at Nain. The cost is 60,000 Iranian dollars. . It is 70 kilometers from Nain to Ouarzay, and you can take a taxi.

In Varzaneh, there is a shuttle bus to Isfahan every hour. The last bus to Isfahan departs from Varzaneh at 2 pm. You can ask locals to take you there, or use the local bus terminal, because there is only one bus terminal in this small town. Taxis are available 24 hours a day. If you go to Yazd, you need to take a taxi to Nain, and then it is convenient, because all the buses from Isfahan and Tehran to Yazd will pass Nain. So, if you get off at the highway police station near Nain, you can find a bus to Yazd within 15 minutes. It takes up to 3 hours to travel from Varzaneh to Yazd.

go sightseeing

Ouarzaneh Desert

Hike on the sand dunes in Varzaneh, Isfahan

The height of these dunes varies from 5 meters to 62 meters. The average height of sand dunes here is the highest in the Iranian desert. Therefore, they make the scenery here look very special.

Most importantly, it is only 15 kilometers away from the desert, so there is no shuttle bus. However, taking a taxi to the desert is also very cheap.

These dunes are usually completely immobile, that is, you can camp here for many days, and it is easy to get to town. However, it is important to remember that due to insufficient humidity, in late spring and early summer, around January or February, the temperature here often drops below 10°C, or even minus 10°C. So, if you want to camp here, it is best to bring your sleeping bag. The diameter of the desert is about 45 kilometers.

Gawekhuni Wetland Montenegro and Salt Lake

The most unimaginable thing in this area is the discovery of the Gaweikhuni Wetland next to the dry Varzaneh Desert. This wetland is an ecological protection zone with tens of thousands of birds, most of which migrate from the north. The number of birds every year changes with the rainfall here throughout the year. In fact, most of the wetlands are quite dry, and there are usually many wild animals. Wild geese, storks, flamingos, Iranian zebras, deer and many other reptiles were found here. If you want to go to the Gaweikhuni Wetland, you can go along the Gaweikhuni Highway east of Ouarzaneh, which is about 25 kilometers. There will be a sign telling you that you have reached the wetland. You will see the panoramic view of Montenegro, we usually call it Montenegro, Persian is Koosia (کوه سیاه). There are many cavities in these rocks, so the rocks are very light. This mountain is the accumulation of black magma.

Varzane Salt Lake

Another interesting attraction is the Salt Lake, which is also part of the Gaweikhuni Wetland Ecosystem, located in the southwestern part of the wetland. The locals collect salt in one area of ​​the salt lake. For tourists, when they see this pure and vast white land under the blue sky, they will be completely attracted by such beautiful scenery. There is a small road from Varzaneh to the Salt Lake, but it is not an asphalt road. Therefore, people prefer to choose the Shiraz Highway in Ouarzay to go to Salt Lake. It is about 40 kilometers away to Kara Village, and then there is a dedicated road of about 15 kilometers from Kara Village to Salt Lake. Starting from the road after 8 kilometers, you will see that the next 10 kilometers are large areas of salty scenery.

Jame Mosque in Ouarzaneh

The James Mosque in Ouarzaneh was originally built in 1100 AD. However, during the Nian Muer Empire three centuries later, the mosque underwent extensive renovations. Its magnificent shrine, its entrance and all the tile designs around the shrine, make the entire mosque look very special now.

You can visit this mosque that has a history of more than 600 years for free, but if you don't want to pray with the locals, you can't visit it during prayer time. There are three prayers a day, and you'd better wait for the locals to leave the mosque after praying before visiting. The mosque opens early every morning and closes only one hour after sunset. Of course, if there are festivals, funerals and other activities, the mosque may be occupied for two or three hours. If you happen to run into this special situation or it is a time to call for prayer, you can hear the sound of prayer from the spire of the mosque that can be heard in almost the entire town. The call for prayer is actually a major gathering in a mosque that became popular in the post-Islamic era. Especially at noon on Friday, you will hear the Islamic patriarch give speeches on religion and recent social and political issues. Like many religious centers in the world, whether it is a church or a temple, you must wear formal and dignified clothing when entering such a Muslim mosque. You can clearly see the round dome and light tower of the mosque in any part of the town, because, in fact, it is located in the center of the whole town.

The ancient bridge in Varzaneh

Varzaneh's old bridge

This bridge is the last ancient bridge in Ouarzaneh. It has 10 arched bridge holes, 7 of which were built in the Seljuk dynasty about 900 years ago. The remaining three additional bridge holes were built by locals about 140 years ago. You can tell which bridge holes are added later through a small wall there. The bridge is 67 meters long and 6.5 meters wide, connecting the new and old parts of the town. Some boat bicycle and motorboat tours are organized around the bridge for tourists. You would pay USD1 to take a short tour. tour.

Yusefi Traditional House and Ethnographic Museum

The Yusefi house is a typical traditional big house designed by Kaijia. In the Yusefi house, you will find bedrooms, baking rooms, guest rooms, reservoirs, fountains and gardens. Wells and windows are all in traditional style. This house currently has another function, that is, a museum, which collects photos of stage modeling in the region, farming and cooking utensils, etc. This room gives you a real introduction to how the people living in the villages near Ouarzané lived hundreds of years ago. The Yusefi house is located in the northern part of the old part of the town, close to what the locals call "Darvazeh-Abbas دروازه عباس," which means (king) Abbas Gate.

Respect local customs

Women's Customs

Women's clothing in Varzaneh has attracted a lot of media attention. Unlike other parts of Iran, women here usually wear white clothes instead of black. So far, there are basically three explanations for why women in Varzaneh wear pure white. Some people think that this can be traced back to Zoroastrian religion, because white is the most holy color that Zoroastrianism considers. Others believe that this is because this area is rich in cotton, because the history of cotton cultivation here is long. Of course, some people simply think that it's just because white looks more comfortable in the hot summer.


The handmade carpets of Varzaneh are very famous in the world. Its design belongs to the general Nain carpet design. Many women still use natural threads, including silk and wool, which makes the quality of the carpet very good. In Ouarzay, it is very attractive for tourists to buy carpets, because it is much cheaper to buy them in Ouarzay than in markets in other cities.

The tablecloths woven by women using traditional equipment are another beauty. In the picture, you can see the woman using these devices to weave cloth. The woman said: If you work hard all day, you can weave a tablecloth of one square meter by sunset.

Thousand-year Ghoortan ancient castle

The ancient Ghoortan Old Bridge is 12 kilometers west of Isfahan, you can go there directly from Isfahan, 90 kilometers east of Isfahan city. It is located on the banks of the Zayanderud River and has experienced natural disasters and many wars for 1,000 years. The thick walls made of adobe mud bricks protect this ancient building complex for the people who live in the area. The wall is 3 to 4m thick, 9m high, and covers an area of ​​40,000 square meters. Only four families currently live in it. The castle has four mosques, a dovecote, a cistern, a mill, and many houses, protected by 14 round towers. There are only two entrances to enter.

Dovecote (Dovecote)

The pigeon loft in Varzaneh

In a dry area like Ouarzaneh, rainfall is like a reward for farmers, who will store rainwater to water their barren land. From Ouarzaneh to the west, until Ezhieh (a town 25 kilometers west of Ouarzaneh), or east to Hassanabad (a town 25 kilometers south of Ouarzaneh), you will see many pigeon lofts or pigeons Abandon. The dovecote is also called Kabutahani in Persian, which means pigeon’s home.

Agriculture is closely related to the lives of people here, because more than 70% of trade transactions here are directly and indirectly related to agriculture. In the picture below, you can get a close look at a pigeon loft on the northern bank of the Zayanderud River in Varzany. There used to be 7000 pigeons living here, covering an area of ​​250 square meters and a height of 13 meters. Such a dovecote structure can be traced back to the era of the Safavid Dynasty 300 years ago.

Camel Mill (building complex)

Camel mill

The traditional method of dragging with male camels has been restored. In history, the last Iranians used this method to grind flour was a century ago. Mr. Mohammed, the builder and owner of the camel mill, often uses this method to attract tourists, although he occasionally grinds flour. He would pull the camel rope while singing a beautiful local folk song. As you can see on the picture, this building is designed completely in accordance with the traditional style. The camel mill can be seen on the side of the road to the town cemetery.

Niujing (building complex)

Mecca Ibrahim restored the cattle well 50 years ago with a special breed of cattle, the locals called Zaboli cattle (Zaboli is a town in southwestern Iran). In the case of cattle, at the beginning, it took Mecca Ibrahim more than half a year to train in the field alone. One of the most surprising and shocking is that this cow can now work on its own with only the singing of its owner. This means that the cow started working when Mecca Ibrahim began to sing and pumped water out of the well. Many such cattle can be found in southeastern Iran or in the Baluchistan region of Pakistan. This cattle well (building complex) has only such a well, a cow, rope, pulley and bucket. In this way, water can be pumped to the field for irrigation without polluting the air. The water pumped out by a cow working 6 hours a day can irrigate 1,500 square meters of wheat fields, which is an extremely efficient way. This method has been widely used since 600 years ago, until 5 years ago, ordinary farmers began to use fuel pumps. If you visit this complex, Mecca Ibrahim will enthusiastically invite you to drink tea. You need to pay 40,000 Iranian currency tickets (1.2 USD) to visit Niujing.

Reservoir and wind tower (wind bucket

Reservoir and wind bucket in Varzaneh, Isfahan

Reservoir is Apoamba (آب انبار‎) in Persian, which is a traditional reservoir or storage tank for storing drinking water in ancient Persian customs. Wind bucket is Badji (بادگیر) in Persian, It is an important factor in the natural ventilation of traditional Persian buildings. In Ouarzane, you can see people use wind buckets to cool the water in the reservoir. There are 7 reservoirs like this in Ouarzane.

Great Hostel

Legend has it that King Abbas I founded 999 hostels in the Persian Empire to promote and increase tourism and trade, one of which was in Ouarzay. You can find it on the way to the east exit of Ouarzay, it is 400 years old.

Other tourist attractions

There are also many other attractions worth seeing, including the windmill by the river and the small waterfall on the Zayanderud River. The Gaweikhuni wetlands, salt lakes, salt mines and salt plains in Kara are also famous in Varzany. For details, you can refer to the surrounding section.



Desert leisure and sports: The Ouarzaneh Desert is an excellent place for camel riding, horse riding, gliding, safari, motor sports, camping, and beach skateboarding. You can see related photos at the bottom of the page. You can find these leisure sports facilities and equipment in local clubs and tourist tents in and around the Ouarzaneh Desert.

Watch the starry sky (with or without a telescope): As long as you climb 3 or 4 hills in the desert, you will enter a safe area that is completely undisturbed by the light from the urban area of ​​Ouarza, and you can really feel it That bright starry sky. If you go at the right time, there are no clouds in the sky, and the moonlight is very weak, you can recognize many classic constellations in the starry sky without a telescope, and you can easily see the Milky Way without a telescope.

Boat rental: You can rent a motorboat or pedal boat to play in the Zayanderud River. You can also rent such a boat by the ancient bridge in Ouarzay.

Mountain climbing: Mount Ergesht is located in the northeast of Ouarzaneh, just 15 kilometers from Ouarzaneh to Nain. Ergesht Mountain is 2000 meters high, because there are no buses and buses to go there, so the best option is to take a taxi.



  • The ecological (organic) dietary tradition of the Ouarzaneh region enjoys a very good reputation. Here are some delicious dishes you can taste in Ouarzaneh. Not only can you find these local ecological and organic dishes in the catering department of a hotel or hostel, you can also go to the oldest Gol-Hossein restaurant in Ouarzay. You will find that the town of Varzaneh is actually very small, so you can easily find any place.
  • Mint eggplant with milk milk (Kashkebadjan), Persian is کشک بادمجان. I have to say that this is a traditional Iranian dish. Just because it is a traditional dish, the people in Ouarzaneh play this dish very well. Usually walnuts, olive oil, garlic, eggplant, mint, minced ginger, onions and solid whey are used. In the countryside, saffron and pistachios are used in some. Eggplant with milk milk mint is quite famous in Iran as a delicious vegetarian food. If you want to make it into a vegan dish, you can ask the chef not to add whey, because whey is usually extracted from yogurt. At any hotel or hostel in Ouarzay, you can order homemade eggplant with mint milk milk.
  • Guoba Saji: As another traditional dish in Iran, the Varane people have a more special method of making it. Mainly used: cashew nuts (or red beans), celery, leeks (or use scallions instead), coriander, dried bitter bean leaves, Persian lime, a little onion and minced ginger, and minced lamb.
  • Persian Chicken Soup: Made from pomegranate sauce, chicken breast or duck breast, walnuts, sugar, cinnamon and saffron.
  • Organic bread: Also, most of the dishes in Varzaneh are free of artificial additives. If you walk in Varzaneh on weekends or holidays, you will find the smell of bread fills the whole street, but no one goes to the bakery, which is not surprising. In bakeries, you can usually see saffron, fennel, or black sesame or white sesame on the inside or on the surface of the bread. You just need to tell the locals that you want to taste the bread. You can always eat it without spending money. Because everyone has such organic bread at home. In Ouarzay, almost all restaurants and hotels offer local organic food.



Between the two main destinations of Isfahan and Yazd, most hotels and hotels are very cheap. Many tourists will stay for a week or more to enjoy the sun and the silence of the desert.


Yasna Traditional Hotel ☎ 98 913 214 98 51 (mobile phone) ([email protected]) is a comfortable serviced apartment with separate bathroom and toilet, TV, 400,000 Iranian currency (only 10 euros, or 14 US dollars) ). This is a renovated hotel with a lot of potted plants and flowers in the yard. You can book a room by email or send a message and reply to confirm. If you want to make your own food, you can ask any of the friendly staff there, they can speak English, French and Persian.


Isfahan code is 031

Next stop

In Varane, there is a shuttle bus to Isfahan, basically every hour until 14:00. Please note that the last train to Isfahan departs from Varane at 14:00. However, this does not mean that you cannot go back to Isfahan after 14:00. According to the experience of many travelers, it is actually easy to find a car to take you to Isfahan. You are waiting in front of the gas station in Varane. On the yellow platform, there are large benches for free-riders to stop and rest. However, you cannot save too much money on foot. Because, the entire line from Varrane to Isfahan only costs 20,000 Iranian dollars (0.75 U.S. dollars). In addition, since many taxi drivers may have business in Isfahan and will go there frequently, the price they charge will not be much lower than the normal price. If you take a bus, ask the locals how to get there, or use the local automatic bus terminal), because there is only one bus terminal in this town. Private taxis are open 24 hours.

To go to Yazd, you need to take a taxi to Nain. It will be easy after that, because all the buses from Isfahan and Tehran to Yazd will pass through Nain. So, if you stop at the highway police station around Nain, you can find a bus to Yazd within 15 minutes. It will take a total of 3 hours to travel from Varane to Yazd. If you take a taxi to Nain or even go directly to Yazd, it will not be very expensive, because many people will go to Yazd and Nain for other reasons, so they can take you on the way at a cheaper price. If you want to hitchhike from Varrane to Yazd, it is impossible. Fortunately, however, you can also catch multiple buses to Nain for only 100,000 Iranian dollars (approximately US$3).

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