Xuyi - 盱眙

Xu Yilie inHuaian



Xuyi County isJiangsu ProvinceHuaian cityThe county is located in the Yangtze River Delta region, located in the southwest of Huai'an, the lower reaches of the Huai River, the south bank of Hongze Lake, and the middle and east of the Jianghuai Plain; it is adjacent to Jinhu County and Chuzhou Tianchang City in the east, and Liuhe District and Nanjing City in the south and west. Chuzhou City borders Lai'an County and Mingguang City, and borders Sihong County and Hongze District in the north to the northeast.

The terrain is high in the southwest and many hills; the northeast is low and many plains; it is sloping in a stepped shape, with a height difference of more than 220 meters. The Huai River flows through the territory and borders Hongze Lake in the east and north, with low mountains, hills, plains, river and lake polder areas and many other landforms.

Xuyi County has a total area of ​​2,497 square kilometers, with 3 sub-districts, 14 towns and 3 townships under its jurisdiction, with a total population of 805,000 (2014). In 2015, the county’s regional GDP reached 32.01 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10%. Xuyi has many cultural and tourism resources, and has won honorary titles such as "China Tourism County". In 2016, Xuyi was rated as the second batch of national tourism demonstration areas by the National Tourism Administration.

Xuyi was founded in the Han Dynasty and was the seat of the ancient Sizhou prefecture, a famous city in the Tang and Song Dynasties. It was the birthplace of Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the country. There are many historical sites in the territory, and the world's earliest comet movement map and the Chenzhang round pot from the Warring States period have been unearthed in the territory.


In the Spring and Autumn Period, Xuyi was named "Shan Dao" and belonged to the State of Wu. It was once the place where the princes met. During the Warring States Period, the Chu State invaded and expanded eastward to Sishang. Xuyi was Chuyi, and the name was Duliang. When Emperor Qin Shihuang unified China and implemented the system of prefectures and counties, Xuyi was established as a county. The county name was "Xutai" at the beginning and "Xuyi" later. The county was established between the twenty-fourth year of Emperor Qin's administration and the unification of China by Emperor Qin Shihuang (223 BC-221 BC). Xuyi County first belonged to Yangshui County and later to Donghai County. During the Chu and Han Dynasty (208 BC-202 BC), Xuyi belonged to Dongyang County of Western Chu. In June of the second year of Qin II (208 years ago), the leader of the anti-Qin Yi army, Xiang Liang, made the king of Chu Huai Wang, Xiong Huai's grandson, Xiong Xin. All in Xuyi. Moved the capital to Pengcheng (the territory of Xuzhou today) in September.

In the Western Han Dynasty, in the 6th year of Emperor Gaozu (201 BC), Jing was established in Guangling. In the 12th year of Emperor Gaozu (195 BC), Jing was abolished and Wu was established. Xuyi belonged to Jing and Wu successively. Emperor Jing abolished the State of Wu in the third year of the Yuan Dynasty (154 BC), and Xuyi was changed to Pei County. In the sixth year of Emperor Wu's Yuanshou (117 years ago), Linhuai County was established, and Xuyi belonged to it. During the Xinwangmang period (9-23 years), Xuyi was renamed "Wukuang". In the Eastern Han Dynasty, during the reign of Emperor Guangwu (25-57), Linhuai County was merged into Donghai County; in the fifteenth year of Emperor Yongping of the Ming Dynasty (72 years), the homeland of Linhuai County was set aside from Donghai County and Xiapi State was established. Xuyi successively belonged to Donghai County And Xiapi country.

During the Three Kingdoms period (220-265), Xuyi entered the Wei Kingdom and belonged to Xiapi County, Xuzhou. In the later period, Xuyi was abandoned.

In the Western Jin Dynasty, in the first year of Emperor Wu Taikang (280 years), Linhuai County was established in the Huainan area of ​​Pi County; in the first year of Yongning (301), Linhuai County was renamed Linhuai State, and Xuyi was a county and was governed by Linhuai County. Place. During the Yongjia period (307-312), Shile attacked Jin with troops, and Xuyi was briefly occupied by the Shi clan and was still in Linhuai County. In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, in the 7th year of Yixi (411), Xuyi was separated from Linhuai County, and the county was established as a county, belonging to Xuzhou. At this time, no Xuyi County was built, and Xuyi County governed three counties: Kaocheng, Zhidu, and Yangcheng.

Southern Song Dynasty, the second year of Yongchu (421 years), Xuzhou is added as Southern Xuzhou, Xuyi is still a county, and the county governs three counties: Kaocheng, Zhidu, and Yangcheng. In the eighth year of Yuanjia (431 years), the area between the Yangtze and Huaihe Rivers was cut into Nan Yanzhou, and Xuyi County was changed to Nan Yanzhou. In the twenty-eighth year of Yuanjia (451), Nanyanzhou moved from Guangling to rule Xuyi. In the thirtieth year of Yuanjia (453 years), Nan Yanzhou was abolished, and later restored, but the state administration was still moved to Guangling. At the end of the Song Dynasty, Xuyi County increased the jurisdiction of Xindu and Suiling counties. Qi, the resettlement of Xuyi County, belongs to Xuyi County of Nanyanzhou. The county governs five counties: Kaocheng, Xuyi, Yangcheng, Zhidu, and Changle. In the 4th year of the founding of Yuan Dynasty (482 years), Beiyanzhou was moved from Huaiyin to Xuyi, and Xuyi County was changed to Beiyanzhou. Liang, Xuyi County originally belonged to Beiyanzhou and later to Huaizhou. At the end of Emperor Wu (549), the Huainan area was occupied by the Eastern Wei Dynasty, and Xuyi County was established under the county rule, which belonged to Huaizhou, and the county governed Xuyi, Yangcheng, and Zhidu three counties.” After entering the Northern Qi Dynasty, Xuyi County still belongs to Huaizhou, and its jurisdiction is examined. Cheng, Xuyi, Yangcheng, and Zhidu counties. Chen, in August of the fifth year of Taijian (573 years), Xuyi entered Chen, and changed to Qiaozhou in September. Xuyi County still governs Kaocheng, Xuyi, Yangcheng, and Zhi Du four counties. In the seventh year of Taijian (575 years), Xuyi County was changed to Nanyanzhou. Later, Beiqiao Prefecture was established in Xuyi County, and it was soon abolished. In the eleventh year of Taijian (579), Xuyi County entered Yuzhou and was changed to belong to Nanyanzhou. Yangzhou, the county still governs four counties: Kaocheng, Xuyi, Zhidu, and Yangcheng.

In the Sui Dynasty, Emperor Kaihuang three years (583 years), abolished Xuyi County, Kaocheng, Zhidu, and Yangcheng were merged into Xuyi County and belonged to Jiangdu County.

Tang, Wude four years (621 years), was governed by the county and set up Xichu Prefecture, under the jurisdiction of Xuyi County. In the eighth year of Wude (625 years), West Chuzhou was abolished and Xuyi was changed to Chuzhou. In the first year of Guangzhai (684), it was changed to Linhuai County, Sizhou, under the jurisdiction of Henan Province. During the Five Dynasties, Xuyi entered Wu. In the third year of Yamato (931), Wu Guosheng was promoted to Xuyi County as the recruiting army. After entering the Southern Tang Dynasty, Xuyi belonged to Chuzhou. Zhou Xiandezhong (between 954 and 959), Xuyi entered Zhou.

In Song Dynasty, at the beginning of Xuyi belonged to Chuzhou (now Huaian District, Huai'an City). In the first year of Gande (963), it was changed to Yuanzhou. In June of the third year of Jianyan (1129), the county was promoted to the army and was attached to Huainan East Road. In September of the following year, the army became a county, belonging to Haozhou (now Fengyang County, Anhui Province). In the second year of Shaoxing (1132), it was restored to Sizhou. In the first month of the twelfth year of Shaoxing (1142), ascended to Tianchang County as the Tianchang Army and Xuyi as a county. In May, the army was abandoned and Xuyi County was promoted to the army, under the jurisdiction of Huainan East Road. Xuyi Army governed the two counties of Tianchang and Zhaoxin. At the beginning of the main road (1165-1168), Xuyi entered the Jin Dynasty, still serving as the Xuyi Army. After Jin Xuanzong crossed the south (1214), the Xuyi army was changed to Zhenhuai Mansion, which was soon abandoned and Xuyi returned to the end. Baoqing third year gate 227 years), Xuyi once again entered the gold. In the fifth year of Shaoding (1232), Jin Jiang took Xuyi to the Song Dynasty, and Song Zhao changed Xuqijun as the recruiting army. He governed Tianchang and Zhaoxin counties, which belonged to Huainan East Road.

Yuan, Xuyi was first recruited by the army. In the thirteenth year of the Yuan Dynasty (1276), Xing Zhaoxin Road pacified the secretary, and governed Xuyi, Tianchang, Zhaoxin, and Wuhe four counties. The following year, in Xuyi County. Administer Zhaoxin Road General Administration Mansion. In the fifteenth year of Yuan Dynasty (1278), it was changed to Linhuai Mansion. In the seventeenth year of the Yuan Dynasty (280 years), Wuhe County was placed under Sizhou. In the 20th year of Yuan Dynasty (1283), Zhaoxin County was abolished and its land was merged into Xuyi County. In the 27th year of Yuan Dynasty (1290), Linhuai Mansion was abolished and Xuyi County belonged to Sizhou.

In Ming Dynasty, Xuyi was a county and belonged to Sizhou. Sizhou, in the first year of Hongwu (1368), belonged to Linhao Mansion (now Fengyang County, Anhui Province), and was directly subordinate to Zhongshu Province the following year. In the fourth year of Hongwu (1371), it was changed to Fengyang Mansion (now Fengyang County, Anhui Province). ).

In the Qing Dynasty, Xuyi belonged to Sizhou, Fengyang Prefecture at the beginning. In the 19th year of Kangxi (1680), the city of Sizhou sank in the water, and the prefecture of Sizhou moved to Xuyi. In the second year of Yongzheng (1724), Sizhou was promoted to Zhili Prefecture, under the jurisdiction of the Anhui Chief Minister, Xuyi is still a county. In the forty-two year of Qianlong (1777), Hong County of Fengyang Prefecture was ruled to be Sizhou, and the prefecture was moved from Xuyi to Hong County (now Si County).

In the Republic of China, Xuyi began to be directly under Anhui Province. In June of the third year of the Republic of China (1914), it belonged to Huaisi Road (Zhifengyang County) in Anhui Province. In the seventeenth year of the Republic of China (1928), it was once again directly under Anhui Province. In May of the 20th year of the Republic of China (1932), the chief county magistrate was established in Anhui Province, and Xuyi belonged to the seventh district. In October of the same year, the chief county magistrate's district was changed to the administrative inspection district, and Xuyi belonged to the sixth administrative inspection district of Anhui Province. In October of the 27th year of the Republic of China (1938), Xuyi was changed to the fifth administrative inspection district. In July of the 29th year of the Republic of China (1940), the sixth administrative inspectorate was changed to the fourth administrative inspectorate, and Xuyi belonged to it. At the beginning of the 30th year of the Republic of China (1941), Xuyi was changed to the newly established ninth administrative inspectorate. In the 33rd year of the Republic of China (1944), the ninth administrative inspection district was abolished and Xuyi was changed to the fifth administrative inspection district. In July of the 35th year of the Republic of China (1946), the main force of the New Fourth Army in Huainan withdrew north to Shandong, and Xuyi became a guerrilla area. In June of the 36th year of the Republic of China (1947), the people’s power was restored and the Sixu Border Defense Office was established. In November, Xujia Office was established. The Xuyi County Government (three names, one organization) was successively under the jurisdiction of Huainan Jinpu The Ludong Commissioner’s Office and the Jianghuai First Administrative Region. In the thirty-seventh year of the Republic of China (1948), the four counties of Xuyi, Jiashan, Lai'an, and Liuhe merged to form the six county governments of Xujialai. In December, the entire territory of Xuyi was liberated, and the Xuyi County Government (democratic government) was established, still under the Jianghuai First Administrative Region.

After the founding of New China, Southern Anhui and Northern Anhui were merged into Anhui Province, and Xuyi belonged to Chuxian Prefecture, Anhui Province. Jiangsu Province was established at the end of 1952. In order to strengthen the management of Hongze Lake, Xuyi was placed under the jurisdiction of Jiangsu Province in 1955 and belongs to Huaiyin Prefecture. In 1966, it was changed to the newly established Liuhe Special Zone (now Liuhe District, Nanjing). In 1971, the Liuhe area was abolished, and Xuyi again belonged to the Huaiyin area. In 1983, Jiangsu Province implemented a city-administered county system, and Xuyi County belonged to Huaiyin City. In 2001, the three Huai Rivers became one, Huaiyin City was renamed Huai'an City, and Xuyi was subordinate to Huai'an City. On May 18, 2015, the Jiangsu Provincial Government approved the adjustment of some administrative divisions of Xuyi County, abolished Xucheng Town, Gusang Township, and Wangdian Township, and established Xucheng Street, Taihe Street, Gusang Street, and Tianquanhu Town.


Xuyi County is located in the transitional region between the northern subtropical zone and the warm temperate zone, with a humid monsoon climate.


As Xuyi County currently does not have an airport or railway station, it is generally necessary to go through the nearest city and then take a bus to arrive.


There are a lot of passenger trains between Nanjing and Xuyi County, so you can first arrive in Nanjing by air or rail, and then choose to take a bus from Nanjing to Xuyi to reach Xuyi. You can also choose to arrive from Xuzhou.

Private car

Xuyi County is connected with Xinyang Expressway.



You can use the combined transportation card (physical/electronic) to take the bus on most bus routes, and the general fare is 1 yuan.


The color of taxis in Xuyi County is not fixed, usually green or white with blue and green stripes, with LED billboards on the top. The base price is 6 yuan, and 1 yuan per kilometer thereafter.

go sightseeing

Ming Zu Mausoleum
  • 1 Ming Zu MausoleumIntroductionLocated in Mingzuling Township, Xuyi County, 15 kilometers northwest of the county seat, it is the actual tomb of the grandfather of the founding emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty and the burial mound of great grandfather and great grandfather. It was built in the eighteenth year of Ming Hongwu (AD 1385) and was completed in the eleventh year of Ming Yongle (AD 1413), which lasted 28 years. In the 19th year of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty (AD 1680), the Yellow River captured the Huaihe River and was destroyed by floods along with the ancient city of Sizhou. During the spring drought in 1953, it was exposed to the water for the first time and was called "the head of the tomb" by the local people. It came out of the water again in 1963 and was discovered by archaeologists in Jiangsu Province and confirmed that it was the first tomb of the Ming Dynasty. The restoration began in 1976, and it was opened to the outside world in 1982 and was listed as a provincial key cultural relics protection unit. In October 1996, it was approved by the State Council as a national key cultural relics protection unit. In 2008, it was successfully approved as a national AAAA-level scenic spot. Among the 20 scenic spots with problems announced by the Provincial Tourism Bureau on September 28, 2016, the Mingzu Mausoleum scenic spot in Xuyi County, Huai'an was downgraded to a national 3A-level scenic spot.
  • 2 Tieshan Temple National Forest ParkIntroductionIt is about 45 kilometers away from Xuyi County and covers an area of ​​70.58 square kilometers, of which 61.58 square kilometers of secondary forests and 9 square kilometers of Tianquan Lake surrounded by mountains constitute an extremely unique microclimate environment, where more than 40 species of wild species thrive Animals, more than 170 kinds of birds, more than 280 kinds of higher plants, and nearly 800 kinds of Chinese herbal medicines, most of which are marginal species in the north and south regions. The park is a national AAAA-level scenic spot, a national agricultural tourism demonstration site, and the first provincial-level tourist resort in northern Jiangsu. The Purple Mountain Observatory Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is located in the park, and its auxiliary facility, the Tieshan Temple Astronomical Science Park in Xuyi, was opened to the public on July 30, 2001.
  • 3 Huanghuatang New Fourth Army Military Memorial HallIntroductionLocated in Huanghuatang Town, Xuyi County, 35 kilometers away from the county seat, it is a national AAAA-level scenic spot. From the beginning of January 1943 to the end of February 1945, during the critical period of the National War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression from stalemate to counter-offensive, the New Fourth Army headquarters moved to Huanghuatang. The older generation of proletarian revolutionaries, such as Liu Shaoqi, Chen Yi, Zhang Yunyi, and Luo Binghui, used to strategize and win thousands of miles here, directing the great cause of anti-Japanese in Central China until the victory of the War of Resistance. The Military Memorial Hall is composed of the old site, old residence, exhibition hall and gardens. A large number of historical pictures and cultural relics are stored in the exhibition hall, showing the prosperous years of the War of Resistance in Central China, and recreating the fighting style of the revolutionary predecessors.
  • 4 Duliang ParkIntroductionLocated in the south of the First Mountain Scenic Area, it is the main venue of previous Chinese Lobster Festivals. The newly built Chinese Lobster Festival Square in the park is the largest mountain square in China. The museum has collected more than 2,000 representative objects of previous Chinese Lobster Festivals, showing the history of the Chinese Lobster Festival, which ranked first in "China's Top Ten Festivals" and "China's Top Ten Gourmet Festivals". The park is open to the public for free and has become one of the leisure places for local citizens.
  • 5 Sizhou City RuinsIntroductionNational key units
  • The first mountain inscriptionIntroductionNational key units


  • Xuyi Lobster FestivalIntroductionA festival brand officially started in 2001.


RT-Mart is recommended, which is close to the city center and has many types.





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