Xixia King Tomb National Park - 西夏王陵国家公园

Xixia King Tomb National Parklie inChinaNingxia Hui Autonomous RegionYinchuanAbout 30 kilometers west of the Helan Mountain Mountain, is the royal tomb of the Xixia Dynasty. In the 53-square-kilometer mausoleum, there are nine imperial tombs and 253 burial tombs. It is one of the largest surviving emperor’s cemeteries and the most complete ground ruins in China. pyramid".



The royal mausoleum of the Xixia dynasty, and Xixia is a feudal dynasty established with the Dangxiang Qiang as the main body in the early eleventh century. Since Li Yuanhao proclaimed himself emperor in Xingqing Mansion (Yinchuan City) in 1038 and founded the country, he was destroyed by Mongolia in 1227. He has existed for 189 years in history and has experienced 10 emperors. Its territory "ends the Yellow River to the east, borders Yumen to the west, connects to Xiaoguan to the south, controls the desert in the north, and tens of thousands of miles in the north". It covers an area of ​​about 830,000 square kilometers at its peak, including present-day Ningxia, most of Gansu, western Inner Mongolia, and northern Shaanxi. , Eastern Qinghai, eastern Xinjiang, and the vast areas of southern Mongolia. In the early period, it was evenly divided with the Northern Song Dynasty and Liao Dynasty, and in the middle and late Song Dynasty and Jinding. It is described as "one of the three in the world, and the northwest has been ruled for two hundred years."


The Xixia Mausoleum is magnificent and has a strict layout. Each imperial tomb is an independent and complete architectural group, sitting north to south, in a vertical rectangular shape, and the scale is the same as that of the Ming Dynasty Tombs. At present, there are two scenic spots, "Haowang Mausoleum" and "Shuangling Mausoleum". In order to reproduce the charm of the year, sound and light devices have been installed in the mausoleum. When night falls, everything is silent, and the light from the ground is yellow and blue shining on the mausoleum, turret, and god wall, just like a mythical world. Visitors can take a horse-drawn carriage from the east to enter the mausoleum, visit the ruins of the cemetery, and watch laser films introducing the history of Xixia, such as "King of Xixia". The Mausoleum of the Western Xia Kings covers an area of ​​more than 50 square kilometers, with a width of about 4.5 kilometers from east to west, and a length of about 10 kilometers from north to south. It is bordered by Helan Mountain in the west and Yinchuan Plain in the east. between. Its scale is comparable to that of the Ming Tombs in Beijing. When it was first built, each cemetery had underground mausoleums, burial chambers, ground buildings and gardens. The independent area was about 100,000 square meters, and the shape and layout were roughly the same. Since Xixia has a very close relationship with the mainland, the overall layout of its cemetery is arranged in accordance with my country’s traditional north-south axis and left-right symmetrical layout, which is compatible with the architectural layout and basic characteristics of the Tang and Song imperial tombs. The mausoleum, burial chamber, stele pavilion and corner platform also have the unique architectural style of Xixia, forming the inclusive characteristics of Han culture, Dangxiang culture and Buddhist culture. In the old royal tombs, according to the literature, from south to north, there were Menfan, Stele Pavilion, Moon Castle, and Miyagi, and there were buildings such as Xian Mausoleum and Pagoda Mausoleum in Miyagi. The mausoleum is built of rammed earth, with seven layers and octagonal corners, which are retracted layer by layer. Each layer is a wooden structure with tiles, dripping water and roof beasts. The rammed earth platform is wrapped with bricks, and the shape of the mausoleum is like a tower. shape. But now there are only rammed earth mausoleums, ruined walls and a piece of rubble.


From April 20th to October 20th every year, you can take Yinchuan Tourist Special Line 1 (tour 1) to the Royal Tombs of Xixia at Xinyue Square in Yinchuan City.


Ticket fees:

  1. 75 yuan/person (including: Xixia Museum, Xixia History and Art Museum, Xixia Stele Forest, No. 3 Mausoleum Site, No. 1 and No. 2 Sites)
  2. Free policy: children under 1.2 meters free of charge; seniors over 70 years old with ID cards free of charge; journalists and the disabled with relevant certificates free of charge
  3. Preferential policy: Undergraduate students can buy student tickets with student ID cards; senior citizens over 60 can buy tickets for senior citizens with an old-age preferential card for 40 yuan; military officers can buy a ticket with a half-price discount for military officers.
  4. Scenic area battery car 20 yuan/person


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