In flight - 飞行中

The most important part of the entire flight journey is undoubtedlyIn flightNS. All you have to do during the flight is to sit in a seat for a few hours. But how to make the journey of these few hours safe and comfortable is a lot of knowledge. You will learn about the tips and things to pay attention to from take-off to landing.

Basic Principles

Before takeoff

  • Seat according to the seat number. If your seat is an emergency exit, please follow the instructions and arrangements of the flight attendants.
  • Fasten the seat belt for your child and yourself, adjust the seat belt to the proper position, not too loose or too tight.
  • Large suitcases can be placed in the overhead luggage rack. Place small and medium-sized items under the seat in front of you to avoid obstructing the aisle. Smaller items can be placed in the front pockets, but don't forget them when you disembark. This will reduce the disturbance to people passing by your seat. If you no longer need it and there is a space above your head, you can move there.
  • Any containers that you put in valuables must be kept within sight. Even on the flight, there are incidents of theft. Please pay attention when you go to bed, or put your valuables under the seat under your feet.
  • Calculate the number of seat backs between your seat and the emergency exit, and be aware that the exit closest to you may be behind you. If you need to evacuate in an emergency, you may need to escape in a dark, dense smoke. If the aisle is full of people, climbing a seat is an option.
  • Read the safety card placed in front of the seat and watch the safety briefing. Even if you already have experience in flying, the emergency procedures for each flight are basically different due to the different models and airlines. This may seem boring or naive, but in the event of an emergency, you will remember what to do to avoid panic and save precious time.
  • Turn off the electronic equipment or transfer to the flight mode according to the requirements of the airline. For details, seeElectronic equipment section
  • When you are seated, if you carry a disinfectant/disinfecting wipe, you can use it to clean your hands, tray table, and armrests (if convenient). But five-star airlines and premium cabins will provide you with hot towels.
  • During a long-distance flight, try to dial the watch to the destination time zone in advance, and follow this to work and rest to reduceJet Lag Response. This can also avoid messing things up when you get off the plane without checking the time.

In flight

  • In economy class, when no one is by your side, raising the handrails (excluding safety exits) can provide you with a little extra space. On a wide-body plane with low attendance, you can even lie down and rest.
  • When the seat belt indicator lights up, keep the seat belt fastened. But if it does not make you uncomfortable, even if the indicator light is off, it is best to keep it on. Even in the fresh air, severe air turbulence will occur, and you and others will be violently thrown into the air, which is not unusual but not uncommon.
  • When you want to pass other aisle seats, first ask your neighbors to let you out, and try not to disturb the people in front of you and behind.
  • As a good neighbor, check in advance whether the person behind you is comfortable, and pay attention to the angle when tilting the seat back. The pitch of many economy seats has become so small that the reclining seat backs can greatly invade the space they really need.
  • On mid-to-long flights, drink plenty of decaffeinated and alcohol-free liquids. This will prevent your dehydration in low humidity conditions. Dehydration can aggravate jet lag and cause headaches. Don't hesitate to ask the flight attendant for water, or go to the kitchen. Some airlines (such as Emirates, Qantas, Cathay Pacific) provide self-service water dispensers in each kitchen for passengers to fill their own water bottles. If you are worried about the company's hygiene, ask for bottled water. Those companies that stingy in low-cost airlines may not provide water free of charge, so it is best to install water after the security check.
  • Get up and exercise every two hours, and your body cannot adapt to sitting for long periods of time. Adjust your body position occasionally. Stretch, bend your knees, draw circles with your can do these exercises in your seat. A few airlines now regularly show video programs to guide how to exercise in your seat. Follow them, or do your own exercise. By changing the position, you can ensure that every part of the body gets the circulation it needs to avoidDeep vein thrombosis (DVT)
  • If it doesn't affect others, you can take off your shoes. On long flights, airlines with better service provide slippers or stockings, or you can bring warm socks.
  • Put away any loose objects before landing. Put magazines and books in the front pocket. Don't put anything on an empty seat. If you brake heavily when landing, even light objects can slip or roll a long distance. They are difficult to find, and they may accidentally hurt others.
  • Always follow the flight attendants, lights and signs. Their instructions are for your safety and for all passengers.
    • Flight attendants are trained to be responsible for your safety. Don't argue with them. If there is a conflict or offensive behavior, please negotiate or complain to the superior after landing.
    • If a "bear passenger" becomes a safety threat on the plane, the captain can temporarily land, and the passenger will face charges.
    • Flight attendants’ orders are usually rights granted by law. For example, in the United States, disobeying flight attendants is a felony and faces high fines.

When landing

  • Due to air traffic control and weather factors, landing may take a long time. Please wait. If you need to return to the flight or make an alternate landing, please stay calm and negotiate with the airline for follow-up measures after landing.
  • Today, when flying has become very safe, applauding when landing is regarded as a rude behavior.


Travel warningwarn:Mainland China, as well as most countries and regions, have implemented smoking bans throughout the flight, the no-smoking signs will not disappear, and lighters need to be abandoned when they pass the security check.

On airlines where smoking is permitted, the “NO SMOKING” signal usually appears as an icon on the top of the head alongside the seat belt instructions. When it disappears, you can smoke at will; but only for paper cigarettes, tobacco and cigars are banned because the air conditioning speed in the cabin is not enough to effectively eliminate them. It is best to put matches and lighters in your pockets, not in flammable luggage, which is safer. There will be ashtrays for squeezing out cigarette butts in the toilet, but do not occupy the toilet for a long time. Cigarettes are also sold on the plane, which can be bought for personal use or given away, but don’t buy more to avoid being confiscated by the customs.


The International Air Transport Association stipulates that the economy class does not entertain alcohol, but there are some airlines in the economy class that provide alcohol for free. You only need to specify the name of the wine on the menu and the waiter will deliver it. Premium cabins have more and better alcohol offerings. Some flights also sell whole bottles of wine at the same price as in duty-free shops. Some airplanes have an on-board bar for you to use, but be careful not to get drunk to avoid making a fool of yourself.


Economy class meals of the five-star airline Singapore Airlines

In-flight meals are meals provided to passengers by civil aviation aircraft during the voyage. Airplane meals are set by airlines and are generally provided by manufacturers designated to provide in-flight meals. Plane meals are prepared near the airport and delivered directly to the plane before takeoff. When the plane is stable during the voyage, the flight attendant will put it on the trolley and distribute it to the passengers.

The dishes of the in-flight meal will vary greatly depending on the airline and the cabin. The usual economy class dishes include water and a small amount of staple food. The economy class of five-star airlines will have fruits and other embellishments and select, more delicious dishes, and there will be snacks available at any time. Business class and first class will provide dishes that are the same as those of high-end restaurants on the ground.

The time and frequency of meal supply are generally determined by the length of the flight and the current time. Short-haul flights and red-eye flights may only provide snacks, or even nothing to eat. You can buy some food to eat on the plane while you are waiting. The meal time in the economy class will not be very long, and the meal time in the premium class will be more flexible.

Low-cost airlines and general airlines usually do not provide meals or provide paid and expensive meals. Some low-cost airlines restrict you to bring your own food, but they will not strictly enforce it. Water is even paid for on these flights.


When sleeping, you can put the seat down to the extent that it does not affect the back row, put on slippers, lay out the pillows, cover with a blanket, and it is best to wear a seat belt to prevent the flight attendant from disturbing your rest when the airflow is unstable. Low-cost airlines and short-haul routes do not provide or pay for pillows and blankets. At this time, bringing thick clothes and neck pillows is an option. Please place valuables in your pocket or under your feet, or ask the accompanying persons to pay attention.

In the premium cabins of premium airlines, passengers can enjoy the treatment of lying flat. To turn a chair into a bed, please tidy up in a flight attendant.


Depending on the type of toilet, some are in the front and some are in the back. Some are divided into males and females, and in most countries it is usually for males and females. There is an "OCCUPIED" signal on the door which means "in use" and "VACANT" means no one is there. It is best to knock on the door before you go in to avoid accidental entry. After entering, you must remember to lock it, the "OCCUPIED" signal will light up, and the light in the bathroom will turn on. Please make sure that the light turns on before using it, otherwise someone may break in by mistake. "FLUSH" means full flushing, usually located on the side of the toilet. There are smoke detectors in the restrooms. Don't take a fluke on a non-smoking flight.

The toilets in premium cabins are usually more spacious and have more toiletries. You can take a short bath in the luxurious Emirates First Class. The use of toilets beyond the cabin will be prevented by the flight attendants.

Note that the aircraft toilet uses a vacuum toilet. Please do not press the flush button while still sitting on the toilet to avoid accidents.

Electronic equipment

The safety card in front of the seat will indicate the airline's electronic equipment policy. When you are not sure whether it can be used, please consult the flight attendant. If the flight attendants have other requirements during the flight, please follow the instructions.

In Canada and other places, you are not allowed to use it on an airplaneeverythingElectronic equipment, offenders may be sentenced to administrative detention. However, it can be used in the cruise stage on flights of airlines in China, the United States, the European Union and other regions.Turn on airplane modeMobile phones, tablets and laptops. TV and remote control toy cars are still prohibited. A small number of airlines will provide wireless LAN, and the price will not be cheap. Emirates and Virgin Pacific even allow the use of data traffic and phone functions, and roaming charges are also high.

The Civil Aviation Administration of China has issued the "Guidelines for the Evaluation of the Use of Portable Electronic Devices (PED) on Boards" on January 15, 2018, allowing passengers to use portable mobile devices during the smooth flight phase.Evaluation guide for the use of portable electronic devices (PED) on board


Low pressure

During the flight, the air pressure will change from time to time due to altitude, and it will be lower than the air pressure at sea level throughout the entire flight. Low air pressure may cause discomfort in your inner ears and temporary hearing loss. If you suffer from nasal congestion, the problem will be more serious.

An effective method of relief is to balance the ear pressure. Close your mouth, pinch your nose, and try to exhale. Another method is to swallow air with your mouth. You may have to try these methods a few more times to succeed, and you may need to repeat them at intervals during the descent.

Leg vein thrombosis

NoticeNotice:The following content should not be regarded as medical advice. If you feel you are at risk of blood clots, please consult your doctor.

Passengers flying long distances are prone to deep vein thrombosis (DVT), which is the formation of blood clots in the veins. Older people are often at greater risk than young people. The early symptoms are pain or swelling in the legs. The preventive measure is to get up and walk every 2 hours, do some leg activities in the seat, drink water or other non-alcoholic and decaffeinated beverages. High-risk patients can choose an aisle seat, socks or compression pants with anti-varicose vein effects can also be used.

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