Alhama de Murcia - Alhama de Murcia

Image of the Muslim Castle of Alhama.

Alhama de Murcia It is a municipality in the region of Bajo Guadalentín Murcian, Spain. Located between the Sierras de La Muela, Carrascoy and the Sierra Espuña Regional Park.



The climate of this town is Mediterranean, there is a lot of sun and little rain. Summers are usually hot and dry; and the cool and short winters. Temperatures vary around 18º C, and rainfall is usually less than 300 liters / m².

To get

Due to its privileged location in the center of the Region of Murcia, it is equidistant from the main cities of the community.

By plane

Alhama de Murcia is located 80 km from the airport of San Javier and 100 km from the airport Alicante, the Altet.

In Alhama de Murcia there is a new residential area called "Field of Flight", where the chalets have a private hangar to "park" the plane.

By train

It has a station that connects Alhama de Murcia with the Mediterranean coast as well as the main national cities. Soon, the construction of the High Speed ​​Train line is planned.

By bus

Lines to Murcia, Cartagena, Lorca, Mazarrón.

By car



  • Archaeological Museum "Los Baños"
  • Castle
  • Church of San Lázaro Obispo
  • Church of the Conception
  • Plaza Vieja Cultural Center
  • House of the Tercia
  • Municipal Farm
  • Cultural Center V Centenario
  • town hall. tel 968 63 00 00. [1]
  • Food Market
  • Regional Park of "Sierra Espuña". [2]
  • Sierra de Carrascoy Regional Park - El Valle
  • Sierra de la Muela
  • Protected landscape "Barrancos de Gebas"
  • Protected landscape "Saladares del Guadalentín


  • The Mays. May 3. Festival declared of Regional Tourist Interest in 1990.
  • Easter. Declared of Regional Tourist Interest in March 1995.
  • The Alhama Fair. October 7 in honor of the "Virgen del Rosario".
  • La Candelaria. February 2nd.
  • The carnival.

To buy

Alhama de Murcia Merchants Association: COALHA.

To eat

  • Crumbs
  • Chard and cod stew.
  • Gypsy pot (made from farm products).
  • Fresh pot (with pork products).
  • Stew with tabillas (tender beans) and artichokes.
  • Rice with rabbit and serranas (snails).
  • Rice with vegetables; rice with hare or chicken or with ribs or seafood.
  • salads of red or green peppers, with roasted tomato, aubergine and onion.
  • rabbit with garlic cabañil or with tomato.
  • Cake with paprika and sardines.
  • Easter cakes and "gift", "butters", "wait for you", cordials and marzipan; rolls of wine or anise. * Orange cakes and alfajores.
  • Baked cakes with or without pork rinds.

Drink and go out


  • Rural houses
