Anna - Anna

Anna is a Spanish municipality of the Valencia province, Valencian Community.

Anna Map


The origin of the name of the Villa has its roots in the Arabic word Yanna, as we can find it in the Qur’an. This word means ‘al-Yanna’, Alamedilla = ‘La huerta’.

Anna's origin predates the Muslim period, although the first documentary references date back to the mid-13th century when Jaime I the Conqueror donated the town to the Order of Santiago as a reward for the help provided in the siege of Biar. In 1332 the rebellion of the Saracen aljama of Anna took place, due to the seizure of certain assets of these by Commander Montalván. Alfonso el Benigno acquitted the Saracens in order to stop the depopulation process that the place was suffering. Years later, the town passed into the hands of Pedro de Vilanova and, later, the Borja family. The King of Spain, Felipe III created in 1604 the County of Anna in the person of Fernando Pujades y Borja and that finally belonged to the Counts of Cervellón. After the expulsion of the Moors in 1609, Anna was repopulated with Christians from Enguera and elsewhere.

To get


Anna is a small municipality that can be easily covered on foot. Of course, comfortable shoes are recommended if you want to travel any of its trails.


Cultural heritage

  • 1  Castle-Palace of the Counts of Cervellón. This palace is built on the old castle of Anna that already existed in the 12th century. Guided tours are made with prior reservation by calling 34 616551877. The price is € 2 per person. Children from 8 to 16 years old only pay € 1 and for children under 8 years old the entrance is free.
Palace of the Counts of Cervellón
Courtyard Palace of the Counts of Cervellón
  • 2  Church of the Immaculate Conception. Church dating from the early 16th century and dedicated to the Immaculate Conception. Of the church, its vaults stand out, which are covered with baroque tempera paintings.

Natural heritage

  • 3  Albufera lake. Lake that is approximately 1 km southwest of Anna. It measures about 180 m. from east to west and 300 m. from north to south, with a depth of about 5 m. It is surrounded by willows and poplars that, in summer, produce a cozy shade, in which its visitors take refuge. There are spaces enabled for rest, restaurants and beach bars where you can eat or have a drink, as well as a playground for the little ones. You can enjoy a boat trip or swim in its pools. A few meters from the lake there is a campsite with 90 pitches.
Lake Albufera de Anna
  • 4  Gorgo of the ladder. Place where the river has created a great canyon with deep crystalline waters that is accessed through 136 steps. Its waters rush into a "gorgo", forming a great horse tail called "El Salto". Due to its inaccessible location to the sun's rays, it has one of the coldest waters in Anna. Formerly it gave life to a small hydroelectric power station.
  • 5  The Black Fountain. It is a spring that creates a stream of singular charm that passes under a bridge and wooden balustrade. There is an old laundry of the municipality.
  • 6  Gorgo Catalan. Here the waters of the Black Fountain fall through a waterfall. It is a deep pond that is usually used as a regular bathing place in summer.
Gorgo Catalan
  • 7  March Fountain. Small lake that is next to the ruins of an old dye factory.
March Fountain


  • Trekking. In Anna there are several local trails that start from the Albufera and run through the Gorgos and other places of scenic interest. These routes have white-green stripes. There are also two homologated short-distance trails (white-yellow stripes): “Punta de Anna” trail and “Three waterfalls” trail, which connects Gorgo Gaspar with the Gorgo de la Escalera waterfall.
  • Festivities. Anna has three main parties. In the middle of January it is celebrated San Antón, patron of the town. During these festivals a bonfire is raised in his honor and the flag bearers throw toys in the traditional "Tirá". Later, during the first Monday in August, the Festivities of the Eras in honor of the Christ of Providence where musical and religious acts are held, as well as playgrounds and the presentation of the queen of the party. Finally there are the Festivities held in September, with musical performances, the Coronation of the Queen, a week of Moors and Christians, and Processions, ending with the bullfighting week.

To buy

To eat

Anna's gastronomy has to its credit the following dishes:

  • Baked rice casseroles.
  • Paellas.
  • Soup.
  • Soup rice.

As for the confectionery, you can try the sweet potato cakes, the pumpkin bueños, the salty cakes (they are consumed during carnival) and the loaves that are a variety of mona with almonds, cocoa and raisins.

To drink



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