Ancient Corinth - Antica Corinto

Ancient Corinth
Ancient Corinth
The temple of Apollo and the Acrocorinth
Ancient Corinth - Location
Institutional website

Ancient Corinth is an archaeological site of the Corinthia near the modern city of Corinth.

To know

Ancient Corinth included the area between the mountain of Acrocorinth and the coast in the gulf. Also visible from afar are the seven reconstructed columns of the temple of Apollo. On the excavation site you will find mainly the old town with the market square, with the surrounding buildings such as the baths, spas and temples. In the square is the Bema, the podium, on which the apostle Paul addressed his words to the Corinthians. Outside the excavation area, across the street is an Odeon and the remains of a theater.


The area is known to have been inhabited since at least 6000 BC. Ancient Corinth had two ports there was the port of Lechaion on the Gulf of Corinth, and not far away was the port of Kenchreal on the Saronic Gulf. Since ancient times, the isthmus was still considered a difficult obstacle to overcome.

In classical times Corinth became the seat of the isthmic games which took place every two years, between April and May. The award ceremony took place in the temple of Poseidon with a pine crown.

Between 49 and 50 A.D. Corinth also became the destination of the Apostle's travels Paul that in preaching the Gospel he came into conflict with the local Jewish power that accused him and made him judge by the proconsul Gallius who considered the question not in contrast with Roman law and for this he left him free. According to tradition, he preached from the highest point of the agora, the Bema.

Corinth had its heyday in the 6th century BC, the city was surrounded by walls and with the construction of the Diolkos it was trying to overcome the isthmus. In 150 BC around Corinth was conquered by the Romans, the city was sacked and later rebuilt. So it is not surprising that Roman remains prevail.

Corinth in a representation of 1687

Around 500 A.D. the barbarian populations that poured towards the Peloponnese passed through here. Therefore theHexamilion a protective wall, made of stones recovered from ancient buildings.

Subsequently, Corinth had a varied history with the passage of Byzantines, Crusaders, Venetians and finally the city was occupied by the Ottomans. In 1822, the city was liberated by the Greeks but in 1858 it was the victim of an earthquake. The old Corinth was abandoned and the new city was rebuilt about 7 km on the Gulf of Corinth. For this reason there are no old buildings in the new city.

The Acrocorinth appears in a myth that narrated that Briareus, acted as referee in a dispute between Poseidon and Elio (the sea and the Sun) establishing that the Isthmus would be the turn of Poseidon and the acropolis to Elio.

How to get

By car

Surely the easiest way to get to the Corinth site is by car. Apart from the scarce presence of signs, for this reason it is advisable to use a navigator, there is free parking on site.

By bus

If you want to go to ancient Corinth (with all the archaeological sites and ruins), you can first go to the new Corinth and then take a bus from there to the ancient one. To do this, you should go to the center of new Corinth and then ask people where the bus stop is. The stop should be located around a bar, and the bus leaves every hour, 5 minutes past the hour. The destination of the bus is "APXAIA" (Arxaia) for the old part. You can buy a ticket on the bus (€ 1.80). It is a good idea to stay on the bus for a while as it crosses old Corinth, as it gives you a nice budget tour. You could for example go out to the ancient theater (just ask the driver).

Permits / Rates

  • 1 Ancient Corinth entrance, Archea Korinthos, 30 27410 31207, fax: 302741031480, @. Ecb copyright.svgfull 8 €, reduced 4 €.. Simple icon time.svg08:00-15:00. Although the official Greek website informs that in the summer the visiting hours were extended until the afternoon, in reality the time taken is from 08:00 to 15:00. Unfortunately, program changes are frequent which can create some inconvenience in planning the visit.
  • 2 Acrocorinth entrance (Ακροκόρινθος), 30 27410 31266, @. Ecb copyright.svg2 € full, 1 € reduced (Feb 2018). Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 08: 00-15: 00. The Acrocorinth time is always the same.

How to get around

The site of ancient Corinth, once arrived on the spot, can be easily visited. On busy days, the parking lot in front of the entrance can be easily filled by buses. Parking nearby is recommended:

  • 3 ancient Corinth parking. Ecb copyright.svgfree.

Acrocorinto presents greater difficulties, not only in the visit itself, being placed on top of a mountain that requires a certain physical effort, but above all how to get there. For those who own the car the problem is relative, while if you are on foot it is suggested to take a taxi. The idea of ​​arriving on foot is not recommended due to the distance of about 7 kilometers uphill. Also consider the opening hours and the absence of refreshment points during the journey.

The parking space in front of the entrance can easily run out on busy days.

The entrance to the Corinth site

What see

Ancient Corinth

Corinth map. The colors represent the different ages of the monuments: 1. temple of Apollo - 2. temple of Octavia - 3. temple C - 4. agora / forum - 5. bema - 6. temples of Hermes, Apollo, Poseidon and Heracles - 7. pantheon and temple of Venus Fortuna - 8. north-east stoa - 9. south stoa -10. Bouleuterion - 11. South basilica - 12. Julian basilica - 13. Pyrene fountain - 14. Glauke fountain - 15. Lechaion street basilica - 16. Greek theater - 17. odeon - 18. north agora - 19. Roman market - 20. peribolos of Apollo - 21. Lechaion road - 22. archaeological museum
Temple of Apollo
  • Main attraction1 Temple of Apollo. Built around 560 BC atop a rocky hill, the Temple of Apollo is one of the earliest Doric temples in Greece. It was restored in the Roman period and dedicated to the cult of the emperor. In the Byzantine era it was transformed into a basilica, while in the Ottoman period it was partially demolished and a new residence of the Turkish local Bey was built over its crepis. Today only seven standing columns remain. Temple of Apollo (Corinth) on Wikipedia Temple of Apollo (Q3561843) on Wikidata
Temple of Octavia
  • 2 Temple of Octavia (Temple E). The temple measures 44x23 m and is dated to the 1st century AD. near the death of Augustus. It underwent constructive changes in subsequent eras, Pausanias describing it to us by talking about his dedication to Octavia, Augustus's sister.
  • 3 Temple C.
The agora
  • 4 Agora (Forum). The agora was the main square of the city, the place where citizens met and discussed. In Roman times it assumed the same function but was defined as a forum.
The bema
  • 5 Bema. The bema is where St. Paul preached to the Corinthians. This point became so important for the history of the city that it was transformed into a church in the Middle Ages, of which traces remain today.
Temples of the west part of the agora
  • 6 temples of Hermes, Apollo, Poseidon and Heracles (temples H, J and Babbio Filino). Here there are a group of three temples dated between the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. The pediments with Latin inscriptions are still visible.
  • 7 pantheon and temple of Venus Fortuna.
  • 8 northeastern stoa. Another place used as a market. The arch from the Roman era is very characteristic.
Stoa south
  • 9 Stoa south. This is one of the largest covered buildings in ancient Greece, measuring 164x25 meters, it was discovered in 1933 and excavations completed in 1948. It had 71 columns and was built in the 4th century BC. In Roman times it was modified until it was distorted, as other buildings such as the southern basilica, the bouleterion and more were superimposed. The stoa was definitively abandoned in the 6th century AD.
The bouleterion
  • 10 Bouleuterion. The bouleterion is the town assembly building, built as an expansion of the southern stoà and for this reason it is located against the colonnade. One of the walls is circular because it housed the circular staircase.
  • 11 south basilica. This building is located beyond the south stoa.
  • 12 Julian basilica.
Pyrene fountain
  • Main attraction13 Lower Pyrene Fountain. Pyrene she was a nymph who, according to legend, gave the fountain its name because on the death of her son Cencrea she was so desperate that she turned into a fountain. According to another inspiration, the Pegasus horse used to drink in this fountain. Poets traveled there to drink and receive inspiration.
On the Rocca dell'Acrocorinto there is another fountain with the same name. Pyrene Fountain on Wikipedia Pyrene (Q3389191) on Wikidata
fountain of Glauce
  • 14 Glauce Fountain. Fountain Glauce it was built near the Temple of Apollo in Roman times. According to tradition, Glauce, daughter of the king Creon, was about to marry the hero of the Argonauts Jason. A little before his wedding, Glauce received a poisoned dress from Jason's wife Medea. Once worn, the dress caught fire so in trying to save himself, Glauce threw himself into the fountain that bears his name but died anyway along with his father Creon.
  • 15 basilica of the Lechaion street. This Roman basilica was built in the 1st-2nd century AD. and its facade was rather monumental due to the presence of statues in the figure of colossal prisoners. The commercial areas are superimposed on it, for this reason the many rooms used for trade in the main street are visible.
The Greek theater
  • 16 Greek theater of Corinth.
The odeon
  • 17 Roman Odeon (Odeion). The Roman Odeion was built in the 1st century AD, while in the 3rd century AD. was turned into an arena.
  • 18 north agora. The series of buildings is easily visible outside the site, on the street.
  • 19 Roman market. Building with the characteristic exedra shape.
  • 20 peribolos of Apollo. This colonnaded building was another 1st century AD market. next to it there were some baths called baths of the Spartan Euricles, according to the descriptions of Pausanias.
The Lechaion road
  • 21 Lechaion street. This entry road to Corinth ended in the port of Lechaion with a distance of 3 km. The internal section of the site is paved.
One of the rooms in the museum
  • Main attraction22 Archaeological Museum of Corinth (Inside the archaeological area). An important aspect of the museum is the ceramics, the collection extends over the whole ancient world. In the museum there are some very beautiful mosaics. The statues are mostly from Roman times. The Corinthian capitals are also explained being the motherland of many other cities. Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth on Wikipedia Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth (Q4785384) on Wikidata
Western shops
  • 23 Western shops. Corinth was a city of great trade and in Roman times there were several buildings used for trade.
  • 24 Heeron.



It is a fortress used since the Archaic period as an acropolis. It was fortified and exploited for a long time during the fourth crusade, by the Venetians and the Ottomans. Today it is a fortified citadel in ruins on which it is possible to admire the remains of an Ottoman mosque, the temple of Aphrodite and the Upper Pyrene fountain. For the visit, comfortable clothing is recommended but above all the use of a car or a taxi to reach it.

What to do


Where to eat

  • 1 Bar and restaurant, Acrocorinth (In the entrance to the site.). With outdoor seating.
  • 2 Maras Cafe, Archea Korinthos.

Where stay


The road to Acrocorinth has no protective curbs along the road, be careful.

How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Ancient Corinth
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Ancient Corinth
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