Argo - Argo

Panorama of the city of Argos
Name inhabitants
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Tourism site
Institutional website

Argon is a city of Argolis.

To know

It is a tourist resort, dominated by the fortress castle (the kastro) set on the top of the Larissa hill, where an important archaeological museum is located. The fortress, built by the Franks on the ruins of the acropolis, was later modified by the Turks and, in the early eighteenth century, by the Venetians.

Geographical notes

The city rises at the foot of a mountain range that closes the homonymous plain to the north and ends in the Gulf of Nafplio to the south.

To the east and west of the city rise two hills, Larissa and Aspis.


Built during the Bronze Age, it was probably refounded in 1000 BC.

The city was in ancient Greece the second city of the Peloponnese and "one of the most important third forces in the Greek international framework ".

The expansion was consolidated with the landslide victory at Isie in 669 BC. against Sparta, after this clash the two cities were eternal enemies.

Argos was part of the Byzantine Empire until the Ottoman conquest. During the 12th century on the hill of Larissa, the ancient site of the acropolis, a castle was built, called Kastro Larissa. Argo was then conquered by the Crusaders and then by the Republic of Venice until in 1483 it became part of the Ottoman Empire.

How to orient yourself

The center of the city is represented by the square where the Cathedral of San Pietro stands. While the archaeological area with the theater is located to the west at the foot of the Larissa hill. On the opposite side to the east is the old disused railway, but further south is the bus station.

How to get

By plane

International airport of AthensEleftherios Venizelos.

By car

From Nafplio taking the National Road 70

From Corinth taking the A7 and exiting at the height of Nemea take the 7.

On the train

Argo was equipped with a train station but for several years the line has been in disuse, only the tracks remain.

By bus

  • 1 bus station (KTEL) (In the eastern part of the city near the former station.). The city is connected by KTEL buses with the neighboring city Nafplio and with an intermediate stop at the archaeological site of Tiryns. The races start at 6:30, every 30 minutes, until 16:00 and then every hour until 21:00 from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays and holidays, the races start at 7:30 am until 8:00 pm, approximately every hour.
There is hardly a daily run for Patras searchable, and one for Calamata. Also connects with Mycenae.

How to get around

Argo is not so big as to prevent walking.

By taxi

By car

The vehicular traffic is not excessive and also the possibility of finding parking is not too complicated, even if in the streets of the center the parking lots are often occupied.

What see

Ancient theater
  • Main attraction1 Ancient Theater, Tripoleos St., 30 27510- 68819, fax: 30 27510 24690, @. Ecb copyright.svg2 € full, 1 € reduced (Mar 2018), from November to March 1 €. Simple icon time.svg8:00-15:00. The theater of Argos is an important structure since in the past it hosted the Nemean Games passed from Nemea to Argos in 270 BC. Here singing and poetry competitions were held, as well as political assemblies, the so-called "ecclesia". In Roman times the emperor Hadrian spent himself on the restructuring of which today we can see the changes made. The imposing staircase could hold as many as 20,000 people and is leaning against the hill of Larissa on whose highest point of the theater you can enjoy a splendid view of the city. Excavations to bring it back to light began in 1892 thanks to French archaeologists who recovered many artifacts and better clarified the structural composition. Argos Theater on Wikipedia theater of Argos (Q24912661) on Wikidata
The agora of Argos
  • 2 Agora (Near the theater). The ancient Agora developed in the 6th century BC, it was located at the intersection of the ancient roads coming from Corinth, Heraion and Tegea. Excavations in the area have uncovered a bouleuterion, built in 460 BC. when Argo adopted the democratic regime, a Sanctuary of Apollo Liceo and a Gymnasium.
The Kriterion
  • 3 Kriterion (Nymphaeum), Attidos. Simple icon time.svgfree access. This ancient monument located at the foot of Larissa Hill, which had its present structure during the 6th-3rd century BC. Initially, it served as the court of ancient Argos, similar to the Areopagus of Athens. moreover, according to mythology, it was in this area where the Hypermnestra was attempted, one of the 50 daughters of Danaus, the first king of Argos. Later, under the reign of Hadrian, a fountain was created to collect and circulate the water coming from the Hadrian aqueduct located in the north of Argos. The site is also connected via a paved path with the ancient theater.
Unlike the theater, this monument is always accessible. Kriterion-Nymphaeum (Q52988430) on Wikidata
Relief of the knight
  • 4 Bas-relief of the knight (Along the path that leads from the Kriterion towards the theater.). This ancient bas-relief is probably dated between the third and fourth centuries BC. and represents a knight, a snake and an amphora.
  • 5 Argos Castle (Larissa). Fortress castle nestled on the top of Larissa hill. This structure is very ancient and remained from the Greek era. It may have been used and expanded in the following centuries up to the Greek war of independence. Today it is a visitable area. Larissa (Argo) on Wikipedia Larissa (Q1012861) on Wikidata
The archaeological museum
  • 8 St. Peter's Cathedral, Vasileos Georgiou V (In one of the squares in the center). Cathedral of San Pietro (Argo) on Wikipedia St. Peter's Cathedral (Q17624409) on Wikidata
  • 9 Temple of Isis (Ναος Ισιδος), Mpousoulopoulou. A semi-abandoned temple and amidst the houses of the 5th century BC. The structure had a square shape whose ruins emerge among the vegetation.
A stretch of Hadrian's aqueduct
  • 10 Aqueduct of Hadrian (Follow one of the small streets to the end in the direction of the mountain). Historically, Argo needed structures to supply it with water, the Hadrian's aqueduct represents an important work for the city. This structure also fed the nearby Nymphaeum and is visible along the ridge of the Larissa hill, now in disuse.
The Mycenaean settlement on Aspis
  • 11 Mycenaean settlement (Diras) (On the hill of the Prophet Elias or Aspis). On this hill there was a Mycenaean settlement of which a large trace of the cemetery of 1500 BC remains. with several tombs and a fortified citadel with circular walls. The hill was then also used in subsequent eras, of which various traces remain also through the findings of terracotta.
The sanctuary of Apollo and Athena
  • 12 Sanctuary of Athena Oxyderkis and Apollo Deiradiotes (At the foot of the Prophet Elias hill). Simple icon time.svgfree use. This sanctuary stands alongside the road leading to the Aspis hill. In an open space there are the remains of a building not easily legible due to the vegetation. However, there are some blocks of base rock and a staircase carved into the rock, perfectly intact.

Events and parties

What to do

At the Kriterion there is a park with a nice view over the city and lots of shade. The park reaches the border with the archaeological park, it is a beautiful place to visit, and you can also enjoy a view of the city.


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay

Moderate prices


How to keep in touch


  • 4 Tiryns, 30 27520, fax: 30 27520 24690, @. Ecb copyright.svg€ 4 full, € 2 reduced (Feb 2018). Simple icon time.svgFrom November to March: 08: 00-15: 00, From April to 11 September: 08: 00-20: 00, from 12 to 30 September: 08: 00-19: 00, October: 08: 00-18: 00. Friday only 12: 00-17: 00. This complex has been a Unesco Heritage site since 1999 and is of great importance for archeology. It came from the famous German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann. It dates back to 1400 BC. only to be abandoned around 1200 BC. However, important remains of Mycenaean architecture remain. Tirinto on Wikipedia Tiryns (Q217379) on Wikidata
  • 5 Dendra (Midea, a hamlet of Nauplia), @. Ecb copyright.svg€ 2 full price, € 1 reduced ticket (Feb 2018), € 1 from November to March. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri: 8: 00-15: 00. Prehistoric site not far from Nafplio, with tholos tombs. From this site comes the panoply of Dendra which can be visited at the Archaeological Museum of Nafplio. Dendra on Wikipedia Dendra (Q1186916) on Wikidata
  • 6 Heraion of Argos (Prosymna), 30 27520, @. Ecb copyright.svgFree admission. Simple icon time.svg8:00-15:00. It is a temple dedicated to Era excavated by Schiemann. Heraion of Argos on Wikipedia Heraion of Argos (Q1607754) on Wikidata
  • Mycenae - Ancient city of the Mycenaean kingdom, with its lion gate and the tomb of Atreus. An unmissable Unesco site.
  • Nafplio - seaside town, famous for its museum and castle.


The pyramid of Hellenikon

Argolis is famous among scholars for having two pyramids of uncertain dating, but which attest to the interesting presence of structures different from the usual one. Both can be visited in a short time:

  • 7 Hellenikon pyramid (A short distance from the village of Hellenikon southwest of Argos). This pyramid shows the basal structure still intact and clearly legible.
  • 8 Lygourio Pyramid (North of Lygourio, near Epidaurus. Just before the church of Agia Marina.). Compared to the pyramid of Hellenikon, this one is more incomplete.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Argon
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Argon
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