Aceh - Atjeh

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Aceh (Indonesian: Aceh, in full Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam) is a region in the extreme northwest of the island Sumatra, Indonesia.


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Aceh is one of the provinces that has acquired a separate status. For a long time Aceh was known for its independence movement. This movement claimed a special status because in the sixteenth century the sultanate of Aceh was the first non-European country to open diplomatic relations with the Netherlands, and because it would never have lost the Aceh War at the end of the nineteenth century. Thanks in particular to the efforts of the former Finnish President Ahtisaari, a peace process has started, resulting in a treaty and a stable situation so far.

At the end of 2004, the province was in the news because it was very badly hit by a tsunami.


Aceh is the native language of most natives here. Most people also speak Indonesian.


Travel around

To look at

To do

Cycling in Banda Aceh is a must. [1]!


Going out


Travel Warning

WARNING: Because the Sharia is in force in Aceh, there are restrictions for women and homosexuality is punishable. It is therefore not recommended for these groups to travel to Aceh. Caning is also given for possession of alcoholic beverages. Always keep an eye on the latest news to see which (random) rules have come into effect in the meantime.

Aceh has calmed down since the Tsunami in 2004, partly due to the humanitarian aid that has been given since then, but this does not exclude the possibility of violence and political unrest.

Because the attitude of the Acehnese Independence Movement is very conservative, people are expected to dress conservatively. Jeans are prohibited and women wear a headscarf at all times.

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