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Hitchhiking is generally not dangerous and unfortunate incidents are very rare, despite what many will say. However, as in everything that involves a trip, certain minimum safety rules must be observed. Especially if you are a single woman ...

  • Avoid hitchhiking at night or late at night in an area that is unfamiliar to you.
  • Make sure the driver goes where he says he is. Follow the road taken. Always know as much as possible where you are.
  • Avoid sleeping in the car if you are alone (and even more so if you are alone ...).
  • Never leave your luggage in the car if you are not there. If you have to get out of the car, bring them with you.
  • If possible, keep your luggage with you in the car instead of leaving it in the trunk. Otherwise, make sure the driver gets out of the car when you pick them up. If necessary, leave the front passenger door wide open while you retrieve your luggage on the bench or in the boot.
  • Avoid hitchhiking on the side of the highway. Not only is it banned in most countries, it is also very dangerous. Give priority to stops, gas stations, toll barriers, etc.
  • Obviously, at 2, it's less risky ...
  • If we have a bad feeling towards a motorist who offers to board us (even if there are no apparent reasons), we must follow our instincts and refuse. There will be more!
  • If the Good Samaritan's driving style leaves something to be desired, do not hesitate to get out of the car.
  • With a truck driver and in a truck: be careful not to hide the exterior mirror.
  • If you are a lone girl, be sure to take the vehicle's license plate number just in case ... and send it to someone who knows you are hitchhiking.
  • In order to avoid any problems, in the absence of a sign, feel free to ask the driver where they are going first, so that you can refuse if your instincts advise you not to ride with it.


The appearance you project directly influences your chances of getting caught. Drivers won't pick up someone they don't trust at first glance, and since they often have only a few seconds to decide whether or not to stop, the first impression is quite important.

  • To be smiling, to appear sympathetic.
  • Look the driver in the eye as much as possible to establish good contact. Greet him even if he doesn't pick you up.
  • Stand up straight while contracting the abs, look relaxed. Don't sit down.
  • Smoking a cigarette to kill time is a very bad idea ...
  • Two men will be less likely to get caught than two girls ...
  • A man-woman couple who hitchhike together exudes, it seems, an image of confidence ...

Driving behavior

The person who picks you up, especially over a long distance, most of the time wants some company, some conversation. It is generous of this person to stop for you. Your behavior should be affected.

  • Be respectful in any case.
  • Keep the conversation going if it feels like this is what the person picking us up is looking for.
  • Motorists who pick up hitchhikers mostly like you to tell them about your trip, entertain them, keep the conversation going, etc.
  • Some motorists (eg in Turkey) will ask you to help them pay the toll or gasoline charges. This is happening in a few countries, be aware and be prepared!
  • Observe the rules of the driver (eg: no smoking).
  • Getting on a hitchhiker who takes the opportunity to sleep is pretty boring, don't you think?
  • In short, be interesting without imposing yourself!

Where to hitchhike?

Although you can hitchhike almost anywhere, some places are recommended for both the speed to be taken, their convenience, etc.

  • VERY IMPORTANT: Find out about the laws in force in the country where you hitchhike. Some countries allow it without restrictions, others limit it to certain places (motorway rest areas or gas stations), others simply do not allow it and fines can result ...
  • The motorway stops (service points) and petrol stations are the best places to go long distances. The key is not to get off the highway, and to get there when you are not there yet.
  • As much as possible, be in a place where the car will have time and space to stop, and where the traffic is not going too fast or is too heavy. Some motorists willing to get on you simply cannot.
  • Stand at a reasonable distance following a turn can be a good spot on back roads.
  • The toll booths are also good places for long distances, but find out about the legality of such a step: you are actually on the freeway, where pedestrians are prohibited. It is forbidden in France, although it is possible to find a car, especially when asked to be dropped off at the first petrol station after the toll. (it is indeed forbidden in France to be on foot on the motorway, but very often the tolls are followed by a parking lot or pedestrians are authorized ... it is in my opinion the only place authorized to hitchhike at the tolls, and a fortiori one of the most efficient places).
  • The Truck-stop or Road depots are wonderful places for long distances. However, you have to meet the truckers and ask them where they are going and if they would agree to pick you up. Usually they are used to it and are very nice. Some don't want to pick up hitchhikers and that's their right ... Others just don't have the right. Likewise, salespeople in France are prohibited from getting passengers into their company cars.
  • Small roads, contrary to what you might think, are great places. This may be due to the fact that few people pass there, which makes the driver more empathetic. However, the distances are shorter, but the interesting encounters are more numerous.
  • Unfortunately, in the countryside, the risks of waiting longer are higher due to the scarcity of passers-by and their low habit of picking up stoppers. Despite everything, nothing is lost by trying it out, and this can be balanced by what is said above.

Tips and advice

  • Writing the name of the place you want to go clearly on a card prevents having several people stopped unnecessarily and helps others decide to stop for you.
  • Use abbreviations or directions. People who go in this direction will understand (Ex .: Nord, Prs, Brln) (but this is not always the case, not everyone has a map in their head and many people ignore when move if they go north or south.)
  • Too big luggage will decrease the chances of being caught, so do not hesitate to hide it next to you ...! (don't hide your rucksack! often the friendly motorist will be disappointed to have been "fooled". Showing your travel bag can be an advantage: some drivers are more inclined to help a hitchhiker who has trips to tell than someone from their area.)
  • The little flag in the colors of the native land sewn on the backpack is a definite asset!
  • When a driver stops, don't waste his time: run to the car.
  • Practical tip that avoids having to redo the signs each time: buy a notebook, or a notepad, and have it always with you!
  • An excellent alternative to the sign, at least in France and Belgium, is to speak directly to drivers who are at a stop, at a red light or at a gas station. We choose who we ride with, and we give the driver time to assess who he is facing. Obviously, the appearance in this case matters a lot. Think about your approach: how to approach the driver? Saying "Excuse me" subconsciously conditions him to see you as an inconvenience, while a cheerfully uttered "Hello" is much more neutral from this point of view. Then, as for the request: in difficult cases, ask if we can help you, in other cases you just start with a "Are you going in such a direction?" It can be useful, if you are going a long distance, to put your request and your final destination in perspective. You are in Bordeaux, you would like to arrive in Paris: say that you are going to the Netherlands, and specify that it would help you a lot if we advance you two hundred kilometers.
  • In the event of a long trip, do not do the heron. Even accept small lifts, as long as they take you to the next gas station.

A DIY easy to do and inexpensive: take 2 A4 veléda slates, tape them side by side by the small side, so as to have a book, a good black marker and voila !! waterproof, reusable as desired, clear and clean. it allows you to write short names on an A4 only and longer cities on 2 A4!

The rules hitchhiking

  • Always standing behind the first to arrive and waiting for your turn is a matter of common sense.
  • Do not get too close to the one who is waiting before you, so as not to put them at a disadvantage.
  • When you pass by the others who have already arrived, do not forget the traditional Good luck!?. If necessary, offer him something to make a sign if he does not have one.

Other related topics

Advice site for hitchhikers

Several sites offer advice to hitchhikers

  • HItchwiki Logo indicating a link to the website – A collaborative project to create a free guide for and by hitchhikers.
Logo representing 1 gold star and 2 gray stars
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