Baku - Bakü

Top: Baku panorama — Baku Business Center;Middle: Heydar Aliyev Palace - Baku Garden;Lower: Baku Maiden Tower — Baku Government Building — Azerbaijan TV Tower.

Baku (Azerbaijani: Baku) is the capital city of Azerbaijan, located on the western coast of the Caspian Sea. It is the largest city and the most important cultural and commercial center of the Caucasus. In addition to being the easternmost and most important industrial, commercial and cultural center of the country, it is also important as a port city. The majority of the inhabitants of the city are Azeris.

Intercity Transportation


Baku's international airport is Heydar Aliyev Airport, located approximately 25 kilometers east of the city centre. This airport is the headquarters of Azerbaijan Airlines.


Baku Station is the only central station of Baku, and is the main railway terminal of all suburban train stations of both the country and the city. Baku Station is very active and there are local (suburban), national and international train services. Baku Station is connected to the metro network with 28 May metro station.

International train services from Baku Station to Russia (Baku-Moscow, Baku-Sankt-Peterburg, Baku-Rostov, Baku-Tyumen, Baku-Mahachkala), Ukraine (Baku-Kiyev, Baku-Kharkov), Georgia (Baku-Tbilisi), and Baku-Koçerli-Balaken, Baku-Astara-Horadiz, Baku-Kazah-Böyük-Kesik, Baku-Ağstafa, Baku-Ganja, Baku-Mingachevir, Baku-Astara directions.

With the opening of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway, it is possible to reach Kars in Turkey and other Turkish cities via train services from Baku via Georgia's Tbilisi and Ahılkelek cities.


  • By bus

From Baku International Bus Terminal, buses run to every city of Azerbaijan and to many cities abroad (for example, Tbilisi, Tehran, Tabriz, Kars, Astrakhan, Volgograd, Moscow). Baku International Bus Terminal, one of the largest bus terminals in the world, serves 20,000 passengers every day, along domestic and international routes, and 950 buses depart every day. The terminal has 4 floors, and operates 14 escalators and 10 elevators. In addition, there is a hotel with 93 beds, a closed car park for 700 cars, a shopping mall with 800 stores, a 500-person canteen, a bank, a health center, a post office and a VIP waiting room. There are also station advisor's office and break rooms for bus drivers. The terminal provides its own electrical energy with a 35 kV auxiliary power plant and five transformers.

  • by car

By road, it is 1.5 hours from Shirvan, 4 hours from Ganja, and 3.5 hours from Mingachevir and half an hour from Shumgait.


Azerbaijan State Caspian Sea Shipping and Baku Sea Trade Port have a great importance in the water transportation of Azerbaijan.

Water transportation starts from Baku, the largest port of Azerbaijan and the Caspian Sea. From Baku, you can reach Russia's Astrakhan and Makhachkala ports, Kazakhstan's Aktau port, Turkmenistan's Turkmenbashi port and Iran's Bender-i Enzeli port. From Azerbaijan, it is possible to sail to the Azov Sea and the world oceans from the Caspian Sea, the Idil River, the Volga-Don Canal, the Don River; Or it is possible to sail to the Baltic Sea and the world's oceans via the Volga-Baltic Waterway.

Urban Transportation


Baku metro (Azerbaijani: Baki Metropoliten) consists of two lines with a length of 34.6 kilometers with 25 stations. These stations have 25 entrance lobbies. Seven of the stations are at great depth. Baku metro is the longest, most stationed and most crowded metro in the Caucasus. Five types of 39 escalators with a total length of more than 4000 meters were built in the subway. The total length of the tunnel constructions is more than 17.1 kilometers. The distinguishing feature of the Baku metro is that its lines are made according to the intersecting relief of the city located in the hilly region, where there are many curves with ` and ` thousand and small radius.

A new line (Line 3) and 8 new stations are also under construction in the northwest of the city. Longer-term projects include the construction of two new metro lines, and it is planned to connect the metro network to Heydar Aliyev International Airport.

Bus and minibus

In 1928, bus lines were opened and began serving the city. There are bus lines in every neighborhood of the city.

According to 2010, Baku has 310 bus lines and minibuses also use these lines, 1,130 municipal buses and 3,300 minibuses serve the city, it is planned to purchase an additional 1,496 buses and put them into service and establish 664 bus stops.


Baku funicular was put into service on May 5, 1960. In the time of the USSR, funicular trains were prepared in Kharkov, Ukraine, and brought to Baku by special order. Baku funicular has 2 stations: "Behram Gur" and "Martyrs' Lane" stations. The distance between stations is 455 meters. The funiculars, which have a total of 2 wagons, travel at a speed of 2.5 meters per second, reaching from one station to the next in 4 minutes. The waiting time between trains was 10 minutes, and the round trip fee was 20 kep. The funicular can carry an average of 2,000 passengers per hour.


  • Inside City
  • Palace of the Shirvanshahs
  • Maiden's Tower
  • Atesgah
  • Baku Boulevard
  • Kobustan National Park
  • Flame Towers
  • Nizami Street
  • Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center
  • Volcano
  • Azerbaijan Carpet Museum
  • Azerbaijan National History Museum
  • Bibi Heybat Mosque
  • State Flag Square
  • Baku TV Tower
  • Martyrs' Veil
  • Heydar Aliyev Palace


  • shower bar
  • Azerbaijani Pilaf
  • Baku Baklava
  • Caviar
  • Meat Kebab
  • Adjika
  • Chanakhi
  • Sekerbura