Balcarce - Balcarce

Balcarce is a city in the southeast of the Buenos Aires province, in the center-east of the Argentina, on the mountain chain of the Tandilia system.

Tower raised in the roundabout at the entrance to the City of Balcarce at the intersection of routes 226 and 55.

How to get

Roads and highways

Main accesses

National Route 226, which passes 4 km from the center of the city, and Provincial Route 55, which crosses through the center of the city, directly access the city of Balcarce and which fan out into the interior and locate it in a strategic communications center, facilitating access to other provincial routes to towns that are outside the main exit routes.


Balcarce's climate is temperate and humid, with an average annual temperature of 13.7 ºC and rainfall between 889 and 1000 mm / year. Mornings are usually cold, even in summer they are sometimes quite cool. Fog is very frequent in autumn and winter, in the latter there are abundant frosts. During the year there are several days with lows below 0 ºC. The rains occur at any time of the year, being more frequent in summer.

Tourism, what to do

For travelers there are several activities that can be carried out in the city, the inevitable one is to visit the Juan Manuel Fangio Automobile Museum, an excellent sample of the trophies of the five-time world champion of motorsport and the exhibition of several of the cars that used in his various seasons as a runner and other architects of this exciting sport, all gathered in a building that due to its characteristics is one of the best in the country.

View of the Juan Manuel Fangio Automobile Museum, on the occasion of a street competition of ecological cars.

A more than interesting walk is to Cerro el Triunfo where the Saverio Bonazza natural amphitheater is located where artistic activities such as the Automobile Festival among others are carried out. The getaway to the Sierra la Barrosa is one of the most recommended places, especially for the more adventurous, since here there are trails for climbing and trekking activities, with very good signposting to do them in addition to having groups in charge in the city to accompany them. Adventure marathons organized by the Hets Aventura Autóctona Group are also held in this mountain range, one of them, at the national level that takes place in October, is El Desafío a las Tierras del Diablo.

Adventure marathon on the slope and top of the Sierra La Barrosa organized by Grupo Hets Aventura Autóctona de Balcarce

For lovers of fishing, camping and water sports, what better than a visit to Laguna La Brava, only 30 km from the city on Route 226, Km 40, destination Mar del Plata. A beautiful water mirror surrounded by the mountains that you can enjoy at dusk incredible sunsets

The Brava lagoon is a water mirror of about 500 hectares whose depth ranges between 4 and 6 meters. Fishing activities, Camping and walks in vote.
Salamone Cultural Center left facade

For those interested in Art Deco architecture and the followers of Arq. Francisco Salamone Balcarce has an outstanding Salamonic circuit that includes the renovated Ex Matadero Modelo, today the headquarters of the Salamone Cultural Center, La Plaza Libertad, the Cemetery and the Secondary School of Education N ° 1 "Antonio González Balcarce", as well as the municipal delegations of San Agustín and Los Pinos