Beas de Segura - Beas de Segura

Partial view of Beas de Segura.

Beas de Segura it's a city Spanish of the Jaén province, in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, belonging to the Region of Sierra de Segura. In 2009, it had a population of 5,591 inhabitants and a surface area of ​​160.3 km².

Much of its extension is within the Sierra de Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas Natural Park, being the most populated municipal term in the Sierra de Segura region and center of influence of the neighboring municipalities.

To get

Beas de Segura is located in the western part of the Sierra de Segura, in the province of Jaén. It is accessed by the road N-322 Linares-Albacete and by the A-312 Linares-Beas de Segura, linking in both cases with the A-6301 Beas de Segura-Cortijos Nuevos, which was to the east, also communicates it with this last urban nucleus. It is located 122 km from the capital, Jaen, and halfway between it and Beas, there are two cities that are World Heritage Sites: Úbeda and Baeza.

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