Bizerte - Bizerta

Bizerte is a city in the north of Tunisia, on the coast.

To get

There is a bus that runs every hour from Tunis airport to Bizera and costs only 4 dinars per person. The bus is clean and quite comfortable.

It can also be reached by "luage" from Tunis.

A taxi from Tunis would cost 60 dinars, but you can always haggle.


The port of the city - it is charming.


The Spanish fort.

the 'Ksibah'.

The cathedral, which is already a cultural center

The "Rue de Grèce" for its beautiful buildings of French architecture.


Stroll along the wide beaches. Relax. Get to know the people there, who are very friendly and willing to talk to you - maybe even inviting you to their home for dinner with their family!

To buy

To eat

Drink and go out


Biserte Resort. 4 stars. Very good service and located on the beach.
