Blagaj - Blagaj

Blagaj lies in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Blagaj is an old town in Herzegovina. Due to its proximity to the Adriatic Sea (about 45 km) and its low location (45 meters), it has a Mediterranean climate. The average temperature is 17°C (26°C in summer and 8°C in winter). The sun shines on average 200 days a year. The icy river Buna (8°C) flows through the village and provides refreshment during the long, hot summers. The source of the Buna is one of the most powerful springs in Europe (about 43,000 liters per second). Today Blagaj has about 3000 inhabitants.


The area around Blagaj has been inhabited since 7000 BC. The settlement from the Neolithic age is called the Green Cave (Zelena Pecina). Then came a village, which later gives way to an Illyrian settlement. This was conquered by the Romans and transformed into a Roman Castrum. After Roman rule, the town was re-established by the medieval Bosnian state. It became the center of Hum Province, ruled by Bosnian Duke Herceg Stjepan Kosaca. Blagaj fell successively into Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian hands.


By train

Take the train to Mostar, from there you can take the city bus to Blagaj

By bus

There are several bus connections daily from Mostar (about 10 minutes on a city bus)

By car

12 km southeast of Mostar

By boat

Travel around

To look at

Blagaj is a small village, most of the sights can be done on foot.

  • The fortress (Herceg Stjepan Kosaca fortress)

About a 70-minute walk from the center of Blagaj via an unpaved path. In the summer, go at dusk so it's not too hot to ascend and enjoy the beautiful sunset view. Make sure you're back down before sunset, after all, the land mines on the hill haven't all been cleared yet. The dangerous places are well marked, but safety comes first.

  • Tekke (Dervish house)

World famous place of worship.

  • Zelena Pecina, the green cave

Oldest settlement in Blagaj. (3000 - 2800 BC)

  • The house complex of the Velagic . family

House complex of a prosperous Bosnian family dating back to the 17th century. Open for a visit from 10am to 7pm from May to October. 1€ entrance.

  • hammam
  • Orthodox Church
  • Catholic Church
  • Mosque of Sultan Sulejman

The mosque was built in 1521 but destroyed in the Bosnian civil war. It was rebuilt after the war. With a bit of luck you can even go up into the minaret.

To do

To buy


Going out

stay overnight

  • [www.camping-blagaj.comRiver Camp Aganovac]88201 Blagaj b.b. Bosnia and Herzegovina (N 43'15.452 - E 017'53.290), e-mail: . from 5 to 20€.

River Camp Aganovac is a small campsite on the banks of the Buna. Possibility to stand with a camper, or to rent a tent, or just a pitch for your own tent at very democratic prices. The manager is correct and can help you organize excursions in the area.


all around

Touristic but wonderful place where it is wonderful to swim under the waterfalls. Unfortunately poorly accessible by public transport, but with lifts or a cheap taxi you can get a long way.

  • pocitelj

Old medieval town in the Neretva valley about 25 km from Blagaj. Unfortunately poorly accessible by public transport, but with lifts or a cheap taxi you can get a long way.

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