Blue Mountains (Jamaica) - Blue Mountains (Jamaika)

Blue Mountains is a mountain region in the east of Jamaica.


If you as a tourist have the opportunity to be in Kingston for two or more days, you should definitely use the time and go to the Blue Mountains. There are two possible destinations from Kingston, the Newcastle garrison and the Mavis Bank coffee-growing center. You can also combine both. Here one has the rare geography that the highest point on the island, the Blue Mountain Peak with a height of 2,256 m is only 15 kim as the crow flies from the sea. Both routes start with the approach via Hope Road and Old Hope Road to the district Papine. Behind the market and bus parking lot with a lot of traffic (one-way street) and crowds of people, the street bends at a right angle and now runs parallel to the Hope River in the direction of Gorden Town (1,050 inhabitants). Almost 3 km behind Papine, the road crosses the river on a new, wider bridge. Immediately afterwards, less than 100 m further, a road branches off to Newcastle. Endless serpentines lead up the mountains through Irish Town. Behind Irish Town the asphalt surface of the steep road is partially washed out by the rain. You almost only come across army vehicles there that come from the training camp in Newcastle.

Newcastle was built in 1841 by General William Gomm as a garrison. Here in the pleasantly cool air of 1,200-1,300 m above sea level soldiers were treated with yellow fever. British troops were stationed there for over 100 years. After independence, the Jamaica Defense Force -JDF- took over the site. The main street runs across the parade ground, so it is closed to through traffic from time to time. From this place you can look down on Kingston.

The road is almost level in the further course and now leads through the eternal rainforest, also known as the elf forest because of the damp clouds, to Hollywell Park and further, past coffee plantations to a road intersection. This stretch of road, Hardwar Gap, is the highest stretch of road in Jamaica. At the Grande Ridge you cross the pass of the Blue Mountains at an altitude of 1,539 m. This stretch of road is often closed due to landslides after heavy rains. One way you can reach the north coast at Buff Bay, the other way you can get to St. Peters, Clydesdale and Content Gap on a bad road Mavis Bank drive. For this road you usually bring a four-wheel drive vehicle.

Coming from Kingston, if you do not turn off to Newcastle, but continue straight along the Hope River, you will soon reach Gordon Town. There the road crosses the Hope River again very narrowly. After a few kilometers uphill, on the left-hand side of the road is “Worlds End”, Ian Sangster's rum and liqueur factory. You can ring the doorbell there, visit your factory and shop. The further course of the road leads over Guava Ridge to Mavis Bank.

If you want to climb the highest mountain on the island, Blue Mountain Peak, you can continue to Mavis Bank Hagley Gap. From there a narrow road leads to it Whitfield Hall, it is only suitable for all-wheel drive vehicles. You can spend the night at Whitfield Hall. A relatively good but narrow footpath leads to the top of the mountain. Hikers should start shortly after 3 a.m., sturdy shoes, flashlights and warm, rainproof clothing are urgently needed. The air is very humid there, it drips from every tree. There can even be hoarfrost in December. You can then arrive at the summit around 6 a.m. There you have a fantastic view of the south and north coast of the island for a short time. Apparently it should be possible to see all the way to CUBA. By 8 a.m. at the latest, all the peaks of the surrounding mountains are shrouded in clouds.

getting there

Coming from Kingston, access is always via the Hope Road past the New Kingston locality and the university campus to the end of the Old Hope Road at the market place of Papine. Buses, minibuses and taxis stop at this bustling place. In a 90 ° bend you bend into the Gordon Town Road one that runs parallel to the Hope River to Gordon Town. Shortly before the district "The Cooperage" the street crosses the river on a new bridge. The district road branches off right behind the bridge B 1 left to Newcastle from. If you continue straight ahead, you come to Gordon Town. In Gordon Town if you cross the river again on a very narrow stretch of road, then you only go up the mountain in tight bends Mavis Bank.

Tourist Attractions

  • Cinchona Botanic Gardens. The Cinchona Botanic Gardens is difficult to access at 1,450-1,750 m altitude in the Blue Mountains, 6 km or a two-hour hike from Clydesdale away. In 1868 a plantation for Assam tea and Cinchona trees was created there. In 1874 a center for experimental botany was established there. The island botanist's residence, built in 1870, can be rented by the superintendent of the Botanical Gardens in Hope. The bark of the cinchona tree that was brought here from Peru contains quinine. In the last century this extract was used to fight malaria. After the cultivation of cinchona in India became cheaper, the project in Jamaica was discontinued. Tea cultivation also failed because of the better quality in Asia. Today you can also find Chinese cypresses, eucalyptus trees, rubber trees and cork oaks on the approximately 150 hectare site. For the maintenance of the plants 13 million Jamaica dollars were made available. The plantation house next to the main road in Clydesdale, on the other hand, is in disrepair. A mountain stream flows next to the house, which forms a small lake there. You can jump in (even naked) and take a cool bath.
  • Craighton Estate. Coffee plantation and Great House, 860 m above sea level. The plantation house was built in 1805 in Georgian style. Guided tours of 1 hour duration are possible by prior arrangement; the price is US $ 15.
  • Forres Park, Mavis Bank. Tel.: 927-5957. This is a 24 acre coffee plantation and a great bird watching spot.
  • Hollywell Recreational Park. Tel.: 920-8278. This 120 hectare landscape protection area is 3 km north of Newcastle. As a result of the altitude above sea level, this national park is mostly shrouded in clouds. As a result, this forest is a so-called, fairytale-like “elf forest” or rain cloud forest, an almost unique natural experience in the entire Caribbean region. Hiking trails lead from there to the Mammee River, Moodies Gap and Wag Water Valley. There is a restaurant and hiking trails through the rainforest. In three of the simplest huts you can have a barbecue and stay overnight on request. You can also camp there. There are 10 toilets, 4 showers and 8 grills. The condition is said to be rather bad.Price: Entry to the park costs US $ 5 for adults and US $ 2 for children.
  • Jablum Coffee Factory, Mavis Bank. Tel.: 977-8005, Fax: 977-8014. Open: Mon - Fri 9 a.m. - 11 a.m., 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.Price: Tours cost US $ 8.
  • Old Tavern Coffee Estate. Tel.: 924-2785, Fax: 924-2785. This 52 hectare coffee plantation at an altitude of 1,300 meters on the northern slopes of the Blue Mountains has been in the same ownership since 1972. A tour of the plantation is possible by appointment.
  • World's end. Tel.: 926-8888, 929-3564. Ian Sangster's liquor and rum factory can be visited Mon - Fri between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. There you can still enjoy the originally very hospitable atmosphere of the Jamaicans and the house in the Blue Mountains. Visits to the small factory and drinks samples are free.


Again and again you can find simple shops on the roadside where you can buy essential groceries such as bread, drinks and canned goods.

  • Cafe Blue, Irish Town. Tel.: 944-8918, Fax: 960-9877. Keepsake, cake.Open: Mon - Thu 9 a.m. - 6 p.m., Fri Sat 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.
  • Daley's Grocery & Tavern, Mavis Bank. Tel.: 977-8046. Food.
  • Jablum Coffee, Mavis Bank. Tel.: 977-8005, Fax: 977-8014.
  • The gap, Main road about 2 km after Newcastle. Tel.: 997-3032, 539-1771. Souvenir boutique.Open: Thu Fri 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sa Sun 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.


horse riding

  • Wildflower Lodge, Hagley Gap. Tel.: 929-5395.

Hiking / hiking guide

  • Wildflower Lodge, Hagley Gap. Tel.: 929-5395.
  • Whitfield Hall Hostel, Penlyn Castle, Hagley Gap. Tel.: 927-0986. Price: Guide: US $ 40.

Hiking trails

The numbering corresponds to the numbers on the overview map. The times given are approximate.

  • -1- Gordon Town - Holywell, 700 m ascent, 3.5 hours ascent, 3 hours descent
  • -2- Gordon Town - Content Gap, 550 vertical meters, ascent 2 hours, descent 1.5 hours
  • -3- St. Peters - Newcastle, 305 meters in altitude, ascent 2.5 hours, descent 2 hours
  • -4- Clydesdale - Cinchona, 365 vertical meters, ascent 1.5 hours, descent 1 hour
  • -5- Mavis Bank - Content Gap, 460 vertical meters, ascent 3 hours, descent 2.5 hours
  • -6- Mavis Bank - Whitfield Hall, 765 vertical meters, ascent 4 hours, descent 3 hours
  • -7- Whitfield Hall - Blue Mountain Peak, 1,035 meters altitude, 4 hours ascent, 3 hours descent


  • Cafe Blue, Main Street, Irish Town. Tel.: 944-8918. The café has a wonderful little terrace, highly recommended!Open: Tue - Thu 9 a.m. - 6 p.m., Fri Sat 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.
  • Crystal Edge Restaurant, Main Street, Irish Town, in the same building as Cafe Blue. Tel.: 944-8053. Caribbean, cheap.
  • Daley's Grocery & Tavern, Mavis Bank. Tel.: 977-8046.
  • Strawberry Hill Hotel, Irish Town. Tel.: 944-8400. Open: daily 7.30 a.m. - 10.30 a.m., 12 p.m. - 3 p.m., 6 p.m. - 8.30 p.m.
  • The Gap Restaurant, Main road about 2 km after Newcastle. Tel.: 997-3032, 539-1771. Fantastic view.Open: Thu Fri 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sa Sun 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.


  • Forres Park Guest House, Mavis Bank. Tel.: 927-5957, 927-8275 (Reservation Tel.), 44 (08701) 422 008 (England Tel.), Fax: 978-6942, 44 (08701) 422 992 626 (England Fax). 6 rooms and 3 cottages, restaurant, conference room for 60 people, TV room.Price: Prices: DR 70 US $.
  • Mount Edge Guest House, Milepost 16, Newcastle Road. Tel.: 944-8151, Mobile: 351-5083. Dormitory and room. Pick-up at Kingston Airport US $ 32, breakfast US $ 4.25, dinner US $ 8.50. Rooms with bathroom, shared kitchen, terrace. Bike rental: US $ 15 per day.Price: Prices all year round: bed in dormitory US $ 20, room US $ 40.
  • Scorpio Inn, Content, Mavis Bank. Tel.: 942-7912, Mobile: 477-9717, Fax: 942-7913. 14 rooms, restaurant, bar, souvenir shop.Price: Prices all year round: double room US $ 80, breakfast US $ 5, lunch US $ 8, dinner US $ 10 per person.
  • Starlight Chalet, Silver Hill Gap. Tel.: 929-7895, Fax: 920-4431. 17 suites. Transportation to and from Kingston: US $ 90, restaurant, exercise room.Price: Prices all year round: Suite 70-285 US $.
  • Strawberry Hill Hotel, Irish Town. Tel.: 944-8400, Fax: 944-8408. 16 cottages, restaurant, bar, pool, heliport, conference room, wellness center. Location: 20 km from Kingston at an altitude of 930 m.Price: Prices all year round: Cottage 295-775 US $.
  • Whitfield Hall Hostel, Penlyn Castle, Hagley Gap. Tel.: 927-0986. Large lounge with fireplace, library. There is no electricity and no hot water.Price: Prices all year round: 1 room with bathroom US $ 60, 7 rooms with shared bathroom US $ 15.
  • Wildflower Lodge, Hagley Gap. Tel.: 929-5394, 960-4871. 30 beds, 3 rooms and 1 cottage. A youth hostel-like house with a large dormitory, ideal for hikers. Reservation is required.Price: Prices: bed US $ 13, double room US $ 33, cottage US $ 55.



  • Mavis Bank Health Center, Green Valley, Mount Charles. Tel.: 942-7083.

Practical advice


  • National People's Co-Operative Bank, Mavis Bank. Tel.: 977-8010. Open: Mon - Fri 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.


  • Blue Mountains - John Crow National Park Office, Mavis Bank. Tel.: 977-8044. Open: Mon - Fri 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.


  • Gordon Town Police Station, Main Road. Tel.: 702-1870.
  • Mavis Bank Police Station, Mavis Bank. Tel.: 977-8004.


Web links

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