Bocon - Boconó


The city of Boconó, is located to the southeast of the Trujillo State, in Venezuela, it is the second municipality of the state in population and of economic importance. This city is also the capital of the homonymous municipality.

To get

The easiest way to get there is by land through the different transport lines that arrive at the Boconó Terminal.



Go to San Miguel

San Miguel is a small town located very close to the town of Boconó in the State of Trujillo, Venezuela. It is one of those places where it seems that time has stopped, where you can see the peasant carrying the mule with his load, the children playing marbles in the square and the women entering the church. This church of San Miguel is one of the oldest in the country, it was built in the 1600s and declared a National Historic Monument in 1960 to contribute to its preservation. The temple in honor of San Miguel impresses from the entrance due to its large wooden door and the immense padlock that still guards its interior at night.

Go to the Laguna de Los Cedros

Some believe that at the bottom of this lagoon there is a swamp of quicksand that would swallow you if you slip and fall into its depths. To others it always seemed like a large natural mirror placed there to reflect the clean vegetation that surrounds it. Whatever impression this lagoon gives, it is never the same if they tell you about it. Write it down and highlight it in yellow on your "to do" list, for when you visit the town of Boconó. Plan a barbecue day there or dare to take a polar bath in the Segovia stream, with its rising mountain water.

To buy

Boconó mushrooms

The Boconó municipality of the Trujillo State produces at least 80% of the mushrooms consumed in Venezuela, the Boconó Champiñones company has more than 30 years in the art of producing these mushrooms. The thing goes more or less like this: a soil fertilized with cow dung and other elements is created, bags are created that are placed in sheds, other components and vitamins are placed there and the fungus begins to grow for 40 days, it is pulled and put into bags to be distributed. The company as such does not exist and what is done in the structure now is to rent the sheds so that each one can produce individually.

To eat

Teresa's Chulas

This is how he placed this trujillana on some cookies that are made with panela. Delicious is the word that could describe them. They are toasted and sweet and even addictive because you can't stop eating the package. If you go to Boconó ask where is Sucre Avenue and there you will find an old house with tile roofs and a central patio. There three generations of women make these cookies and sell them to the public. They have the idea of ​​opening a cafe where people can sit and enjoy chulas with coffee and spend the afternoon.

To drink

Milkshakes La Paz

This lunchería is almost 60 years old in front of the Plaza Bolívar in the town of Boconó. Cakes, sweets and coffee were sold there. One day its owner came up with the idea of ​​offering a drink based on milk, artificial flavors and a little rum, as it turns out that this was the sensation and from that moment on the inhabitants of this town located about two hours from the city of Valera in Trujillo State passes almost daily to drink this thick and different colored smoothie. For tourists it is not strange either, and many arrive asked about the milkshakes. My favorite is the mantecado because it is sweet and tastes like vanilla, but there are those who prefer strawberry, chocolate or lemon, there are also coffee, grape, peach and mandarin.


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