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The Market Square (Marktplatz) and the Town Hall
The marketplace (Marktplatz) and The Town Hall
Postal code
53 ° 4 ′ 37 ″ N 8 ° 48 ′ 32 ″ E
Official site

Bream(Bremen) is a city ofGermany.


The city of Bremen was founded by Charlemagne in 787, it is located 66 km from the North Sea. It has 547,000 inhabitants.

To go

By plane

Flughafen Bremen Airport (BRE) it is located at 05 min tram (line 6) from the city center. (Flughafen station)

By train

If you arrive from Hamburg or go there the ticket at the Deutsche Bahn it's expensive : 20  the distance between the two cities is 100 km.


The city center is not very big, the best is to stroll there on foot. There are many trams crisscrossing the city.


The town hall, the cathedral and the municipal assembly
Schnoor district

The city center and its main square (Marktplatz) have been classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2004.

  • We can see the Roland statue sit at the foot of the 17th century Gothic Town Hall (Rathaus), you can recognize Flemish architecture.
  • Behind this huge facade is the statue of musicians from Bremen (reference to the Earl of the Brothers Grimm): A donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster. In many souvenir shops you will find gadgets and small booklets on this symbol of the city.
  • On the other side there is a large flower market
  • In the square itself, there is a manhole cover in which to slide coins and which produces animal sounds, this is what amuses the children.
  • Sögestrasse : the rue des porcs is the most dynamic pedestrian street in the city, at the entrance of this street, there is a funny sculpture of a man guiding pigs in the city to the sound of his horn.
  • Böttcherstraße
  • District of Schnoor


  • A large park surrounds the city, there is a pond with ducks and geese and great walks
  • The neighborhood Schnoor (to the east) is the oldest district of the city, these very narrow streets are very touristy.
  • theUniversum Science Center is a large science city north of BürgerPark. A lot of German schoolchildren come there.


Many clothing stores and souvenir shops can be found in the pedestrian streets of the center.


Middle class

On the quays of the Weser there are two large Viking ships serving as a restaurant.

Have a drink / Go out

Beck's is Germany's most famous beer, stop at one of the city's terraces to enjoy one in a large pint on foot.



  • Townside Hostel Bremen Am Dobben 62 (03 min walk from the center) Logo indicating tariffs beds from 19 . – everything has been thought out to guide you as a tourist in Bremen, on the walls there are guides to restaurants, clubs, places to stroll, on foot, by bike. On the top floor, a large, rather relaxing wooded balcony. Unlimited tea and coffee upon awakening.
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