Budapest-Balaton Route - Budapest-Balaton-Route

Bicycle route Budapest-Lake Balaton.

The Budapest-Balaton Route leads from Budapest from the west over the localities Biatorbágy, Alcsútdoboz. From here further south Lovasberény. Then it goes southeast to the Lake Velence and more west to after Székesfehérvár. To the Balaton if it is not far, the target is southwest Nádasdladány, Polgardi. On arrival is Balatonaliga not far.

Route profile

  • Length: 124 km
  • Signposting: available (smaller signposts), but it is better to carry a cycling map with you
  • Slopes: There are no bigger gradients
  • Path condition: good (mostly asphalt), also dirt roads
  • Traffic load: The cycle paths lead on roads, dirt roads, connecting roads, 2nd order trunk roads and partly on paved cycle paths.
  • Family suitability: Youngsters can also take part with adults, but bear in mind the possible summer heat.



  • Bring stamina and experience with the bike.

Suitable bike

  • Comfortable touring mountain bikes are recommended.

getting there

Public transport

The train drives from Germany to Budapest and national trains can be used from here if desired.

Route description with sights

Stage 1: Budapest / Törökbálint - Lovasberény - Székesfehérvár approx. 69 km

At Törökbálint started, the city is located about 17 km southwest of downtown Budapest. The first stage runs on a cycle path that is partly asphalted and partly on a dirt road west to Biatorbágy. At a connecting road also in a westerly direction via the municipality of Etyek to Alcsútdoboz. From here there is a 1st order trunk road continuing south via Vértesacsa to Lovasberény. In the direction of Lake Velence you should drive southeast via Nadap. Now the decision in which direction to continue, because it is possible to take the course further west via the municipalities of Sukoró and Kisfalud and stay in the northern area of ​​the lake to Székesfehérvár. Or drive on the southern side of the lake past Agárd, Dinnyés to Börgönd, from here then north to Pákozd. To get in Székesfehérvár To arrive, the path (partly on a paved bike path) leads west via Kisfalud.

Stage 2: Székesfehérvár - Nádasdladány - Polgárdi - Balaton approx. 38 km

At Lake Balaton.

The route leads south-south-west on a connecting road from the city towards Homokbánya and Úrhida. Here first north via Sárszentmihály further west to Nádasdladány. The next destination is south of the city of Polgárdi, then further south-west via the municipalities of Füle, Balatonfőkajár to Balaton. From here is the resort Balatonaliga Located about 5 km to the south, rentable rooms are also indicated by signs such as "Zimmer frei" or "Szoba kiadó".


References to literature and maps

Web links

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