Cattenom - Cattenom

Cattenom (German Kattenhofen, lux. Kettenuewen)
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Cattenom (German Kattenhofen, sometimes too Kettenhofen, lux. Kettenuewen) is a french City in Lorraine Department Moselle.



Cattenom is not far from the border triangle Germany-France-Luxembourg.


Cattenom came to the German Empire in 1871 as a result of the Franco-German War. Now that was in Kattenhofen renamed place part of the realm of Alsace-Lorraine. Kettenhofen was a German city until 1918, before the place and the rest of the Reichsland Alsace-Lorraine fell to France as a result of the First World War. For 22 years the place, now again called Cattenom, was now French, only to be attacked by troops of the now National Socialist German Empire and thus effectively annexed; Cattenom got its German name again. In 1944/45 the place was liberated by US-American troops and the city came back to France and got its old name again.

Cattenom today

The community is primarily known for its nuclear power plant. The third largest French nuclear power plant is only a few kilometers away from the border with neighboring countries Luxembourg and Germany

getting there

By plane

The airport is not far away Metz-Nancy as well as those abroad Luxembourg (L) as well as Saarbrücken (D).

By train

The Diedenhofen-Mondorf narrow-gauge railway existed during the German time of Cattenom. Cattenom was part of that connection back then Kattenhofen. In 1934, when Cattenom was already part of France, this line was closed.

The next train stations are in Thionville (11 km) and Koenigsmacker (5 km).

By bus

In the street

The D1 and the D56 run through Cattenom.

By boat


Map of Cattenom

Tourist Attractions




  • Galle Philomene, 1 Rue du Bac, 57570 Cattenom.
  • Pom'Canel, 4 Rue de la Republique, 57570 Cattenom.



In the neighboring village Koenigsmacker is the 2-star hotel restaurant La Lorraine, 28 rooms, free WiFi. There are other overnight accommodations in Thionville.


Practical advice


The official language in Cattenom is of course French. The older generation, however, speaks a Moselle-Franconian dialect; the dialect is very closely related to the Luxembourgish language.



Web links - Official website of Cattenom

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