Caven Island - Caven Island

Caven Island, (Ciata), is an underground region of the Antarcticwhich was discovered around 1780 by the English-American adventurer and scientist Patrick Caven.

Maps by Patrick Caven (1783)

getting there

Larger cave on the way to Caven Island

Access to Caven Island is only possible on foot. The entry point is in the Antarctic area. The exact location is currently being kept secret to protect the indigenous peoples.

You have to walk about 5-7 days on partly steeply sloping corridors.


  • On foot: Caven Island's well-developed road network is easy to get around on foot. However, the increased temperature of 35 degrees must be taken into account.
  • Schuros-Express: These horse-drawn carts run between all major settlements and cities in the country. The average travel speed is approx. 15 - 16 km / h.
  • Horse riding: The shuros also offer taxi service on their backs. This way of traveling is the fastest in Caven Island. The average travel speed is 30 km / h. However, this type of transport is significantly more expensive than the Schuros Express.
Note: If you complain about the comfort of traveling on the back of a shuro, you may take an involuntary bath (dropping into the water, if available).
The Schuros (horse people) are paid in Schockchas (fruits of the sequoia trees) or in valuable stones (precious stones, diamonds, etc.).


Sera Region (Desert Land) - Dry land on the banks of the Chia Ches (Lake Main). The cave ceiling cannot be seen due to the haze

The Caven Expedition from 1780 - 1783

After many trips around the world, there was still an open travel destination for the English-American adventurer and natural scientist Patrick Caven: Antarctica:

The rhetorically gifted Caven finally managed to get funders excited about his idea of ​​an Antarctic expedition. The aim was the search for mineral resources.

However, he did not find anything. Due to unfavorable weather conditions, his expedition ship had to hibernate in the Antarctic unplanned. During this time, according to the records found by Caven in 1995, the Unteridische Reich was discovered and partially explored.

The world did not believe what he learned at that time. It was believed that he wanted to use the fairy tale to distract from his failure in the search for natural resources. Back then, Caven took his groundbreaking discoveries with him to the grave.

It was not until 1995 that local researchers expelled Tennessee on Caven's records. They were found in the estate of today's descendants of his.

The Caven Foundation's first trip

After the documents were found, a privately financed expedition set out to Antarctica in 2000. The expedition was officially carried out for reasons of climate research. The aim was also to avoid any media interest, since no reliable information about Caven Island was available. If the discovery is successful, it should also be kept secret for the time being (protection of the country).


After several more trips, an agreement was reached with the council (consisting of representatives of the shuros and khintaja) to slowly open the country to the surface. The Caven Foundation had previously made it possible for representatives of the Chintaja to visit the "upper world" as "tourists". The true origin of the travelers was kept secret. Translators were also trained.

On the basis of these reports, the council concluded the above-mentioned agreement. Selected tourists from the upper world are therefore allowed to visit Caven Island with travel guides (for more see section Entry).

About the name Caven Island

The explorer himself called the cave world "New Antarctica". In memory of the discoverer, the Caven Foundation is named after Caven Island. This term was used by many participants in the Caven Expedition as early as 1782. By the way, the locals call Caven Island Ciata.


Seat of government of the council assembly in Hun Taja (Trees Town). It is "night" right now
  • Chintaja: the indigenous people call themselves Chintaja. The Chintaja have reached the level of an early high culture. You have a font. Caven described the Chintaja as "Neanderthal-like scholars". The people operate a high degree of division of labor. The invention of the wheel is well known. Metal extraction and processing is also mastered (copper and iron are known).
  • Shuros: These are horse people (centaurs), look similar to those as they are also depicted in human culture. The Centaurs speak the same language as the Chintaja. They mostly work in the transport industry, in shipping or as farmers. Some schuros can also be found in the intellectual elite of Caven Island.

fauna and Flora

  • Abundant flora i.a. With:
    • Mushrooms - reach heights of up to 10 m. The "tree mushrooms" have luminosity
    • Sequoias - similar to the well-known trees in California. However, the trees reach heights of over 250 m and also have luminosity.
  • Wildlife: - unavailable

Regions and places

View of Hun Taja. You can see the city at the end of the dark cycle (in the red twilight of the trees before the start of a new day cycle).

Note: The English names are from the Caven Expedition. They are recorded in Patrick Caven's map series (see above).

  • Hun Taja (Trees Town) - Capital of the cave realm. The city is located in the middle of a large forest.
  • Hun Hara (Main Harbor) - Ship connections to Rocky Horn, Spring Island and Rocky Sund
  • Sera (Desert Land) - Dry land in the southeast corner of the cave. Here is the access to the earth's surface
  • Hun Sera (Rocky Horn) - port of the dry land.
  • Hun Lory (High Village) - settlement in the western highlands. The ore deposits are located here. The ore is processed on site.
  • Hun San (South Fields) - Rest Area on South Street; arable farming is practiced
  • Hun Ek (West Bay) - rest area on North Street; beautiful sandy beach on Lake Main

Tourist Attractions

Waterfalls on Spring Island, the island of eternal spring
  • cave - The cave is up to 15,000 m high. In the central region between Trees Town and Spring Island, the ceiling is mostly not visible due to clouds.
  • Thor Chan ("Great Forest") - The forest is in the western half of the great cave. The natural forest consists of only one type of tree, the up to 250 m high sequoia trees; relatively high brightness through the trees, which, however, fluctuates every 20.35 hours (= one chintaja cycle or "day")
  • Hun Taja ("Trees Town") - capital of the cave realm. The city lies in the middle of Thor Chan, the great forest. The cone towers, which define the architecture of the city, are worth seeing. Hun Taja is a spiritual center with government and educational institutions.
  • Chia Ches ("Lake Main") - Largest lake in the cave realm, there is a lot of shipping traffic. Great brightness due to the many algae in the water.
The blue eye of Chosja
  • Chosja (Spring Island) - the island of "eternal spring" is located in the middle of Lake Main. Thanks to the high levels of rainfall, the island has a dense vegetation cover with a lot of brightness. There is the only river in the cave on the island. The waterfalls are worth seeing here. The blue eye is a shrine worth seeing. Bathing is strictly forbidden here. The island is also a "holiday destination" for the Chintaja, especially from Trees Town. There are some nice beaches.
  • Chia gate ("Lake Lory") - Small lake in the highlands west of the great forest, only grassy vegetation and twilight.


  • Day and night: There is no day and night in Caven Island. The light comes from vegetable sources. Many species of plants on Caven Island emit light - from the algae in the water to the sequoia trees. In areas with little ground vegetation, only the light from the ceiling plants on the cave ceiling is available.
  • Weather cycle: Water continuously evaporates through the warmer cave floor. Fixed clouds form on the ceiling of the cave. These rain down about every 3 days (according to Chintaga time). The precipitation period lasts between 4 - 6 hours, depending on the region. This weather cycle is most pronounced on the spring island. Here there is more rain due to the large amounts of evaporation (cycle 10 hours of dryness; 3 hours of rain).
  • day and night in the big forest: Due to the light cycle of the sequoia trees there is a kind of night here. However, this still has a twilight.
  • Overpressure: is present in the cave. However, due to the slow descent (on 5 - 7 days) the healthy, human body can adapt to it.
  • Temperature: about 35 degrees Celsius.


  • Common currencies are "valuable stones" (precious stones, diamonds, etc.).
  • The Schuros sometimes also accept the fruits of the sequoia trees as payment for their transport services (see also the section on mobility).


If, despite all the prejudices about Patrick Caven, you would like to visit this unique region in the world, please contact the “Patrick Caven” foundation, which manages the discoverer's legacy.

Note: According to the current agreement with the Grand Consul of Caven Island, only selected travelers are allowed to enter the cave realm. If you are interested, please contact: visit ((at))

Requirements for the visit are:

  • complete application documents: The Caven Foundation randomly checks the personal details of those interested in traveling, untrue information leads to immediate and permanent exclusion from the application process.
  • good overall health Proof of medical examination, the doctor will be provided by the Caven Foundation, the examination is free of charge for those interested in travel.
  • Travel expenses and contract: The traveler does not incur any costs. For this, however, the travelers must contractually agree to be available for public appearances by the Caven Foundation. Here the travelers should report on their impressions. The aim is for the people and residents of Caven Island to slowly get to know and respect each other.
  • Concealed arrival: The journey from the South Atlantic Ocean has to be covered in an inner cabin. Possession of compass, maps, cell phones and GPS devices is prohibited on the trip (demand of the Caven Island Council)

Web links

  • - Official website of the Cavenstiftung (English) with application documents for the trip.
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