Châu Đốc - Châu Đốc

Châu Đốc
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Châu Đốc is a Vietnamese City in An Giang Province im Mekong Delta.

getting there

In the street

  • Tịnh Biên (border crossing to Cambodia): The best way to cover the 10 kilometers is by moped taxi.
  • Ho Chi Minh City: All day long, minivans leave the central market. ($ 3 per person)

By boat

from Cambodia

  • Phnom Penh complete by boat: There is a daily boat connection with Cambodia's capital. The journey takes about 5 hours (departure from Phnom Penh: around 2:00 p.m.) and costs $ 15.
  • Phnom Penh By bus and boat: A pick-up for KHR 10,000 takes you to Neak Loeang. You can take a boat to the border (KHR 10,000)
  • Châu Đốc: The best way to cover the distance between Chau Doc and the border is by moped taxi.

Capitol Guesthouse and Neak Krorhorm Travel offer the tour after Châu Đốc in the package at ($ 7-8).


Tourist Attractions








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