Chani tis Kokkonas - Chani tis Kokkonas

Chani tis Kokkonas or Chani Kokkonas is an archaeological site in Tempe valley in northern greece Thessaly.


Chani tis Kokkonas

As part of the construction work on the Tempe Valley section of Autobahn 1, ruins of a Greek - Hellenistic sanctuary and a Byzantine basilica were excavated here in 2008/2013 and made accessible to visitors in 2016/7.


Cybele temple

It was already in antiquity Tempe valley used for transport connections, in particular the sanctuary at its east end, from which every eight years laurel branches were cut by a youth and transported to the sanctuary of Apollo Delphi was brought back.

In the middle of the breakthrough valley of the Pineios there was a Hellenistic sanctuary from the 4th century. BC, in which Cybele, a chthonic deity of mother earth, and Artemis were worshiped. At the time of the Macedonian wars between the Macedonians and the advancing Romans, the sanctuary was abandoned.

From the Byzantine period, in which a traffic route between Thessaloniki and southern Greece through the Tempe valley led, comes a basilica and a building that was probably used as a hostel by travelers.


The archaeological site is in Tempe valley at the foot of the Ossa massif

getting there

  • 1 Chani tis Kokkonas: the archaeological site is on the south side of the through the Tempe valley leading country road EO1 and is only accessible when you are out Larisa otherwise you have to turn around at the next exit and drive back, as a double safety line forbids turning when approaching from the north. The archaeological site can be viewed and accessed from a parking lot via a fence if a guard is on site, otherwise the key can be obtained in the prefecture in Larisa be concerned.
From the autobahn A1 off is the archeological site Not reachable.

Fees / permits

Access is free, if no guard opens the gate to the archaeological site, you can either look over the fence or get the key from the prefecture in Larisa to get.


The small archaeological site is quickly traversed on foot, theoretically the paths are wheelchair accessible (barrier-freebarrier-free) so that the gate is open.

Tourist Attractions

Cybele temple
Byzantium. hostel
  • From the Greek Hellenistic sanctuary was found in the 4th / 3rd century. v. Built smaller 2 temple. Here was a marble relief with a representation of the mother of the gods Cybele and a sound fragment with a representation of the Artemis were. The natural sanctuary was probably abandoned during the Roman - Macedonian wars.
  • In the immediate vicinity there were ruins of 3 workshops from the Hellenistic period with a kiln, chisels and stone carvings that have been started and various graves.
  • From Byzantine times, from 10/11. Century found a foundation walls 4 basilica with three apses.
Carefully laid out graves from the Byzantine period were found in the area. destroyed, a gold coin from the Latin crusader kingdom of Jerusalem was found in a grave.
  • A little to the west of it, probably on what was then the thoroughfare, was a two-story building 5 building, which was probably used as a hostel ("Byzantine Inn").


  • Allow around 30 minutes to visit the archaeological site.

Shopping / kitchen

No meals are offered on site.


Accommodation options are available in the next localities.




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