Kharkiv - Charkiv


WARNING: Due to the security situation, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs advises against all travel to the peninsula for the time being Crimea and the regions Donetsk and Luhansk as well as from unnecessary trips to the Kharkiv region.

Weapon & Flag
Kharkiv - Weapons
Kharkiv - Flag
Official website

Kharkiv (Ukrainian: Харків), also known by the Russian name Kharkov (Харьков), is the second largest city in Ukraine.

Planning before the trip

To take with you to Kharkiv

You do not need to bring anything special, "Everything" can be bought except for special Swedish products such as licorice, snus and crispbread.

If you bring prescription medicine for personal use, you should bring a written certificate from a doctor, issued in English, to show up at customs on arrival in Ukraine.

You can bring foreign currency into Ukraine worth $ 10,000.

To take with you from Kharkiv

Ukrainian / Russian vodka and champagne. Makeup and copy products; DVD, CD, MP3, watches, sportswear, shoes etc. Tobacco products are much cheaper in Ukraine than in the Nordic countries.

Facts about Kharkiv

Kharkiv has 2 million inhabitants and is located in the northeastern part of the country, where the rivers Kharkiv, Lopan and Udy flow together. The function as a railway junction is of great importance, as is the mechanical industry, with the manufacture of, among other things, tractors, engines, turbines and other industrial equipment. Kharkiv is also significant as a cultural center, thanks to universities, colleges and artistic institutions. The city is the capital of Kharkiv Oblast.


Kharkiv was founded around 1650 and in the middle of the 18th century became the capital of Russian Ukraine. The university was founded in 1804. Industrialization during the second half of the 19th century led to a sharp increase in population and social tensions. The city became a stronghold of the Ukrainian national movement, and during the revolution of 1905 there were violent riots in the city. Between 1920 and 1934, Kharkiv was the capital of the Ukrainian SSR. During World War II, the city was captured and liberated several times by both German and Soviet troops. The city was severely damaged during the fighting, but was rebuilt into an important industrial center after World War II.

The locals

Although Ukrainian is Ukraine's only official language, Kharkiv is a Russian-speaking city. Some residents speak so-called surzhyk a mixed form of Ukrainian and Russian.

The locals are usually very nice and helpful. The older part of the population speaks almost only Ukrainian and Russian, while the younger part speaks English somewhat better. Never be afraid to ask, with gestures. Although only a few can speak English, the few who can are usually very good.

As sex tourism is unfortunately widespread in the big cities, one can, as one comes, perform inconveniences in the form of glopord and poor treatment from the locals.


Getting to Kharkiv

By plane

Aerosvit flies from Arlanda to Kiev. From there, trains and buses go to Kharkiv.

By bus

It is possible to buy bus trips to Kharkiv from all major cities in Ukraine.

By train

There are trains to Kharkiv from most major cities in western and central Ukraine.

With car

If you travel to Ukraine in your own car, you must be able to present a valid driving license and the car's registration certificate from the Swedish Road Administration. If you have full insurance, you should check that it covers travel in Ukraine. If the Swedish insurance does not cover Ukraine, it is possible to buy extra car insurance from the border police, which will be valid in Ukraine. It can also be good to have assistance insurance if the car breaks down. You must bring your insurance certificate. Traffic is a problem in Ukraine; the road network often does not meet western standards and one cannot be sure that all vehicles have reflectors and functional lights. The traffic police are also happy to fine cars that are registered abroad for no extra reason. For drivers, zero percent alcohol consumption applies. However, drunk driving is not uncommon. For these reasons, driving after dark should be avoided. Always park the car in a guarded parking space. The increasing private motoring has in recent years led to a shortage of parking spaces and an increasing number of accidents.

With bike

Relocation in Kharkiv

By bus

Kharkiv has a large number of privately operated minibus lines (marsjrutki) that make it easy to get around the city during the day. At night, all public transport stops and you are referred to take a taxi.

By train

Metro is in Kharkiv

With car

see: Getting to Kharkiv.

By taxi

Taxis in Ukraine are really cheap by Swedish standards, but since local transport works flawlessly, it is really unnecessary. If you still want to take a taxi, you should watch out for private taxis without taximeters. Make sure they turn on the taximeter and do not try to drive because they forgot to turn it on and try to give an estimated price.

With bike

The traffic is hectic and cycling is not recommended.


Acceptable currencies
  • Hryvnia (URH) - You can not exchange in advance so take any. with dollars in cash (new banknotes), but exchange these in one of the many exchange offices. However, it is safer and easier to use ATMs. Before leaving Ukraine, it is recommended to exchange your Ukrainian hryvnia back into foreign currency, if you do not want to keep them as souvenirs.
Charge card
  • Never expect them to accept debit cards, but rather withdraw money at ATMs.
  • There are a large number of ATMs where Swedish Visa and MasterCard work. Not all work but try in different vending machines.
Money transfers

Money transfers from Sweden are handled in emergency situations quickly, e.g. through Western Union, if the money is deposited in one of their places of business in Sweden.





Hostel and camping

Food and drinks

Ukrainian food is very much characterized by vegetables such as potatoes, cabbage, beets and mushrooms cooked together into a vegetable soup. Meat that is either cooked or steamed is often served. Chicken is a popular dish. Many more expensive restaurants serve more southern European food than actual Ukrainian food, so if you want to experience Ukrainian cuisine, the best way is to visit a Ukrainian family. In Ukraine, excellent wines are made and a lot of vodka is also drunk.




Pubs and bars

To see

To do






Mobile telephony

Ukraine's mobile telephony system is well developed. Prepaid cards can be bought in many places, the most common being Life and Kyivstar, but check it may pay to have the same operator as those you intend to call in Ukraine.

Internet cafes


The electrical voltage is 220 V. Electrical appliances used in Sweden can also be used in Ukraine. The electrical voltage can sometimes change markedly and a large change can destroy appliances. For valuable devices, it pays to buy a special voltage equalizer already in Sweden.


Ukraine is a relatively safe country for tourists, but is still a poor country. Anyone who walks alone in dark places risks unnecessarily much. Intoxication and wrong company increase the risk of getting bored. You should not show the entire contents of the plan book when shopping and avoid showing valuables and your wealth in public.

No compulsory vaccinations are required for entry into the country. However, travelers are advised to review their polio, tetanus and diphtheria vaccinations as well as protection against hepatitis A. Blood transfusion should be avoided.

All water that you intend to drink, brush your teeth in or make ice cubes from should be boiled before using it. In shops and kiosks you can buy clean water in bottles.


Problem solver

Emergency number

  • Fire Brigade 101
  • Police 102
  • Ambulance 103

Embassy of Sweden in Kiev

Ivana Franka St. 34/33, 3rd floor, 01901 Kiev. Tel: 380 44 494 4270, fax: 380 44 494 4271, e-mail: ambassaden.kiev@foreign.

Embassy of Ukraine Stockholm

Stjärnvägen 2 A tr.6, 181 33 Lidingö. Tel: 46 8 522 28 401, fax: 46 8 522 28 411, e-mail: [email protected]


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