Chemin des Dames - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Chemin des Dames — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Ladies' path
PKW aus Zusatzzeichen 1048-10.svg
Near Braye-en-Laonnois
Near Braye-en-Laonnois
49 ° 26 ′ 35 ″ N 3 ° 42 ′ 37 ″ E

The Chemin des Dames is located in the department ofAisne.


The Chemin des Dames owes its name to the elegant daughters of Louis XV who once walked it. They could not imagine that in 1917, it would be the site of an incredible and unnecessary butchery due to the failure of General Nivelle's offensive. This small road follows the limestone ridge that separates the Aisne valley from that of the Ailette between Chavignon and Craonne, it is dotted with monuments and stelae which perpetuate the memory of the hairy regiments which were mown down by German machine guns in April-May 1917.

To go

By car

  • from Soissons: take the RN2 towards Laon, turn right to 3 km before Chavignon.
  • from Laon: take the RN2 towards Soissons, turn left at 3 km after Chavignon.
  • from Reims: take the RN44 towards Laon, one kilometer after Berry-au-Bac turn left to Pontavert then Craonne


The road surface is very good and the visibility relatively good. Be careful when parking your vehicle on the side of the road, prefer the equipped parking lots. Ride slowly near groups of visitors.


Numerous landscaped viewpoints and information panels to situate the battle in the landscape. The photos on display show the incredible upheaval of the terrain after the bombings:

  • 1 Old Craonne Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (north-east of the "new village" of Craonne) – Monument classified or registered as historical monuments in France Craonne is located between the German lines and the French lines: the village is completely destroyed by the bombardments. You can still see the entrances to the cellars, the foundations of the church.
  • 2 Vauclair Abbey Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Monument classified or registered as historical monuments in France Superb Cistercian abbey in the middle of the forest. The building was also the victim of the bombardments. Nice place to have a picnic. Many walks from the site.
  • Sculpture by Haïm Kern. “They did not choose their burial place”. This work pays tribute to the combatants whose bodies remain buried in the earth of the California plateau. Bronze sculpture of 1,6 t and of 4 m top flight on .


  • The Chemin des Dames museum: the Dragon Cave
  • 1 Dragon cave Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Monument classified or registered as historical monuments in France Museographic space installed in a cave which accommodated the French and German fighters. The guided tour lasts h 30. Provide woolen: the ambient temperature is 12 ° in winter and summer. Superb panorama over the Aisne valley.

Nearby: 9 giant sculptures in homage to Senegalese Tirailleurs, 1 The Constellation of Pain Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element by Christian Lapie.



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Complete list of other articles from the region: Aisne