Chimborazo (Province) - Chimborazo (Provinz)

The province Chimborazo lies in the Sierra (Highlands) of Ecuador.



Other goals

  • Chimborazo (6,267 m, animal sanctuary): the highest mountain in Ecuador has long been considered the highest mountain in the world, the summit is the highest point from the center of the earth and thus also the closest point on earth to the sun.


The province of Chimborazo has an area of ​​5,600 km² and around 430,000 people live here.

The province is named after the Chimborazo volcano, the highest mountain in Ecuador at 6,267 meters.

Around 60 percent of the total area of ​​Chimborazo Province is officially designated as wasteland or desert. The province is considered to be the poorest region in Ecuador. It is predominantly rural with only a few larger cities and has the largest proportion of Indians in the population, around 80% of the population in the country are Indian Puruhaes.

The farming families live on the edge of the subsistence level: they usually only have small areas of around one hectare in total for cultivation, and the soil is not very fertile because of the erosion from wind and rain as a result of deforestation. The indios of the region often only have to flee to the big cities of Ecuador and a cultural uprooting as a result.


getting there


Tourist Attractions






Comments on the climate in the Sierra generally see the corresponding section;


Web links

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