Khiva - Chiwa

Khiva; Xiva / Хива
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Khiva (Uzbek Khiva; also Khiva) is an ancient oasis city in the west Uzbekistan. The city has about 55,000 inhabitants and has a well-preserved, closed inner city that is car-free. The city is located on the Silk Road and in the Khorezm oasis (Uzbek Xorazm) not far from the Amu Darya River.


The Sultanate of Khiva (the old Khorezmia Empire) was independent under different rulers from the 7th century until it was incorporated into the Tsarist Empire in the second half of the 19th century. The fortifications of the often contested city were last destroyed in 1740. Contemporary travelers had little positive to say about the prevailing despotism and lack of civilization.[1] The inner city and fortress, which have been preserved from Islamic times, are worth seeing.

The old town has been standing since 1990 Itchan-kala as a world cultural heritage under the protection of UNESCO. For this reason, an entrance fee is charged for this area, but this is a flat-rate fee for entry to almost all sights. One- and three-day tickets are sold at the city gates, the photo permit costs extra. (The tickets are not personalized, so "used" cards from other tourists can be used.)

getting there

Getting there is usually about the near Urganch respectively. The border crossing to is near Turkmenistanwhere the city Daşoguz (formerly Ташауз / Taschaus) the starting point for the UNESCO World Heritage Site Konye-Urgench forms.

By plane

The nearest airport is that of Urganch (UGC; 41 ° 35’01.85 ’’ N; 60 ° 38’30.55 ’’ E), about 35 km away. Information ☎ 226024025.

By train

The nearest train station is Urganch, around 30 km away. Information ☎ 2204197. There are connections to 1200 km away Tashkent, the comfortable night trains (pair of trains No. 55/56) run three times a week. A pair of trains serves Bukhara (from Friday evening) and Urgench (from Saturday) in summer[2]

By bus

The journey time from Urgench is around 40 minutes. Long-distance buses from Bukhara (Avtovoksal) take 6-8 hours. In the opposite direction you leave Khiva from the west gate Ota Darvoza (41 ° 22'37.1 "N, 60 ° 22'15.8" E). The bus ride from Tashkent, from the Hippodrome, takes about as long as a train ride, 20 hours, but is significantly cheaper.

In the street

Shared taxis to the north gate of Khiva drive in Urganch at dynamoStadium. With four passengers, the fare should not be more than 6000 som

From / to Turkmenistan

The border crossing at Yablykangly to Turkmenistan, accessible from Urganch by taxi for around US $ 1, is open during the day. At least two hours should be scheduled for handling.

The bridge between Midzhigur in Turkmenistan and Gazavat in Uzbekistan, which spans the canal a few kilometers further south, is closed as a border crossing.

By boat

The type of desert ship available in Khiva.


Skoda trolleybus.

From Urganch to Khiva (north gate Bakhcha Darwase) the last trolleybus line in Uzbekistan runs every half hour during the day and covers a distance of 31.5 km. The connection between the train station and the airport, which was only opened in 1997, was closed again in 2010.[3]

There are no taxis in the old town.

Tourist Attractions

Khiva Fortress (2011).
Museum of Ancient Khorezmia.
Ota Darvoza west gate and Kalta Minor minaret.

The entire old city located within the old city walls is worth seeing.

  • 1  Kalta Minor. The minaret Kalta Minor, Begun in 1852, it was supposed to be the highest in the Islamic world at seventy meters, but it was only 26 m.
  • 2  Madrasah Muhammad Amin Chan. Right next to the Kalta Minor is the Madrasah Muhammad Amin Chan which was built between 1852 and 1855. It measures 80 m by 60 m and is the largest Koran school in Khiva. Today it is in the madrasah Orient Star Hotel (see below).
  • 3  Islam Khodja. Koran school with a beautiful minaret.
  • 4  Juma mosque. 10th century mosque (entrance fee). The hall (55 x 46 m) is supported by 213 wooden columns decorated with carvings. The minaret can be climbed.
  • Tash-Hauli Palace (Toshhauli)
  • Isfandiyar Palace
  • Madrasah Kutluq Murad Inaq
  • East gate
  • Madrasah Allakuli Chan
  • Bagbany mosque
  • Pahlav by Maxmud. The Pahlawan Mahmud mausoleum from the 17th century. is also an important pilgrimage site.
  • Ko'xna Ark. The former ruler's seat Kuhna Ark. The foundations of the fortress (130 x 90 m; 9 m high walls) at the west gate date from the 12th century. Opposite is that Mohammed Rakhim Khan-Koran School on the square of the same name. Also nearby is the one richly decorated with colorful tiles Muhammed Amin-Coran school from the 1850s.


Walk on the partially restored city wall.


The bazaar is located directly on the eastern city wall. There is a kind of department store in the catacombs. It can be extremely difficult (especially in the evening) to find a working ATM and to get reliable information about which card is accepted in which hotel ATM. It is better to take plenty of cash with you.


  • Shuvit Oshi, Pasta colored with dill and served with a thick (lamb) broth.
  • Mampar is the local variant of Uzbek Laghman.



Middle class

  • 1  Alibek B&B, Rahmanov Str. 17 (with rooftop restaurant). Tel.: 998 (62) 375-51-73. Price: Double US $ 20 (w. Fr.); US $ 10 for bogus OVIR registration for non-resident residents.
  • 2  Mirza Boshi B&B, Pahlavan Mahmud St. 1 (2 minutes walk from Ota Darvoza Gate.). Tel.: 998-902248205. Price: In the old building, bed in a 4-man room: € 10, single / double room in the new building from € 20 (with CHF).
  • Meros B&B, A. Boltaeva St. 57. Tel.: 998 (62) 3757642. Price: Single US $ 25; Double US $ 35 (w / w).


  • The Malika chain operates three hotels on site (Malika Khiva,Kheivka and Khorezem), all of which cost around US $ 70 per double, including breakfast.
  • Orient Star, Pachlavan Makhmud Str. 1 (5 minutes from the west gate; within the converted Koran school Muhammed Aminkhan, the 61 rooms are the former cells of the students). Price: Single (seasonal) US $ 55-65; Double US $ 65-85.


Practical advice


  • Ruins of ancient, mud brick fortresses in the surrounding area: Toprak Kala (41 ° 55 ′ 38 ″ N, 60 ° 49 ′ 23 ″ E) Ayaz Kala (42 ° 0 ′ 35 ″ N, 61 ° 1 ′ 38 ″ E) and Anka QKla.
  • The desert areas of the dried up Aral Sea at Moynaq can be reached with a change in Urgench and Nukus, from there they are 200 km and a two-and-a-half hour drive away.
  • The generally difficult visa situation and the strictness of customs controls in the region make spontaneous excursions close by Konye-Urgench impractical.


Besides the general Uzbekistan travel guides, historical travelogues are of interest.

Web links

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  1. See e.g. Vámbéry, Ármin; Sketches from Central Asia; Leipzig 1868 (Brockhaus)
  2. [1] (since May 2014)
  3. Trolleybuses in Urgench