Southern Chile - Cile meridionale

Southern Chile
Puerto Montt 4.JPG

Southern Chile (Zona Sur de Chile) is a touristic-geographical region of the Chile.

To know

In the summer, the area receives many tourists especially from Chile and its neighbor Argentina. Among the fauna stands out "Huemul" a large deer and the Chilean condor also of above average size. Both animals appear in the national coat of arms. The Chilean puma, also more robust than its kin in California, has been brought to wildlife reserves to protect it from extinction. In the past it was decimated by local ranchers for its bad habit of eating sheep and goats

Geographical notes

The valleys between the coastal range and the real Andes are at lower altitudes than in the rest of the country, close to sea level. The rivers that run through them coming down from the mountains form many lakes, some very large. Some of the emissaries that drain the waters of the lakes directly into the ocean are navigable such as the Rio Calle Calle near the city of Valvidia. In this section the central valley ends in the vast gulf of Ancud.

Lakes are the main attraction of the region. Their beauty is due to their color that varies from blue to turquoise and also to the extraordinary alpine setting in which they are located, with the snow-capped peaks of the Andes in the background. Their tributaries then form numerous waterfalls descending from the Andes. The vegetation made of ferns is a lush green. In spring we witness the spectacle of trees in bloom and the fields are covered with wild flowers of all kinds.

When to go

The South is one of the wettest areas on the globe, especially during the winter months of July and August. The months in which rainfall is less frequent are January and February. Temperatures are mild: in summer they are around 16.7 ° C, in winter around 7.9 ° C.

Territories and tourist destinations

Southern Chile is divided into four administrative regions:

Urban centers

  • 1 Concepción - Capital of the Bío Bío region.
  • 2 Panguipulli - City of Los Ríos.
  • 3 Pucón - City of Araucanía and seaside resort on the shores of Lake Villarrica.
  • 4 Puerto Montt - Capital of the Los Lagos region and most important city in southern Chile.
  • 5 Puerto Varas - City of Los Lagos on the shores of Lake Llanquihue.
  • Puyehue - At the foot of the homonymous volcano.
  • 6 Temuco - Capital of the Araucanía region.
  • 7 Valdivia - Capital of the Los Ríos region on the Calle-Calle river.
  • 8 Villarrica - City of Araucanía.

Other destinations

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table

The environment is ideal for raising cattle. In the area of Osorno milk, cheese and butter are produced in abundance. The rivers abound with fish, especially salmon and trout.


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