North Korea - Coreia do Norte

Flag of North Korea.svg
Basic information
Governmentsocialist republic
CurrencyNorth Korean Won (KPW)
Area120,540 km2
Population23,113,019 (est. July 2006)
ReligionBuddhists, Confucians and Atheists
Electricity220V/50Hz (European standard outlet)
phone code 850
Internet (not used)
Time zoneUTC 9

North Korea is a country of Far East.


North Korea regions


Other destinations



To arrive

To obtain information, such as visas, the North Korean embassy in Brasília should be sought. SHIS QI 25, set. 10, house 11, Lago Sul, Brasília - DF, 71660-300, (61)33671940, [email protected], from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

By airplane

Of boat

By car

By bus/bus

By train/train


Stop hand.png
DO NOT attempt to enter illegally across the border. North Korea is known for extremely severe punishments that include forced labor for those who attempt to enter illegally. There is also the ever-present threat of land mines and tanks.

Visiting North Korea can be challenging, and you won't have the freedom to explore the country without a North Korean guide, either as part of a group or individual trip. South Korean citizens are generally not allowed to visit Korea North. In addition, there were many reports of difficulties with Israelis, Americans, British and Japanese. In January 2010, North Korea lifted restrictions for US citizens who are now free to visit any time of year - but they are not allowed to travel by train (especially train to Beijing) and participate in exchange programs. Contrary to reports, Israeli citizens and Jews did not face additional restrictions. Citizens of all countries need a visa, which will only be issued after the trip is booked, approved by the North Korean authorities and paid for. Journalists (or those suspected of being journalists) need special permission, which is a bit difficult to get. North Koreans do not allow journalists to visit the country on a tourist visa. A North Korean specialist travel agency can help you resolve complex ever-changing regulations. North Korea will rarely in practice refuse a visa to a tourist who meets the standards.

By airplane

Of boat

By car

By bus/bus

By train/train



With the

drink and go out







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