Southern Costa Rica on the Pacific - Costa Rica meridionale sul Pacifico

Southern Costa Rica on the Pacific
Corcovado National Park

Southern Costa Rica on the Pacific is a coastal region of the Costa Rica.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

Southern Costa Rica on the Pacific includes the entire southern territory of the Puntarenas province, up to the border with the Panama, and part of that of San José.

  • Osa Peninsula - Separated from the mainland by the Gulf of Dulce, the Osa Peninsula is largely occupied by the Corcovado National Park, wrapped in a dense jungle of difficult access. Off the bay is there Isla del Caño, a destination for underwater sports enthusiasts.

Urban centers

Other destinations

How to get

The Osa peninsula can be reached by one of the ferries that connect Golfito on the mainland to Porto Jimenez or, more comfortably and quickly, by embarking in San José on a Sansa plane. [1] to the airport on the Drake Bay.

How to get around

What see

What to do

One of the best places in the world for sea fishing.

Numerous lodges specialized for fishing and ecotourism.

At the table


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